Title: [206001] trunk
2016-09-15 16:13:56 -0700 (Thu, 15 Sep 2016)

Log Message

[media-source] web-platform-test/media-source/mediasource-remove.html test failing

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


Fixes test: web-platform-test/media-source/mediasource-remove.html

The mediasource-remove.html test was failing in a number of ways:

- Tests with invalid start or end times were not throwing the correct exception
  code, or not throwing exception codes at all

- Tests were showing an incorrect start buffered range at the beginning of each test.

- Tests which removed samples were not getting the expected buffered values at the end
  each test.

For the exception failures, update the implementation of abort() and remove() to throw
the correct exceptions at the correct times.

For the incorrect initial buffered range, update our buffered calculations to store
individual PlatformTimeRanges on each TrackBuffer, and coalesce them into a single
value when an append operation completes, a remove operation completes, or when the
MediaSource's ready state changes.

For the incorrect buffered ranges after removal, this is caused because the "samples"
that make up an audio track are actually a collection of a large number of individual
samples.  So when we are asked to remove media data in a given range, break these audio
meta-samples into two pieces at the removal points. This allows the removal algorithm
to operate on a individual audio sample basis. (We should look into using this technique
when audio samples are evicted during an append operation.) This requires adding some
methods to MediaSample and it's concrete subclasses to "divide" a sample into two at
a given presentation time.

Fixing these behaviors, however, breaks the media-source-end-of-stream-buffered.html
test, which expects the buffered range for the entire element to expand to the maximum
buffered time of any of the element's MediaSource's active sourceBuffers. To fix this,
update the MediaSource's monitorSourceBuffer() implementation to match the current
specification. The new spec no longer queries the individual SourceBuffers, but rather
queries the already coalesced buffered ranges. So move the helper methods hasCurrentTime()
hasFutureTime(), and canPlayThrough() up into MediaSource from SourceBuffer. Also, update
seekToTime, since it has the same problem as monitorSourceBuffer().

However, this breaks the media-source-monitor-source-buffers.html test, which appends
10s of movie data instantaneously, then never appends again. The SourceBuffer's
monitorBufferingRate() method only re-evaluates the rate after data has been appended,
so the SourceBuffer thinks it's buffered data at a prodigious rate forever. Instead,
allow the SourceBuffer to continuously re-evalute it's buffering rate by modifying the
exponential moving average so that the co-efficient scales based on how frequently the
method is called. Call the method more often, and the moving average changes less quickly,
and it means that when media is stalled out at the end of a buffered range, the readyState
of a video element will eventually drop to HAVE_CURRENT_DATA when the average buffering
rate falls below the level where playback would continue uninterrupted.

* Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.cpp:
* Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.h:
* Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.cpp:
(WebCore::currentTimeFudgeFactor): Deleted.
(WebCore::SourceBuffer::hasCurrentTime): Deleted.
(WebCore::SourceBuffer::hasFutureTime): Deleted.
(WebCore::SourceBuffer::canPlayThrough): Deleted.
* platform/MediaSample.h:
* platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.cpp:
* platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.h:
* platform/graphics/avfoundation/MediaSampleAVFObjC.h:
* platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaSampleAVFObjC.mm:
* platform/mock/mediasource/MockSourceBufferPrivate.cpp:


* platform/mac/TestExpectations:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2016-09-13  Jer Noble  <jer.no...@apple.com>
+        [media-source] web-platform-test/media-source/mediasource-remove.html test failing
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161950
+        Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
+        * platform/mac/TestExpectations:
 2016-09-15  Zalan Bujtas  <za...@apple.com>
         ASSERTION FAILED: willBeComposited == needsToBeComposited(layer) in WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::computeCompositingRequirements

Modified: trunk/LayoutTests/platform/mac/TestExpectations (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/LayoutTests/platform/mac/TestExpectations	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/LayoutTests/platform/mac/TestExpectations	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -1052,6 +1052,7 @@
 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-endofstream-invaliderror.html [ Pass ]
 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-multiple-attach.html [ Pass ]
 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-play.html [ Pass ]
+[ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-remove.html [ Pass ]
 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-sourcebufferlist.html [ Pass ]
 # Flaky Media Source tests
@@ -1061,7 +1062,6 @@
 # Newly failing Media Source tests
 webkit.org/b/161725 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-append-buffer.html [ Failure ]
 webkit.org/b/161725 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-is-type-supported.html [ Failure ]
-webkit.org/b/161725 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-remove.html [ Failure ]
 webkit.org/b/161725 [ Yosemite+ ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/media-source/mediasource-sourcebuffer-mode.html [ Failure ]
 # These two tests have "InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): The object is in an invalid state." in output.

