I have a 2 part question I am rather new to web2py, I am trying to
merely generate several drop down forms of the unique values for a
field.  I have accomplished this but feel there is a better way to do
so, if you see a better way feel free to comment.  Second I want to
take these values and perform a db search returning the db rows/values
that match such query, but I can't seem to get the session vars to
work correctly. Or is there an alternate method that would work
better?   In the example below I am merely trying to display the
values I am getting from the drop down but it does not seem to work.
db.define_table('aa', Field('name'),
Field( 'color','string',label ='color'),

def index():
    bla = session.vars
    return dict(message=T('Hello World'),var = bla)

def formtry():##this works,  I could not get the IS_IN_DB version to
display the fields correctly so i used the SET version

    from sets import Set
    ra = db().select(db.aa.color, distinct=True)
    SA = Set()
    for row in ra:
    ##ra = db().select(db.aa.color, distinct=True)

    ##form = SQLFORM.factory(SQLField('color', label='Select a
service'), requires=IS_IN_DB(db,'aa.color'))
    form = SQLFORM.factory(
    Field('color', requires=IS_IN_SET(SA)))
    if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
        response.flash = 'form accepted'
        redirect(URL('index',vars ={'bla' :request.vars}))##I want to
take this variable and perform a search and return the values on
another page for instance index, does anyone see  a way to do that?
I've tried a few different formats
    return dict(form = form,vabla = session.vars)

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