Hi there,

1. I am working at my first mobile website recently. At first I spent 
(quite) some time to know and download the hard-to-find 
web2py.plugin.jqmobile.w2p, then I realize the main resource I need is just 
its views/plugin_jqmobile/layout.html, so it comes to an idea. Why not just 
pack that tiny layout file inside the default scaffold app as 
views/jqm_layout.html? (Attached in this post)

2. And then it is so easy to use it. Just {{extend "jqm_layout.html"}} 
instead of {{extend "layout.html"}} in your view files. I will also suggest 
one step further. Change the first line of generic.html from:

    {{extend "layout.html"}}


    {{extend response.layout or "layout.html"}}

This way developers can easily switch into two (or even more) layouts on 
demand by defining a proper response.layout, yet still backward compatible.

Will this go into trunk?

Title: {{=response.title or request.application}}


{{block header}} {{if not auth.user:}} Login {{else:}} Logout {{pass}} {{=T("Home")}} {{end}}
{{if response.flash:}}
{{pass}} {{if response.menu:}}
  • {{=T("Main Menu")}}
  • {{for _ in response.menu:}}
  • {{=_[0]}}
  • {{pass}}
{{pass}} {{include}}
{{block footer}} powered by web2py - @2011 {{end}}

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