
I am trying to upload files via the Welcome appadmin in the Static files 
section, but the uploads are failing with "Cannot upload file <filename>"

I have now traced this in Pycharm and it is failing on the call to the 
count_lines method in the admin\controllers\default.py 

In the debugger I see the message "AttributeError: 'dict" object has no 
attribulte 'len'"

Admin\Controllers\default.py : 

Upload_file method calls count_lines method with the data from the file


data variable contains :

b"from pyspark.sql.functions import udf\r\nfrom pyspark.sql.types import 
IntegerType, StringType\r\n\r\n\r\n@udf(IntegerType())\r\ndef 
to_celsius(temp):\r\n    if isinstance(temp, int):\r\n "


def count_lines(data):

return len([line for line in data.split('\n') if line.strip() and not 


*Error Message :*

AttributeError: 'dict" object has no attribulte 'len'

Note: I have tried this with multiple text and binary files.  

I am working in a Winows environmet and using python 3.6

Web2py : Version2.18.5-stable+timestamp.2019.

Did we set something up incorrectly, or is this a bug in web2py ?

Thanks in advance,


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