Title: [221474] trunk/Tools
2017-08-31 23:36:32 -0700 (Thu, 31 Aug 2017)

Log Message

[GTK] Improve the way unit test are run and the results reported

Reviewed by Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez.

There are several issues with the way unit tests are run by run-gtk-tests and also with the way results are

 - The results summary only mentions the test binaries, not the actual test cases, so you always have to scroll
   up to find the actual test cases failing.
 - The number of reported failures is the number of test binaries that failed, so if a new test case fails for
   the same binary in a new revision, we won't notice it just looking at the number of failures.
 - We show detailed information about skipped test in the results summary, which is just noise.
 - In the case of glib tests, when a test case times out, we finish the test suite, instead of continuing with the
   rest of the test cases like we do for normal failures or crashes. If a new test case fails after a test case that
   timed out we will not notice it until we fix or skip the test cases timing out.
 - In the case of glib tests, the timeout is applied to the whole suite, instead of per test case, we have a hack
   to make it longer only for that. It has worked so far, but it doesn't scale, and it's an ugly hack.
 - It's not currently possible to detect flaky tests, because again, we know the binaries/suites that failed but
   not the actual test cases.

This patch fixes all these issues and makes it possible to add support for flaky tests in a follow up patch.

* BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg:
(RunGtkAPITests.commandComplete): Update the RunGtkAPITests step to parse the new output.
* Scripts/run-gtk-tests:
(TestRunner._start_timeout): Helper to start the timeout if needed.
(TestRunner._start_timeout._alarm_handler): Raise timeout exception.
(TestRunner._stop_timeout): Helper to stop the timeout if needed.
(TestRunner._waitpid): Merged waitpid and return_code_from_exit_status.
(TestRunner._run_test_glib): Do not double the timeout anymore, we now start/stop the timeout for every test
case. Return a dictionary where keys are test cases and values the results only in case of failures.
(TestRunner._run_test_glib.parse_line): Update the parser to also detect test cases and the results.
(TestRunner._run_test_glib.parse_line.set_test_result): Helper to set the result of a test case.
(TestRunner._run_google_test): Return a dictionary where key is the test case and value is the result only in
case of failure.
(TestRunner._run_google_test_suite): Updated now that _run_google_test returns a dictionary.
(TestRunner.run_tests): Handle the results dictionary and show the results with information about test cases
failing and grouped by test binaries.

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Tools/BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg (221473 => 221474)

--- trunk/Tools/BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg	2017-09-01 06:00:33 UTC (rev 221473)
+++ trunk/Tools/BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg	2017-09-01 06:36:32 UTC (rev 221474)
@@ -658,28 +658,23 @@
         self.skippedTests = 0
         self.statusLine = []
-        foundItems = re.findall("Tests failed \((\d+)\):", logText)
+        foundItems = re.findall("Unexpected failures \((\d+)\):", logText)
         if (foundItems):
             self.incorrectTests = int(foundItems[0])
-        foundItems = re.findall("Tests that crashed \((\d+)\):", logText)
+        foundItems = re.findall("Unexpected crashes \((\d+)\):", logText)
         if (foundItems):
             self.crashedTests = int(foundItems[0])
-        foundItems = re.findall("Tests that timed out \((\d+)\):", logText)
+        foundItems = re.findall("Unexpected timeouts \((\d+)\):", logText)
         if (foundItems):
             self.timedOutTests = int(foundItems[0])
-        foundItems = re.findall("Tests skipped \((\d+)\):", logText)
-        if (foundItems):
-            self.skippedTests = int(foundItems[0])
         self.totalFailedTests = self.incorrectTests + self.crashedTests + self.timedOutTests
         if self.totalFailedTests > 0:
             self.statusLine = [
-                "%d API tests failed, %d crashed, %d timed out, %d skipped" %
-                (self.incorrectTests, self.crashedTests, self.timedOutTests, self.skippedTests)
+                "%d API tests failed, %d crashed, %d timed out" % (self.incorrectTests, self.crashedTests, self.timedOutTests)
     def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):

