[web2py] Re: admin IDE for general use

2018-11-18 Thread Val K
Glad to help you, Lucas!
 $35 for the server with pg is really cool!

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[web2py] Re: admin IDE for general use

2018-11-18 Thread lucas
oh, and btw, I have the whole server running off of a $35 Raspberry Pi 3b+, 
with PostGreSQL 9, Web2Py 2.17.2, and Nginx.  I tricked the wifi of my 
institution to let the raspberry access and even though its a local 
address, students can access their code and view their results from 
whatever device in the classroom.  cool, right?

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[web2py] Re: admin IDE for general use

2018-11-18 Thread lucas
alright, thank you for your help.  I've broken it down to its most basic 
level and its damn working.  I'll post the essentials here.  remember this 
is for a class to teach them the basics of programming.  yeah, fun 

under the DAL I setup a simple table to store the code:
Field('input_datetime', 'datetime', writable=False, readable=False, 
requires=NE, default=datetime.datetime.now()),
Field('modified_datetime', 'datetime', writable=False, readable=False, 
requires=NE, default=datetime.datetime.now()),
Field('user_id', db.auth_user, requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.auth_user.id, 
%(first_name)s (%(id)s)'), default=(auth.user.id if auth.is_logged_in() else 
None), label='User', writable=False, readable=False),
Field('title', length="36", requires=NE, comment="title of the project 
Field('description', length="256", requires=NE, comment="description of 
the project code"),
Field('source_code', 'text'),
Field('share_code', 'boolean', default=('T' if auth.has_membership(
'Administrator') else 'F')),
format = '%(input_datetime)s')

under the controller, I have two functions:
def project():
response.title = T("Python Project")
pid = mcp.request_to_int(request.args[0], None)
if (pid is None):
pid = db.code.insert(share_code=(True if auth.has_membership(
'Administrator') else False))
redirect(URL(c="default", f="project", args=[pid]))
sCode = db(db.code.id==pid).select().first()
if (sCode.user_id <> auth.user.id):
return dict(form="Error: User can only edit their own code.")
frm = SQLFORM(db.code, record=pid, showid=True)
if auth.has_membership('Administrator'):
e = frm.element('input#code_share_code')
return dict(form=frm)

def ajaxSaveProject():
#return "%s" % request.vars
id = mcp.request_to_int(request.vars.id, None)
title = request.vars.title
description = request.vars.description
source_code = request.vars.source_code.strip()
share_code = mcp.request_to_boolean(request.vars.share_code)
#return "%s" % locals()
modified_datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
return False
return response.json(locals())

AND, finally, under the view, which is the most important:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}

{{block head}}

div#form { border: 0px solid red; background-color: #fff; }
table { width: 100%; }
td { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; line-height: 24pt; border: 0px solid 
gray; }
input[type=text] { margin: 1px 0px; padding: 1px 4px; }
input[name=title] { max-width: 160px; }
input[type=checkbox] { position: relative; margin: 2px; padding: 0px; }
button#save { height: 20px; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; 
line-height: 6px; }

var editor;
jQuery(function() {
jQuery('button#save').click(function(obj) {
console.log('button clicked');

function doClickSave() {
var data = editor.getValue();
jQuery.post("{{=URL(c="default", f="ajaxSaveProject")}}", { 'id':jQuery(
'p#pid').html(), 'title':jQuery('input#code_title').val(), 'description':
jQuery('input#code_description').val(), 'source_code':data, 'share_code':
jQuery('input#code_share_code').prop('checked')}).done(function(t) {
jQuery('td#msg').html('saved: '+t.modified_datetime);

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.version: '+jQuery.fn.jquery);
//console.log(jQuery('nav').height()+' ___ '+jQuery('footer').height());
editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code_i"), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: { name: 'python', version: 2, singleLineStringErrors: false, 
indentUnit: 4,
indentWithTabs: false,
tabSize: 4,
lineWrapping: true
CodeMirror.commands.save = function() { doClickSave(); };
//console.log(jQuery(window).height()+" ___ 
"+jQuery('div#form').offset().top+" ___ "+jQuery('div#form').height()+" ___ 
editor.setSize(jQuery(window).width() - 36, jQuery(window).height() - (
jQuery('div#form').offset().top + jQuery('div#form').height()) - jQuery(
'footer').height() - 12);



Project Title:{{=form.custom.widget.title
}}Share Code?{{=form.custom.widget.
share_code}}Save All

source_code.strip() if (form.custom.dspval.source_code is not None) else "# 
-*- coding: utf-8 -*-\nimport mcp\n\ndef index():\n\treturn BODY(\"testing 
1 2 3\")"}}


[web2py] Re: admin IDE for general use

2018-11-15 Thread Val K
Have a look at the manual at CM site. You don't have to do any DOM 
manipulation, CM does all that stuff. There are setValue and getValue 
CM-functions that you need to put the text into and get it back from the editor 
at any time. 

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[web2py] Re: admin IDE for general use

2018-11-14 Thread lucas
well, I know that web2py is reading a py/txt file and uploading that into 
CodeMirror when the page is loaded to be edited under admin.  then when 
saved it writes it back to the file to update it.

I'd like to get the py/txt from a text field in PostgreSQL table.  and then 
when its saved, it will update that text field in the PG table.  can that 
be done with a web2py object or method that emulates the admin/CodeMirror 
without having to recreate all of the divs and textareas etc that I see 
when I inspect the admin code editor under safari or Firefox?

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[web2py] Re: admin IDE for general use

2018-11-14 Thread Val K

>  I'd like to be able to store and manage their code (text) as a text field 
> under PostgreSQL ...

 ... bring them to a default listing of their previous or current code 
> projects, click on a project or start a new project ..

What do you mean under the code project - web2py app or just a python file 
with 'hello world'? And how does these files will be run  - unpacked from 
PG to somewhere on the disk and just run?  
What does it mean 'output as standard HTML'?

I can help you with client-side, but I don't figure out what your back-end 
will look like

On Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 7:04:43 PM UTC+3, lucas wrote:
> ok, I see that CodeMirror is the base editor.  is there a web2py api of 
> some sort that would allow us to inject whatever code, from whatever 
> source, and then save and send that updated code to whatever source?  so 
> that the entire functionality of our web2py editor is still the same and 
> working even with different set, get, and save methods?  Lucas

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[web2py] Re: admin IDE for general use

2018-11-14 Thread lucas
ok, I see that CodeMirror is the base editor.  is there a web2py api of 
some sort that would allow us to inject whatever code, from whatever 
source, and then save and send that updated code to whatever source?  so 
that the entire functionality of our web2py editor is still the same and 
working even with different set, get, and save methods?  Lucas

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