On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:02 AM, LB22 wrote:

> I appreciate the responses Fran, but I don't, I still feel like
> there's something crucial missing here, something that I'm missing.
> I'm sure it shouldn't be this difficult (I have done simple domain
> redirects in the past). It would be a lot easier if I could routes.py
> url rewrites to work as I expect. Either way, with routes.py, or
> apache mod_rewrite, I'm pretty stuck. I just want to get this working
> one way or another.
> So, coming back to routes.py, if I do:
> routes_in(
> ('/func','/app/control/func'),
> )
> routes_out()
> Should this work? I'm trying to understand why it doesn't.

The routes.py rewriter implicitly wraps your pattern in ^pattern$, so  
at a minimum you probably want to catch any arguments that follow / 
func. For that matter, your pattern won't catch '/func/'. So you might  
want something like




(I'm sure that the issue with the trailing slash has a more elegant  
solution, but I haven't found it yet. Hence my earlier question about  
routes.py debugging.)

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