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -1,3 +1,89 @@
+2016-09-13  Jer Noble  <jer.no...@apple.com>
+        [media-source] web-platform-test/media-source/mediasource-remove.html test failing
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=161950
+        Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
+        Fixes test: web-platform-test/media-source/mediasource-remove.html
+        The mediasource-remove.html test was failing in a number of ways:
+        - Tests with invalid start or end times were not throwing the correct exception
+          code, or not throwing exception codes at all
+        - Tests were showing an incorrect start buffered range at the beginning of each test.
+        - Tests which removed samples were not getting the expected buffered values at the end
+          each test.
+        For the exception failures, update the implementation of abort() and remove() to throw
+        the correct exceptions at the correct times.
+        For the incorrect initial buffered range, update our buffered calculations to store
+        individual PlatformTimeRanges on each TrackBuffer, and coalesce them into a single
+        value when an append operation completes, a remove operation completes, or when the
+        MediaSource's ready state changes.
+        For the incorrect buffered ranges after removal, this is caused because the "samples"
+        that make up an audio track are actually a collection of a large number of individual
+        samples.  So when we are asked to remove media data in a given range, break these audio
+        meta-samples into two pieces at the removal points. This allows the removal algorithm
+        to operate on a individual audio sample basis. (We should look into using this technique
+        when audio samples are evicted during an append operation.) This requires adding some
+        methods to MediaSample and it's concrete subclasses to "divide" a sample into two at
+        a given presentation time.
+        Fixing these behaviors, however, breaks the media-source-end-of-stream-buffered.html
+        test, which expects the buffered range for the entire element to expand to the maximum
+        buffered time of any of the element's MediaSource's active sourceBuffers. To fix this,
+        update the MediaSource's monitorSourceBuffer() implementation to match the current
+        specification. The new spec no longer queries the individual SourceBuffers, but rather
+        queries the already coalesced buffered ranges. So move the helper methods hasCurrentTime()
+        hasFutureTime(), and canPlayThrough() up into MediaSource from SourceBuffer. Also, update
+        seekToTime, since it has the same problem as monitorSourceBuffer().
+        However, this breaks the media-source-monitor-source-buffers.html test, which appends
+        10s of movie data instantaneously, then never appends again. The SourceBuffer's
+        monitorBufferingRate() method only re-evaluates the rate after data has been appended,
+        so the SourceBuffer thinks it's buffered data at a prodigious rate forever. Instead,
+        allow the SourceBuffer to continuously re-evalute it's buffering rate by modifying the
+        exponential moving average so that the co-efficient scales based on how frequently the
+        method is called. Call the method more often, and the moving average changes less quickly,
+        and it means that when media is stalled out at the end of a buffered range, the readyState
+        of a video element will eventually drop to HAVE_CURRENT_DATA when the average buffering
+        rate falls below the level where playback would continue uninterrupted.
+        * Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.cpp:
+        (WebCore::MediaSource::seekToTime):
+        (WebCore::MediaSource::currentTimeFudgeFactor):
+        (WebCore::MediaSource::hasBufferedTime):
+        (WebCore::MediaSource::hasCurrentTime):
+        (WebCore::MediaSource::hasFutureTime):
+        (WebCore::MediaSource::monitorSourceBuffers):
+        * Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.h:
+        * Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.cpp:
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::abort):
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::remove):
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::abortIfUpdating):
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::removeCodedFrames):
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::sourceBufferPrivateDidReceiveSample):
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::updateBufferedFromTrackBuffers):
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::canPlayThroughRange):
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::monitorBufferingRate):
+        (WebCore::currentTimeFudgeFactor): Deleted.
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::hasCurrentTime): Deleted.
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::hasFutureTime): Deleted.
+        (WebCore::SourceBuffer::canPlayThrough): Deleted.
+        * platform/MediaSample.h:
+        * platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.cpp:
+        * platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.h:
+        * platform/graphics/avfoundation/MediaSampleAVFObjC.h:
+        * platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaSampleAVFObjC.mm:
+        (WebCore::MediaSampleAVFObjC::isDivisable):
+        (WebCore::MediaSampleAVFObjC::divide):
+        * platform/mock/mediasource/MockSourceBufferPrivate.cpp:
 2016-09-15  Zalan Bujtas  <za...@apple.com>
         ASSERTION FAILED: willBeComposited == needsToBeComposited(layer) in WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::computeCompositingRequirements

