
I have a SQLFORM.grid, where I wanted some buttons to do different things, 
and to look different based on the status of the entities being reported in 
the grid.

Here's what I did for one of them:
     links = [            
            dict(header=T('Running'),body=lambda row: testslot(row.
            lambda row:
              args=[row.id,syss.url[row.currentslot], syss.text[row.
currentslot], db.e5system, row.currentslot])

So the button can look red or orange, or green, because I populate some 
lists and use the values , 
syss.text is the text for the button
syss.buttonClass is the class to be used and so on. I call this at the 


My syss object then has these instance lists I can use to get the statuses 
of my rows. It ends up looking like:

So that's great, I get a start button for stopped systems, and a stop 
button for started ones.

Problem seems to me though, it's not very scalable or readable.

Is there a better way for me to do this? To make a decision, on my next 
button, it needs the 'id' from the table, and make some decisions.

Ideally, I'd like something similar to this:

            lambda row:
                SPAN(_class="icon stop icon-stop glyphicon glyphicon-stop")

where the systemStatus() def would fill in the middle bit, but I can't get 
that to work:

def fixstatus(sys):
    return ',"Unfinished",_class="button btn btn-warning",_title="Unf 

Could I return the whole thing from A( to close ) from a function?

I tried that, but I just got a table cell with the actual text 
A(SPAN(_class etc ... ) in it.

Am I expecting too much from the grid?

I like how it looks with the button I have coded right now, but it does 
seem unwieldy, there must be a better way!

Thanks group

p.s. Just a thanks to web2py developers, this is a top product, really 
enjoying working with it.

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