I am trying to build a table from a joined set of db tables and need to do 
quite a bit of processing to make the links and buttons in each row. Making 
the code readable is important to me so I do not want to put one giant long 
line of code to do everything and make it impossible for another person to 
make changes without breaking it for hours on end. I am not sure a 
one-liner is possible with all the looping anyway.

So what I do is build up each row in a loop and concatenate the strings 
together. I then build the thead and tbody and stick it all in a table 
using the TABLE helper. The TABLE helper and the TBODY helper both see that 
I do not have the TR helper as inputs and so it adds the <tr><td> making my 
table incorrect. I also tried putting the THEAD and TBODY inside the TABLE 
helper directly, but the TBODY does the same thing and still screws it up. 

Is there any way to suppress the TR requirement, or fix it to see that my 
XML object passed contains the required <tr> instead of assuming that since 
I didn't use the helper it is needed? I dug around in the code a bit to see 
if I could find it and make a change, but alas I am just a hack and all I 
could find in the code was the TABLE class and not where any of the code 
actually does anything. If someone could point me to that code I would have 
a look at it.

Is there some other way to workaround this still using the helpers that 
doesn't involve building the entire thing in one giant hodge podge of code 
that is impossible to read?

Here is my python in the controller that builds the table HTML:

#these three lines are static, but in my code the looping that builds them 
is pretty complex eventually with form elements, javascript, and links
htmlrows="<tr><td>row 1 desc</td><td><a href='#'>row 1 
htmlrows+="<tr><td>row 2 desc</td><td><a href='#'>row 2 
htmlrows+="<tr><td>row 3 desc</td><td><a href='#'>row 2 

htmltablehead=XML(THEAD(TR(TH('Column 1'),TH('links'),TH('column 3'))))

and then finally in the view I have this:


This is the output of the table and the orange and red are screwing up the 
rendering by the browser.

<table class="pure-table pure-table-bordered">
<tr><th>Column 1</th>
<th>column 3</th>
<tr><td>row 1 desc</td><td><a href='# 
<https://plc-labs.net/welcome/default/index2#>'>row 1 link</a></td><td>a
<tr><td>row 2 desc</td><td><a href='# 
<https://plc-labs.net/welcome/default/index2#>'>row 2 link</a></td><td>b
<tr><td>row 3 desc</td><td><a href='# 
<https://plc-labs.net/welcome/default/index2#>'>row 2 link</a></td><td>c

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