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.cpp (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.cpp	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.cpp	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
 void MediaSource::seekToTime(const MediaTime& time)
     // 2.4.3 Seeking
-    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/media-source/media-source.html#mediasource-seeking
+    // https://rawgit.com/w3c/media-source/45627646344eea0170dd1cbc5a3d508ca751abb8/media-source-respec.html#mediasource-seeking
     m_pendingSeekTime = time;
@@ -221,25 +221,21 @@
     // Run the following steps as part of the "Wait until the user agent has established whether or not the
     // media data for the new playback position is available, and, if it is, until it has decoded enough data
     // to play back that position" step of the seek algorithm:
-    // 1. The media element looks for media segments containing the new playback position in each SourceBuffer
-    // object in activeSourceBuffers.
-    for (auto& sourceBuffer : *m_activeSourceBuffers) {
-        // ↳ If one or more of the objects in activeSourceBuffers is missing media segments for the new
-        // playback position
-        if (!sourceBuffer->buffered()->ranges().contain(time)) {
-            // 1.1 Set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to HAVE_METADATA.
-            m_private->setReadyState(MediaPlayer::HaveMetadata);
+    // ↳ If new playback position is not in any TimeRange of HTMLMediaElement.buffered
+    if (!hasBufferedTime(time)) {
+        // 1. If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is greater than HAVE_METADATA,
+        // then set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to HAVE_METADATA.
+        m_private->setReadyState(MediaPlayer::HaveMetadata);
-            // 1.2 The media element waits until an appendBuffer() or an appendStream() call causes the coded
-            // frame processing algorithm to set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to a value greater
-            // than HAVE_METADATA.
-            LOG(MediaSource, "MediaSource::seekToTime(%p) - waitForSeekCompleted()", this);
-            m_private->waitForSeekCompleted();
-            return;
-        }
-        // ↳ Otherwise
-        // Continue
+        // 2. The media element waits until an appendBuffer() or an appendStream() call causes the coded
+        // frame processing algorithm to set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to a value greater
+        // than HAVE_METADATA.
+        LOG(MediaSource, "MediaSource::seekToTime(%p) - waitForSeekCompleted()", this);
+        m_private->waitForSeekCompleted();
+        return;
+    // ↳ Otherwise
+    // Continue
@@ -265,10 +261,58 @@
+const MediaTime& MediaSource::currentTimeFudgeFactor()
+    // Allow hasCurrentTime() to be off by as much as the length of two 24fps video frames
+    static NeverDestroyed<MediaTime> fudgeFactor(2002, 24000);
+    return fudgeFactor;
+bool MediaSource::hasBufferedTime(const MediaTime& time)
+    if (time >= duration())
+        return false;
+    auto ranges = buffered();
+    if (!ranges->length())
+        return false;
+    return abs(ranges->nearest(time) - time) <= currentTimeFudgeFactor();
+bool MediaSource::hasCurrentTime()
+    return hasBufferedTime(currentTime());
+bool MediaSource::hasFutureTime()
+    MediaTime currentTime = this->currentTime();
+    MediaTime duration = this->duration();
+    if (currentTime >= duration)
+        return true;
+    auto ranges = buffered();
+    MediaTime nearest = ranges->nearest(currentTime);
+    if (abs(nearest - currentTime) > currentTimeFudgeFactor())
+        return false;
+    size_t found = ranges->find(nearest);
+    if (found == notFound)
+        return false;
+    MediaTime localEnd = ranges->end(found);
+    if (localEnd == duration)
+        return true;
+    return localEnd - currentTime > currentTimeFudgeFactor();
 void MediaSource::monitorSourceBuffers()
     // 2.4.4 SourceBuffer Monitoring
-    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/default/media-source/media-source.html#buffer-monitoring
+    // https://rawgit.com/w3c/media-source/45627646344eea0170dd1cbc5a3d508ca751abb8/media-source-respec.html#buffer-monitoring
     // Note, the behavior if activeSourceBuffers is empty is undefined.
     if (!m_activeSourceBuffers) {
@@ -276,7 +320,6 @@
-    // http://w3c.github.io/media-source/#buffer-monitoring, change from 11 December 2014
     // ↳ If the the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute equals HAVE_NOTHING:
     if (mediaElement()->readyState() == HTMLMediaElement::HAVE_NOTHING) {
         // 1. Abort these steps.
@@ -283,13 +326,8 @@
-    // ↳ If buffered for all objects in activeSourceBuffers do not contain TimeRanges for the current
-    // playback position:
-    auto begin = m_activeSourceBuffers->begin();
-    auto end = m_activeSourceBuffers->end();
-    if (std::all_of(begin, end, [](auto& sourceBuffer) {
-        return !sourceBuffer->hasCurrentTime();
-    })) {
+    // ↳ If HTMLMediaElement.buffered does not contain a TimeRange for the current playback position:
+    if (!hasCurrentTime()) {
         // 1. Set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to HAVE_METADATA.
         // 2. If this is the first transition to HAVE_METADATA, then queue a task to fire a simple event
         // named loadedmetadata at the media element.
@@ -299,10 +337,11 @@
-    // ↳ If buffered for all objects in activeSourceBuffers contain TimeRanges that include the current
-    // playback position and enough data to ensure uninterrupted playback:
-    if (std::all_of(begin, end, [](auto& sourceBuffer) {
-        return sourceBuffer->hasFutureTime() && sourceBuffer->canPlayThrough();
+    // ↳ If HTMLMediaElement.buffered contains a TimeRange that includes the current
+    //  playback position and enough data to ensure uninterrupted playback:
+    auto ranges = buffered();
+    if (std::all_of(m_activeSourceBuffers->begin(), m_activeSourceBuffers->end(), [&](auto& sourceBuffer) {
+        return sourceBuffer->canPlayThroughRange(*ranges);
     })) {
         // 1. Set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA.
         // 2. Queue a task to fire a simple event named canplaythrough at the media element.
@@ -316,11 +355,9 @@
-    // ↳ If buffered for all objects in activeSourceBuffers contain a TimeRange that includes
-    // the current playback position and some time beyond the current playback position, then run the following steps:
-    if (std::all_of(begin, end, [](auto& sourceBuffer) {
-        return sourceBuffer->hasFutureTime();
-    })) {
+    // ↳ If HTMLMediaElement.buffered contains a TimeRange that includes the current playback
+    //  position and some time beyond the current playback position, then run the following steps:
+    if (hasFutureTime()) {
         // 1. Set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to HAVE_FUTURE_DATA.
         // 2. If the previous value of HTMLMediaElement.readyState was less than HAVE_FUTURE_DATA, then queue a task to fire a simple event named canplay at the media element.
         // 3. Playback may resume at this point if it was previously suspended by a transition to HAVE_CURRENT_DATA.
@@ -333,9 +370,7 @@
-    // ↳ If buffered for at least one object in activeSourceBuffers contains a TimeRange that ends
-    // at the current playback position and does not have a range covering the time immediately
-    // after the current position:
+    // ↳ If HTMLMediaElement.buffered contains a TimeRange that ends at the current playback position and does not have a range covering the time immediately after the current position:
     // NOTE: Logically, !(all objects do not contain currentTime) == (some objects contain current time)
     // 1. Set the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute to HAVE_CURRENT_DATA.
@@ -840,6 +875,9 @@
 void MediaSource::onReadyStateChange(const AtomicString& oldState, const AtomicString& newState)
+    for (auto& buffer : *m_sourceBuffers)
+        buffer->readyStateChanged();
     if (isOpen()) {

