Here is an interesting read for the community.

The money quote is: "The reason to write fancy frontends isn’t because it’s 
faster (it’s not), it’s to decouple use actions from pageviews."

Enter a new term for at least my vocabulary: isomorphic rendering. 

While isomorphic rendering is bleeding edge at the moment, if the modern 
web app development winds are shifting, it begs the question as to whether 
embracing client-side frameworks is just keeping up with the Jones and if 
there is not a real opportunity to re-invent web2py in a more profound way. 

A criticism, fair or not, is web2py has not really moved forward other than 
incremental improvements. I personally would prefer to keep development in 
one ecosystem as much as possible. As cool as Vue.js is, it would be super 
cooler (and a better use of developer time) to see gluon extended to 
support client-side forms, views, data-tables, visualizations, local 
databases, database synchronization, dish washers, coffee makers and floor 
sweepers to be declared in web2py / python to produce client-side JS. 
Transpiling in small blocks is fine, but there are other ways it might be 

Embrace JS frameworks or radically rethink gluon (or is that not 
practical)? Thoughts? 

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