Hello all,

I have the following SQLFORM.smartgrid defined.

form = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.customer, linked_tables=['address', 'sheet', 
                             searchable= dict(customer=True, address=False, 
                             create=True, paginate=20, maxtextlength=60, 
                             db.customer.last_name, db.customer.phone, 
db.customer.email, db.customer.left_handed,
                             db.address.address1, db.address.address2, 
db.address.city, db.address.state_province,
                             db.address.postal_code, db.sheet.title, 
db.sheet.created_by, db.sheet.created_on,
                             db.sheet_archive.id, db.sheet_archive.title, 

Which produces the table with the following links to other tables.

My problem is, 'Sheet archives' is only related to 'Sheets', so I only want 
that link to show up on the 'Sheets' page.  Any ideas?

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