I have a web2py app that has been running very well on Google App
Engine (which also contains actual client's data).

However, when I first deployed this app, I did not realize that in
order to backup and synchronize the data, I needed to include a
modified_on and uuid field on all my models.

I just changed the data model (on my development server) to include
these fields and have tested this on both web2py with sqlite, GAE's
dev server and a test app (which is nearly identical to the production
app) which is also running on GAE.

Additionally, I also exported all the tables from the production app
as individual csv files by way of web2py's appadmin.

I also see that the web2py book includes an example for a script to
export the entire database as one file:
I have included these functions in the appadmin for my development
apps, and found I am able to export the data for the new models just

I would now like to migrate the legacy data into the new model but I
am unsure as to the procedure I should follow.

Does anyone have any suggestions for how I should best proceed?
Massimo, do you know if there are any seasoned programmers who would
be willing to field my questions as I work through this process... and
would this be a question for the experts4solutions group?

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