Hello guys,

Attracted by web2py dev possibilities I couldn't resist ;-) But
unfortunately deployment is a whole other story and I'm having major

So after a struggle I got web2py to run on lighttpd, then discovered
that, as I didn't set any SSL, I couldn't access the admin interface.

So I'm trying to use an ssh tunnel :
ssh -L 9090:localhost:80 root@

After that I can see the demo app at localhost:9090 but every single
click on the "Admin interface" button on the right of the demo app end
up with :

on the browser side :
"Internal error
Ticket issued: admin/__1.2012-01-28.23-18-18.cf854d0b-a8f7-4ef8-bd28-

on the terminal side (the terminal which started a bash script
starting the fcgihandler.fcgi ) I got this :
ERROR:web2py.cache:corrupted file /home/www-data/web2py/applications/
admin/cache/cache.shelve, will try delete it!

Interesting fact : each time I try to click on the "admin panel"
button from the browser, a new "ERROR:web2py.cache:corrupted file /
home/www-data/web2py/applications/admin/cache/cache.shelve, will try
delete it!" is displayed on the terminal.

What am I doing wrong ?

Thanks a lot,


PS : the file got deleted automatically each time but I still can't
access the admin panel

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