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.h (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.h	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/MediaSource.h	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@
     // ActiveDOMObject API.
     bool hasPendingActivity() const override;
+    static const MediaTime& currentTimeFudgeFactor();
     explicit MediaSource(ScriptExecutionContext&);
@@ -129,6 +131,10 @@
     void scheduleEvent(const AtomicString& eventName);
     GenericEventQueue& asyncEventQueue() { return m_asyncEventQueue; }
+    bool hasBufferedTime(const MediaTime&);
+    bool hasCurrentTime();
+    bool hasFutureTime();
     void regenerateActiveSourceBuffers();
     static URLRegistry* s_registry;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.cpp (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.cpp	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.cpp	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -65,13 +65,6 @@
 static const double ExponentialMovingAverageCoefficient = 0.1;
-// Allow hasCurrentTime() to be off by as much as the length of two 24fps video frames
-static const MediaTime& currentTimeFudgeFactor()
-    static NeverDestroyed<MediaTime> fudgeFactor(2002, 24000);
-    return fudgeFactor;
 struct SourceBuffer::TrackBuffer {
     MediaTime lastDecodeTimestamp;
     MediaTime lastFrameDuration;
@@ -84,6 +77,7 @@
     SampleMap samples;
     DecodeOrderSampleMap::MapType decodeQueue;
     RefPtr<MediaDescription> description;
+    PlatformTimeRanges buffered;
         : lastDecodeTimestamp(MediaTime::invalidTime())
@@ -288,7 +282,7 @@
 void SourceBuffer::abort(ExceptionCode& ec)
     // Section 3.2 abort() method steps.
-    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/default/media-source/media-source.html#widl-SourceBuffer-abort-void
+    // https://rawgit.com/w3c/media-source/45627646344eea0170dd1cbc5a3d508ca751abb8/media-source-respec.html#dom-sourcebuffer-abort
     // 1. If this object has been removed from the sourceBuffers attribute of the parent media source
     //    then throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception and abort these steps.
     // 2. If the readyState attribute of the parent media source is not in the "open" state
@@ -298,16 +292,22 @@
-    // 3. If the sourceBuffer.updating attribute equals true, then run the following steps: ...
+    // 3. If the range removal algorithm is running, then throw an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.
+    if (m_removeTimer.isActive()) {
+        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
+        return;
+    }
+    // 4. If the sourceBuffer.updating attribute equals true, then run the following steps: ...
-    // 4. Run the reset parser state algorithm.
+    // 5. Run the reset parser state algorithm.
-    // 5. Set appendWindowStart to the presentation start time.
+    // 6. Set appendWindowStart to the presentation start time.
     m_appendWindowStart = MediaTime::zeroTime();
-    // 6. Set appendWindowEnd to positive Infinity.
+    // 7. Set appendWindowEnd to positive Infinity.
     m_appendWindowEnd = MediaTime::positiveInfiniteTime();
@@ -320,25 +320,26 @@
     LOG(MediaSource, "SourceBuffer::remove(%p) - start(%lf), end(%lf)", this, start.toDouble(), end.toDouble());
+    // https://rawgit.com/w3c/media-source/45627646344eea0170dd1cbc5a3d508ca751abb8/media-source-respec.html#dom-sourcebuffer-remove
     // Section 3.2 remove() method steps.
-    // 1. If duration equals NaN, then throw an InvalidAccessError exception and abort these steps.
-    // 2. If start is negative or greater than duration, then throw an InvalidAccessError exception and abort these steps.
-    // 3. If end is less than or equal to start, then throw an InvalidAccessError exception and abort these steps.
-    // FIXME: reorder/revisit this section once <https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=27857> got resolved
-    // as it seems wrong to check mediaSource duration before checking isRemoved().
-    if ((m_source && m_source->duration().isInvalid())
-        || start < MediaTime::zeroTime() || (m_source && start > m_source->duration())
-        || end <= start) {
-        ec = INVALID_ACCESS_ERR;
+    // 1. If this object has been removed from the sourceBuffers attribute of the parent media source then throw
+    //    an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.
+    // 2. If the updating attribute equals true, then throw an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.
+    if (isRemoved() || m_updating) {
+        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
-    // 4. If this object has been removed from the sourceBuffers attribute of the parent media source then throw an
-    //    InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.
-    // 5. If the updating attribute equals true, then throw an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.
-    if (isRemoved() || m_updating) {
-        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;
+    // 3. If duration equals NaN, then throw a TypeError exception and abort these steps.
+    // 4. If start is negative or greater than duration, then throw a TypeError exception and abort these steps.
+    // 5. If end is less than or equal to start or end equals NaN, then throw a TypeError exception and abort these steps.
+    if (m_source->duration().isInvalid()
+        || end.isInvalid()
+        || start.isInvalid()
+        || start < MediaTime::zeroTime()
+        || start > m_source->duration()
+        || end <= start) {
+        ec = TypeError;
@@ -371,27 +372,23 @@
 void SourceBuffer::abortIfUpdating()
-    // Section 3.2 abort() method step 3 substeps.
-    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/default/media-source/media-source.html#widl-SourceBuffer-abort-void
+    // Section 3.2 abort() method step 4 substeps.
+    // https://rawgit.com/w3c/media-source/45627646344eea0170dd1cbc5a3d508ca751abb8/media-source-respec.html#dom-sourcebuffer-abort
     if (!m_updating)
-    // 3.1. Abort the buffer append and stream append loop algorithms if they are running.
+    // 4.1. Abort the buffer append algorithm if it is running.
-    m_removeTimer.stop();
-    m_pendingRemoveStart = MediaTime::invalidTime();
-    m_pendingRemoveEnd = MediaTime::invalidTime();
-    // 3.2. Set the updating attribute to false.
+    // 4.2. Set the updating attribute to false.
     m_updating = false;
-    // 3.3. Queue a task to fire a simple event named abort at this SourceBuffer object.
+    // 4.3. Queue a task to fire a simple event named abort at this SourceBuffer object.
-    // 3.4. Queue a task to fire a simple event named updateend at this SourceBuffer object.
+    // 4.4. Queue a task to fire a simple event named updateend at this SourceBuffer object.
@@ -407,6 +404,11 @@
     return highestTime;
+void SourceBuffer::readyStateChanged()
+    updateBufferedFromTrackBuffers();
 void SourceBuffer::removedFromMediaSource()
     if (isRemoved())
@@ -595,6 +597,10 @@
     if (isRemoved())
+    // Resolve the changes it TrackBuffers' buffered ranges
+    // into the SourceBuffer's buffered ranges
+    updateBufferedFromTrackBuffers();
     // Section 3.5.5 Buffer Append Algorithm, ctd.
     // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/default/media-source/media-source.html#sourcebuffer-buffer-append
@@ -757,6 +763,29 @@
         // 3.1. Let remove end timestamp be the current value of duration
         // 3.2 If this track buffer has a random access point timestamp that is greater than or equal to end, then update
         // remove end timestamp to that random access point timestamp.
+        // NOTE: To handle MediaSamples which may be an amalgamation of multiple shorter samples, find samples whose presentation
+        // interval straddles the start and end times, and divide them if possible:
+        auto divideSampleIfPossibleAtPresentationTime = [&] (const MediaTime& time) {
+            auto sampleIterator = trackBuffer.samples.presentationOrder().findSampleContainingPresentationTime(time);
+            if (sampleIterator == trackBuffer.samples.presentationOrder().end())
+                return;
+            if (!sampleIterator->second->isDivisable())
+                return;
+            std::pair<RefPtr<MediaSample>, RefPtr<MediaSample>> replacementSamples = sampleIterator->second->divide(time);
+            if (!replacementSamples.first || !replacementSamples.second)
+                return;
+            LOG(MediaSource, "SourceBuffer::removeCodedFrames(%p) - splitting sample (%s) into\n\t(%s)\n\t(%s)", this,
+                toString(sampleIterator->second).utf8().data(),
+                toString(replacementSamples.first).utf8().data(),
+                toString(replacementSamples.second).utf8().data());
+            trackBuffer.samples.removeSample(sampleIterator->second.get());
+            trackBuffer.samples.addSample(*replacementSamples.first);
+            trackBuffer.samples.addSample(*replacementSamples.second);
+        };
+        divideSampleIfPossibleAtPresentationTime(start);
+        divideSampleIfPossibleAtPresentationTime(end);
         // NOTE: findSyncSampleAfterPresentationTime will return the next sync sample on or after the presentation time
         // or decodeOrder().end() if no sync sample exists after that presentation time.
         DecodeOrderSampleMap::iterator removeDecodeEnd = trackBuffer.samples.decodeOrder().findSyncSampleAfterPresentationTime(end);
@@ -792,7 +821,7 @@
-        m_buffered->ranges().intersectWith(erasedRanges);
+        trackBuffer.buffered.intersectWith(erasedRanges);
         // 3.4 If this object is in activeSourceBuffers, the current playback position is greater than or equal to start
@@ -801,6 +830,8 @@
         if (m_active && currentMediaTime >= start && currentMediaTime < end && m_private->readyState() > MediaPlayer::HaveMetadata)
+    updateBufferedFromTrackBuffers();
     // 4. If buffer full flag equals true and this object is ready to accept more bytes, then set the buffer full flag to false.
     // No-op
@@ -1535,14 +1566,11 @@
