Hey Everyone,

Instead of trace trawling with the routes_onerror variable, in routes.py 
I'm trying to get it to route if an invalid application, controller or 
function is passed. The app part of the uri might be right, but the 
controller is not so re-route kind of deal. All I get is a standard H1 
error spitting out.

This is what I have:

routes_onerror = [
    (r'*', r'/app/static/error.html')

error_handler = dict(application='app',

Plus I've updated the error_message with some html code wrapped in 
tripple quotes for the last resort.

I can get a uri like such: http://localhost/this to be re-routed, but if I 
do something like this http://localhost/app/this/that it doesn't work. The 
app name is right but the controller or function is wrong. 

looking forward to the response.



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