I am looking at Massimo's my_forum app. in function definition I have:

def do():

    id, method = request.args(0,cast=int), request.args(1)

    if method == 'report':


        return 'reported'

    if method == 'like_it' and (DEBUG or auth.has_membership('moderators')):

        like = db.liked.insert(liked_by=auth.user.id)

        query1 = (db.auth_user.id == db.liked.liked_by);

        all_likes = db(query1).select(db.auth_user.first_name);

        db(db.post.id==id).update(reported=False, like_it=True,banned=False)

        return 'liked'

Basically, its a facebook like "like" that I want to replicate.


How to return the pydal field object from controller along with the string 

all likes is : <pydal.objects.Field object at 0x0000000009D8E438>

My model file is:

                Field('thread', 'reference thread'),
                Field('liked_on', 'datetime', default=request.now, 
readable=False, writable=False),
                Field('liked_by', 'reference auth_user', readable=False, 

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