                 // NOTE: Searching from the end of the trackBuffer will be vastly more efficient if the search range is
                 // near the end of the buffered range. Use a linear-backwards search if the search range is within one
                 // frame duration of the end:
-                if (!m_buffered)
-                    break;
-                unsigned bufferedLength = m_buffered->ranges().length();
+                unsigned bufferedLength = trackBuffer.buffered.length();
                 if (!bufferedLength)
-                MediaTime highestBufferedTime = m_buffered->ranges().maximumBufferedTime();
+                MediaTime highestBufferedTime = trackBuffer.buffered.maximumBufferedTime();
                 PresentationOrderSampleMap::iterator_range range;
                 if (highestBufferedTime - trackBuffer.highestPresentationTimestamp < trackBuffer.lastFrameDuration)
@@ -1581,7 +1609,7 @@
-            m_buffered->ranges().intersectWith(erasedRanges);
+            trackBuffer.buffered.intersectWith(erasedRanges);
@@ -1624,15 +1652,15 @@
         // Eliminate small gaps between buffered ranges by coalescing
         // disjoint ranges separated by less than a "fudge factor".
         auto presentationEndTime = presentationTimestamp + frameDuration;
-        auto nearestToPresentationStartTime = m_buffered->ranges().nearest(presentationTimestamp);
-        if ((presentationTimestamp - nearestToPresentationStartTime).isBetween(MediaTime::zeroTime(), currentTimeFudgeFactor()))
+        auto nearestToPresentationStartTime = trackBuffer.buffered.nearest(presentationTimestamp);
+        if (nearestToPresentationStartTime.isValid() && (presentationTimestamp - nearestToPresentationStartTime).isBetween(MediaTime::zeroTime(), MediaSource::currentTimeFudgeFactor()))
             presentationTimestamp = nearestToPresentationStartTime;
-        auto nearestToPresentationEndTime = m_buffered->ranges().nearest(presentationEndTime);
-        if ((nearestToPresentationEndTime - presentationEndTime).isBetween(MediaTime::zeroTime(), currentTimeFudgeFactor()))
+        auto nearestToPresentationEndTime = trackBuffer.buffered.nearest(presentationEndTime);
+        if (nearestToPresentationStartTime.isValid() && (nearestToPresentationEndTime - presentationEndTime).isBetween(MediaTime::zeroTime(), MediaSource::currentTimeFudgeFactor()))
             presentationEndTime = nearestToPresentationEndTime;
-        m_buffered->ranges().add(presentationTimestamp, presentationEndTime);
+        trackBuffer.buffered.add(presentationTimestamp, presentationEndTime);
         m_bufferedSinceLastMonitor += frameDuration.toDouble();
@@ -1878,9 +1906,6 @@
 void SourceBuffer::monitorBufferingRate()
-    if (!m_bufferedSinceLastMonitor)
-        return;
     double now = monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
     double interval = now - m_timeOfBufferingMonitor;
     double rateSinceLastMonitor = m_bufferedSinceLastMonitor / interval;
@@ -1888,68 +1913,54 @@
     m_timeOfBufferingMonitor = now;
     m_bufferedSinceLastMonitor = 0;
-    m_averageBufferRate = m_averageBufferRate * (1 - ExponentialMovingAverageCoefficient) + rateSinceLastMonitor * ExponentialMovingAverageCoefficient;
+    m_averageBufferRate += (interval * ExponentialMovingAverageCoefficient) * (rateSinceLastMonitor - m_averageBufferRate);
     LOG(MediaSource, "SourceBuffer::monitorBufferingRate(%p) - m_avegareBufferRate: %lf", this, m_averageBufferRate);
-std::unique_ptr<PlatformTimeRanges> SourceBuffer::bufferedAccountingForEndOfStream() const
+void SourceBuffer::updateBufferedFromTrackBuffers()
-    // FIXME: Revisit this method once the spec bug <https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26436> is resolved.
-    auto virtualRanges = std::make_unique<PlatformTimeRanges>(m_buffered->ranges());
-    if (m_source->isEnded()) {
-        MediaTime start = virtualRanges->maximumBufferedTime();
-        MediaTime end = m_source->duration();
-        if (start <= end)
-            virtualRanges->add(start, end);
+    // 3.1 Attributes, buffered
+    // https://rawgit.com/w3c/media-source/45627646344eea0170dd1cbc5a3d508ca751abb8/media-source-respec.html#dom-sourcebuffer-buffered
+    // 2. Let highest end time be the largest track buffer ranges end time across all the track buffers managed by this SourceBuffer object.
+    MediaTime highestEndTime = MediaTime::negativeInfiniteTime();
+    for (auto& trackBuffer : m_trackBufferMap.values()) {
+        if (!trackBuffer.buffered.length())
+            continue;
+        highestEndTime = std::max(highestEndTime, trackBuffer.buffered.maximumBufferedTime());
-    return virtualRanges;
-bool SourceBuffer::hasCurrentTime() const
-    if (isRemoved() || !m_buffered->length())
-        return false;
+    // NOTE: Short circuit the following if none of the TrackBuffers have buffered ranges to avoid generating
+    // a single range of {0, 0}.
+    if (highestEndTime.isNegativeInfinite()) {
+        m_buffered->ranges() = PlatformTimeRanges();
+        return;
+    }
-    MediaTime currentTime = m_source->currentTime();
-    MediaTime duration = m_source->duration();
-    if (currentTime >= duration)
-        return true;
+    // 3. Let intersection ranges equal a TimeRange object containing a single range from 0 to highest end time.
+    PlatformTimeRanges intersectionRanges { MediaTime::zeroTime(), highestEndTime };
-    std::unique_ptr<PlatformTimeRanges> ranges = bufferedAccountingForEndOfStream();
-    return abs(ranges->nearest(currentTime) - currentTime) <= currentTimeFudgeFactor();
+    // 4. For each audio and video track buffer managed by this SourceBuffer, run the following steps:
+    for (auto& trackBuffer : m_trackBufferMap.values()) {
+        // 4.1 Let track ranges equal the track buffer ranges for the current track buffer.
+        PlatformTimeRanges trackRanges = trackBuffer.buffered;
+        // 4.2 If readyState is "ended", then set the end time on the last range in track ranges to highest end time.
+        if (m_source->isEnded())
+            trackRanges.add(trackRanges.maximumBufferedTime(), highestEndTime);
-bool SourceBuffer::hasFutureTime() const
-    if (isRemoved())
-        return false;
+        // 4.3 Let new intersection ranges equal the intersection between the intersection ranges and the track ranges.
+        // 4.4 Replace the ranges in intersection ranges with the new intersection ranges.
+        intersectionRanges.intersectWith(trackRanges);
+    }
-    std::unique_ptr<PlatformTimeRanges> ranges = bufferedAccountingForEndOfStream();
-    if (!ranges->length())
-        return false;
-    MediaTime currentTime = m_source->currentTime();
-    MediaTime duration = m_source->duration();
-    if (currentTime >= duration)
-        return true;
-    MediaTime nearest = ranges->nearest(currentTime);
-    if (abs(nearest - currentTime) > currentTimeFudgeFactor())
-        return false;
-    size_t found = ranges->find(nearest);
-    if (found == notFound)
-        return false;
-    MediaTime localEnd = ranges->end(found);
-    if (localEnd == duration)
-        return true;
-    return localEnd - currentTime > currentTimeFudgeFactor();
+    // 5. If intersection ranges does not contain the exact same range information as the current value of this attribute,
+    //    then update the current value of this attribute to intersection ranges.
+    m_buffered->ranges() = intersectionRanges;
+    setBufferedDirty(true);
-bool SourceBuffer::canPlayThrough()
+bool SourceBuffer::canPlayThroughRange(PlatformTimeRanges& ranges)
     if (isRemoved())
         return false;
@@ -1965,10 +1976,10 @@
     MediaTime currentTime = m_source->currentTime();
     MediaTime duration = m_source->duration();
-    std::unique_ptr<PlatformTimeRanges> unbufferedRanges = bufferedAccountingForEndOfStream();
-    unbufferedRanges->invert();
-    unbufferedRanges->intersectWith(PlatformTimeRanges(currentTime, std::max(currentTime, duration)));
-    MediaTime unbufferedTime = unbufferedRanges->totalDuration();
+    PlatformTimeRanges unbufferedRanges = ranges;
+    unbufferedRanges.invert();
+    unbufferedRanges.intersectWith(PlatformTimeRanges(currentTime, std::max(currentTime, duration)));
+    MediaTime unbufferedTime = unbufferedRanges.totalDuration();
     if (!unbufferedTime.isValid())
         return true;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.h (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.h	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.h	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -92,9 +92,7 @@
     void removedFromMediaSource();
     void seekToTime(const MediaTime&);
-    bool hasCurrentTime() const;
-    bool hasFutureTime() const;
-    bool canPlayThrough();
+    bool canPlayThroughRange(PlatformTimeRanges&);
     bool hasVideo() const;
     bool hasAudio() const;
@@ -125,6 +123,7 @@
     void setBufferedDirty(bool flag) { m_bufferedDirty = flag; }
     MediaTime highestPresentationTimestamp() const;
+    void readyStateChanged();
     // ActiveDOMObject API.
     bool hasPendingActivity() const override;
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@
     size_t extraMemoryCost() const;
     void reportExtraMemoryAllocated();
-    std::unique_ptr<PlatformTimeRanges> bufferedAccountingForEndOfStream() const;
+    void updateBufferedFromTrackBuffers();
     // Internals
     friend class Internals;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/MediaSample.h (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/MediaSample.h	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/MediaSample.h	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
     virtual FloatSize presentationSize() const = 0;
     virtual void offsetTimestampsBy(const MediaTime&) = 0;
     virtual void setTimestamps(const MediaTime&, const MediaTime&) = 0;
+    virtual bool isDivisable() const = 0;
+    enum DivideFlags { BeforePresentationTime, AfterPresentationTime };
+    virtual std::pair<RefPtr<MediaSample>, RefPtr<MediaSample>> divide(const MediaTime& presentationTime) = 0;
     enum SampleFlags {
         None = 0,

