I'm trying to generate a pdf with the bundled pdf generator (fypdf)
from withing a .load file that is loaded into a div.

Outside the cid div (i.e. extension .html)  the download works fine
but from within the .load, the contents get rendered into the cid
target, never downloading to the user.

How can i download a generated file from within a cid ?

            print "request.function+request.extension:",

            #tmp_pdf = f.render('invoice.pdf', dest='S')
            attachment = 'attachment;filename=invoice.pdf'
            response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = attachment
            response.extension ='pdf'
            #response.cid =''
            #response.ajax = False
            content = f.render('invoice.pdf', dest='S')
            return f.render('invoice.pdf', dest='S')#response.stream(content)

Another similar problem is blog headlines that are generated from a
feedburner javascript within a .load / cid and never render, while
they render perfectly outside (.html). Maybe these two problems are

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