Hello everybody!

I am developing using directly to Mysql. For testing with some scripts, I 
was using python interpreter and  defining only tables that it was needed. 
But I have a problem today, when I went to appadmin to check some data, I 
lost the tables, I mean, I had 18 tables and passed to have only 2 and 
these two were not being used in python interpreter.
I had similiar problems in the past but I droped the table directly in 
phpmyadmin and I thought because of that I missed something between DAL and 
mysql, but now, I just was using appadmin and DAL in python interpreter.
As I did in that time, I created another database in mysql trying to use 
appadmin to create the tables again. It just created the same of two tables 
that I said.
I turned to try to use SQLite and again, only these two tables, but I 
changed nothing in the table definition.
I created another project and copied objects, I mean, model, controller, 
view one by one and used Sqlite. Now, the tables where created normally. I 
did not change anything in models.
I thought I had something wrong in models, but, after to create another 
project and copied all objects one by one, the application became to run 
My intention is to use Mysql in Pythonanywhere. My afraid is to have this 
problem in production environment. 

Thanks your supporting.

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