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.cpp (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.cpp	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.cpp	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@
 SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_SOURCE(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMAudioFormatDescriptionGetStreamBasicDescription, const AudioStreamBasicDescription *, (CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef desc), (desc))
 SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_SOURCE(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferGetAudioBufferListWithRetainedBlockBuffer, OSStatus, (CMSampleBufferRef sbuf, size_t *bufferListSizeNeededOut, AudioBufferList *bufferListOut, size_t bufferListSize, CFAllocatorRef bbufStructAllocator, CFAllocatorRef bbufMemoryAllocator, uint32_t flags, CMBlockBufferRef *blockBufferOut), (sbuf, bufferListSizeNeededOut, bufferListOut, bufferListSize, bbufStructAllocator, bbufMemoryAllocator, flags, blockBufferOut))
 SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_SOURCE(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples, CMItemCount, (CMSampleBufferRef sbuf), (sbuf))
+SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_SOURCE(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferCallBlockForEachSample, OSStatus, (CMSampleBufferRef sbuf, OSStatus (^handler)(CMSampleBufferRef, CMItemCount)), (sbuf, handler))
+SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_SOURCE(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferCopySampleBufferForRange, OSStatus, (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CMSampleBufferRef sbuf, CFRange sampleRange, CMSampleBufferRef* sBufOut), (allocator, sbuf, sampleRange, sBufOut))
+SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_SOURCE(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferGetSampleSizeArray, OSStatus, (CMSampleBufferRef sbuf, CMItemCount sizeArrayEntries, size_t* sizeArrayOut, CMItemCount* sizeArrayEntriesNeededOut), (sbuf, sizeArrayEntries, sizeArrayOut, sizeArrayEntriesNeededOut))
 #endif // PLATFORM(COCOA)

