After upgrading to 2.3.2, my custom user registration breaks. I have 
auth_user password encoded as follows in my user's model:
    Field('password', 'password',
        requires=[CRYPT(), IS_LENGTH(512, 6)],

During registration, I create the register_form like so in my controller:

    register_form = SQLFORM.factory(
            Field('password2', 'password',
                label=T(Verify password'),

During form acceptance, the form is validated by this:

def validate_registration(form):
    if form.vars.password != form.vars.password2:
        form.errors.password = form.errors.password2 = T(
            'Passwords do not match')
    return form

The problem is the passwords aren't the same. I'm assuming the problem is 
the requires=CRYPT(), which actually encrypts the password twice, producing 
two different results for password and password2. How would I  get CRYPT() 
to product the same result for both passwords? Do I need to pass in the 
hmac_key or salt? Or not run CRYPT() at all?


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