Ok great! Thanks for the advice.
I already made the changes so I already don't depend on having to make a 
request with migrate=True.
I tested it and it works ok: from my main application I connect to the 
secondary app's database and I use .executesql() to make the changes I need 
before upgrading the app's code.

One more question: should I run the app once with fake_migrate=True? 
After manually performing the database migration and updating the app's 
code, it works great. I mean, the database migration involved creating and 
deleting some table fields, those changes were made using .executesql(). 
After that, I updated the app's code, including models/db.py which already 
has those changes in its definitions. At this point, although the 
application works great, the files inside /databases/ folder are not up to 
date. So, should I run the app one with fake_migrate=True? Or I don't need 
it anymore as I'm going to perform manually database migrations from now on?

Thanks in advance!
Best regards,

El martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023 a la(s) 10:06:52 UTC-3, Carlos Correia 

> Às 11:34 de 28/11/23, Lisandro escreveu:
> Hey there!  
> I have several web2py apps running, and one of them acts as the main one, 
> taking care of mantainance and upgrading the apps when needed. Sometimes 
> the upgrade requires a database migration.
> All the process is controlled by the main app, which takes the app that 
> needs to be upgraded and does this:
> 1) Puts the app in maitenance mode (this is, returns http 503 to any 
> requests that doesn't come from localhost)
> 2) Upgrades the app's code.
> 3) Sets migrate=True
> 4) Uses requests module to perform a GET so the migration is done in the 
> database app.
> 5) Sets migrate=False
> 6) Reactivates the app to serve any request.
> The problem I,
> 'm facing with this technique is that some migrations take a lot of time 
> (sometimes because there is a lot of changes, some other times because it's 
> a small change in a really big database). In this cases, using requests to 
> perform a GET isn't ideal because it hits the timeout (a normal timeout set 
> for any http request).
> Is there any way to perform the database migration from outside the app 
> where the database is defined that doesn't involve using http requests?
> Thanks in advance!
> Warm regards,
> Lisandro
> -- 
> Resources:
> - http://web2py.com
> - http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
> - http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
> - https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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> .
> Hi,
> With complex databases I recomend using a SQL script or executing the 
> required SQL commands from Web2py, via db.executesql(), in particular in 
> the case theres is also data changes associated.
> Regards,
> Carlos Correia
> =========================
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> e-mail: ge...@memoriapersistente.pt
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