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.h (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.h	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/cf/CoreMediaSoftLink.h	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -184,6 +184,12 @@
 #define CMSampleBufferGetAudioBufferListWithRetainedBlockBuffer softLink_CoreMedia_CMSampleBufferGetAudioBufferListWithRetainedBlockBuffer
 SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_HEADER(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples, CMItemCount, (CMSampleBufferRef sbuf), (sbuf))
 #define CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples softLink_CoreMedia_CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples
+SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_HEADER(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferCallBlockForEachSample, OSStatus, (CMSampleBufferRef sbuf, OSStatus (^handler)(CMSampleBufferRef, CMItemCount)), (sbuf, handler))
+#define CMSampleBufferCallBlockForEachSample softLink_CoreMedia_CMSampleBufferCallBlockForEachSample
+SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_HEADER(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferCopySampleBufferForRange, OSStatus, (CFAllocatorRef allocator, CMSampleBufferRef sbuf, CFRange sampleRange, CMSampleBufferRef* sBufOut), (allocator, sbuf, sampleRange, sBufOut))
+#define CMSampleBufferCopySampleBufferForRange softLink_CoreMedia_CMSampleBufferCopySampleBufferForRange
+SOFT_LINK_FUNCTION_FOR_HEADER(WebCore, CoreMedia, CMSampleBufferGetSampleSizeArray, OSStatus, (CMSampleBufferRef sbuf, CMItemCount sizeArrayEntries, size_t* sizeArrayOut, CMItemCount* sizeArrayEntriesNeededOut), (sbuf, sizeArrayEntries, sizeArrayOut, sizeArrayEntriesNeededOut))
+#define CMSampleBufferGetSampleSizeArray softLink_CoreMedia_CMSampleBufferGetSampleSizeArray
 #endif // PLATFORM(COCOA)

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/PlatformTimeRanges.cpp (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/PlatformTimeRanges.cpp	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/PlatformTimeRanges.cpp	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -193,6 +193,9 @@
     MediaTime closestDelta = MediaTime::positiveInfiniteTime();
     MediaTime closestTime = MediaTime::zeroTime();
     unsigned count = length();
+    if (!count)
+        return MediaTime::invalidTime();
     bool ignoreInvalid;
     for (unsigned ndx = 0; ndx < count; ndx++) {

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/avfoundation/MediaSampleAVFObjC.h (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/avfoundation/MediaSampleAVFObjC.h	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/avfoundation/MediaSampleAVFObjC.h	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
 class MediaSampleAVFObjC final : public MediaSample {
     static Ref<MediaSampleAVFObjC> create(CMSampleBufferRef sample, int trackID) { return adoptRef(*new MediaSampleAVFObjC(sample, trackID)); }
+    static Ref<MediaSampleAVFObjC> create(CMSampleBufferRef sample, AtomicString trackID) { return adoptRef(*new MediaSampleAVFObjC(sample, trackID)); }
     static Ref<MediaSampleAVFObjC> create(CMSampleBufferRef sample) { return adoptRef(*new MediaSampleAVFObjC(sample)); }
@@ -40,6 +41,11 @@
         : m_sample(sample)
+    MediaSampleAVFObjC(CMSampleBufferRef sample, AtomicString trackID)
+        : m_sample(sample)
+        , m_id(trackID)
+    {
+    }
     MediaSampleAVFObjC(CMSampleBufferRef sample, int trackID)
         : m_sample(sample)
         , m_id(String::format("%d", trackID))
@@ -62,6 +68,8 @@
     void dump(PrintStream&) const override;
     void offsetTimestampsBy(const MediaTime&) override;
     void setTimestamps(const MediaTime&, const MediaTime&) override;
+    bool isDivisable() const override;
+    std::pair<RefPtr<MediaSample>, RefPtr<MediaSample>> divide(const MediaTime& presentationTime) override;
     RetainPtr<CMSampleBufferRef> m_sample;
     AtomicString m_id;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaSampleAVFObjC.mm (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaSampleAVFObjC.mm	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaSampleAVFObjC.mm	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -142,4 +142,51 @@
     m_sample = adoptCF(newSample);
+bool MediaSampleAVFObjC::isDivisable() const
+    if (CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples(m_sample.get()) == 1)
+        return false;
+    if (CMSampleBufferGetSampleSizeArray(m_sample.get(), 0, nullptr, nullptr) == kCMSampleBufferError_BufferHasNoSampleSizes)
+        return false;
+    return true;
+std::pair<RefPtr<MediaSample>, RefPtr<MediaSample>> MediaSampleAVFObjC::divide(const MediaTime& presentationTime)
+    if (!isDivisable())
+        return { nullptr, nullptr };
+    CFIndex samplesBeforePresentationTime = 0;
+    CMSampleBufferCallBlockForEachSample(m_sample.get(), [&] (CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer, CMItemCount) -> OSStatus {
+        if (toMediaTime(CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer)) >= presentationTime)
+            return 1;
+        ++samplesBeforePresentationTime;
+        return noErr;
+    });
+    if (!samplesBeforePresentationTime)
+        return { nullptr, this };
+    CMItemCount sampleCount = CMSampleBufferGetNumSamples(m_sample.get());
+    if (samplesBeforePresentationTime >= sampleCount)
+        return { this, nullptr };
+    CMSampleBufferRef rawSampleBefore = nullptr;
+    CFRange rangeBefore = CFRangeMake(0, samplesBeforePresentationTime);
+    if (CMSampleBufferCopySampleBufferForRange(kCFAllocatorDefault, m_sample.get(), rangeBefore, &rawSampleBefore) != noErr)
+        return { nullptr, nullptr };
+    RetainPtr<CMSampleBufferRef> sampleBefore = adoptCF(rawSampleBefore);
+    CMSampleBufferRef rawSampleAfter = nullptr;
+    CFRange rangeAfter = CFRangeMake(samplesBeforePresentationTime, sampleCount - samplesBeforePresentationTime);
+    if (CMSampleBufferCopySampleBufferForRange(kCFAllocatorDefault, m_sample.get(), rangeAfter, &rawSampleAfter) != noErr)
+        return { nullptr, nullptr };
+    RetainPtr<CMSampleBufferRef> sampleAfter = adoptCF(rawSampleAfter);
+    return { MediaSampleAVFObjC::create(sampleBefore.get(), m_id), MediaSampleAVFObjC::create(sampleAfter.get(), m_id) };

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/mock/mediasource/MockSourceBufferPrivate.cpp (206000 => 206001)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/mock/mediasource/MockSourceBufferPrivate.cpp	2016-09-15 22:38:17 UTC (rev 206000)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/mock/mediasource/MockSourceBufferPrivate.cpp	2016-09-15 23:13:56 UTC (rev 206001)
@@ -66,7 +66,10 @@
     void dump(PrintStream&) const override;
     void offsetTimestampsBy(const MediaTime& offset) override { m_box.offsetTimestampsBy(offset); }
     void setTimestamps(const MediaTime& presentationTimestamp, const MediaTime& decodeTimestamp) override { m_box.setTimestamps(presentationTimestamp, decodeTimestamp); }
+    bool isDivisable() const override { return false; }
+    std::pair<RefPtr<MediaSample>, RefPtr<MediaSample>> divide(const MediaTime&) override { return {nullptr, nullptr}; }
     unsigned generation() const { return m_box.generation(); }
     MockSampleBox m_box;
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