Modified: trunk/Tools/ChangeLog (221473 => 221474)

--- trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2017-09-01 06:00:33 UTC (rev 221473)
+++ trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2017-09-01 06:36:32 UTC (rev 221474)
@@ -1,3 +1,45 @@
+2017-08-31  Carlos Garcia Campos  <cgar...@igalia.com>
+        [GTK] Improve the way unit test are run and the results reported
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=176104
+        Reviewed by Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez.
+        There are several issues with the way unit tests are run by run-gtk-tests and also with the way results are
+        reported:
+         - The results summary only mentions the test binaries, not the actual test cases, so you always have to scroll
+           up to find the actual test cases failing.
+         - The number of reported failures is the number of test binaries that failed, so if a new test case fails for
+           the same binary in a new revision, we won't notice it just looking at the number of failures.
+         - We show detailed information about skipped test in the results summary, which is just noise.
+         - In the case of glib tests, when a test case times out, we finish the test suite, instead of continuing with the
+           rest of the test cases like we do for normal failures or crashes. If a new test case fails after a test case that
+           timed out we will not notice it until we fix or skip the test cases timing out.
+         - In the case of glib tests, the timeout is applied to the whole suite, instead of per test case, we have a hack
+           to make it longer only for that. It has worked so far, but it doesn't scale, and it's an ugly hack.
+         - It's not currently possible to detect flaky tests, because again, we know the binaries/suites that failed but
+           not the actual test cases.
+        This patch fixes all these issues and makes it possible to add support for flaky tests in a follow up patch.
+        * BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/master.cfg:
+        (RunGtkAPITests.commandComplete): Update the RunGtkAPITests step to parse the new output.
+        * Scripts/run-gtk-tests:
+        (TestRunner._start_timeout): Helper to start the timeout if needed.
+        (TestRunner._start_timeout._alarm_handler): Raise timeout exception.
+        (TestRunner._stop_timeout): Helper to stop the timeout if needed.
+        (TestRunner._waitpid): Merged waitpid and return_code_from_exit_status.
+        (TestRunner._run_test_glib): Do not double the timeout anymore, we now start/stop the timeout for every test
+        case. Return a dictionary where keys are test cases and values the results only in case of failures.
+        (TestRunner._run_test_glib.parse_line): Update the parser to also detect test cases and the results.
+        (TestRunner._run_test_glib.parse_line.set_test_result): Helper to set the result of a test case.
+        (TestRunner._run_google_test): Return a dictionary where key is the test case and value is the result only in
+        case of failure.
+        (TestRunner._run_google_test_suite): Updated now that _run_google_test returns a dictionary.
+        (TestRunner.run_tests): Handle the results dictionary and show the results with information about test cases
+        failing and grouped by test binaries.
 2017-08-31  Filip Pizlo  <fpi...@apple.com>
         WSL should support loading from arrays

Modified: trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-gtk-tests (221473 => 221474)

--- trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-gtk-tests	2017-09-01 06:00:33 UTC (rev 221473)
+++ trunk/Tools/Scripts/run-gtk-tests	2017-09-01 06:36:32 UTC (rev 221474)
@@ -258,14 +258,6 @@
                 return False
         return True
-    def _get_child_pid_from_test_output(self, output):
-        if not output:
-            return -1
-        match = re.search(r'\(pid=(?P<child_pid>[0-9]+)\)', output)
-        if not match:
-            return -1
-        return int(match.group('child_pid'))
     def _kill_process(self, pid):
             os.kill(pid, SIGKILL)
@@ -273,84 +265,120 @@
             # Process already died.
-    def _run_test_command(self, command, timeout=-1):
-        def alarm_handler(signum, frame):
+    @staticmethod
+    def _start_timeout(timeout):
+        if timeout <= 0:
+            return
+        def _alarm_handler(signum, frame):
             raise TestTimeout
-        child_pid = [-1]
-        def parse_line(line, child_pid = child_pid):
-            if child_pid[0] == -1:
-                child_pid[0] = self._get_child_pid_from_test_output(line)
+        signal(SIGALRM, _alarm_handler)
+        alarm(timeout)
-            sys.stdout.write(line)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _stop_timeout(timeout):
+        if timeout <= 0:
+            return
-        def waitpid(pid):
-            while True:
-                try:
-                    return os.waitpid(pid, 0)
-                except (OSError, IOError) as e:
-                    if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
-                        continue
-                    raise
+        alarm(0)
-        def return_code_from_exit_status(status):
-            if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
-                return -os.WTERMSIG(status)
-            elif os.WIFEXITED(status):
-                return os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
-            else:
+    def _waitpid(self, pid):
+        while True:
+            try:
+                dummy, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+                if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
+                    return -os.WTERMSIG(status)
+                if os.WIFEXITED(status):
+                    return os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
                 # Should never happen
                 raise RuntimeError("Unknown child exit status!")
+            except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+                if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
+                    continue
+                if e.errno == errno.ECHILD:
+                    # This happens if SIGCLD is set to be ignored or waiting
+                    # for child processes has otherwise been disabled for our
+                    # process.  This child is dead, we can't get the status.
+                    return 0
+                raise
+    def _run_test_glib(self, test_program):
+        command = ['gtester', '-k']
+        if self._options.verbose:
+            command.append('--verbose')
+        for test_case in self._test_cases_to_skip(test_program):
+            command.extend(['-s', test_case])
+        command.append(test_program)
+        timeout = self._options.timeout
+        test = os.path.join(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(test_program)), os.path.basename(test_program))
+        if test in TestRunner.SLOW:
+            timeout *= 5
+        test_context = { "child-pid" : -1, "did-timeout" : False, "current_test" : None }
+        def parse_line(line, test_context = test_context):
+            if not line:
+                return
+            match = re.search(r'\(pid=(?P<child_pid>[0-9]+)\)', line)
+            if match:
+                test_context["child-pid"] = int(match.group('child_pid'))
+                sys.stdout.write(line)
+                return
+            def set_test_result(test, result):
+                if result == "FAIL":
+                    if test_context["did-timeout"] and result == "FAIL":
+                        test_context[test] = "TIMEOUT"
+                    else:
+                        test_context[test] = result
+                test_context["did-timeout"] = False
+                test_context["current_test"] = None
+                self._stop_timeout(timeout)
+                self._start_timeout(timeout)
+            normalized_line = line.strip().replace(' ', '')
+            if not normalized_line:
+                return
+            if normalized_line[0] == '/':
+                test, result = normalized_line.split(':', 1)
+                if result in ["OK", "FAIL"]:
+                    set_test_result(test, result)
+                else:
+                    test_context["current_test"] = test
+            elif normalized_line in ["OK", "FAIL"]:
+                set_test_result(test_context["current_test"], normalized_line)
+            sys.stdout.write(line)
         pid, fd = os.forkpty()
         if pid == 0:
             os.execvpe(command[0], command, self._test_env)
-        if timeout > 0:
-            signal(SIGALRM, alarm_handler)
-            alarm(timeout)
+        self._start_timeout(timeout)
-        try:
-            common.parse_output_lines(fd, parse_line)
-            if timeout > 0:
-                alarm(0)
-        except TestTimeout:
-            self._kill_process(pid)
-            if child_pid[0] > 0:
-                self._kill_process(child_pid[0])
-            raise
+        while (True):
+            try:
+                common.parse_output_lines(fd, parse_line)
+                break
+            except TestTimeout:
+                assert test_context["child-pid"] > 0
+                self._kill_process(test_context["child-pid"])
+                test_context["child-pid"] = -1
+                test_context["did-timeout"] = True
-        try:
-            dummy, status = waitpid(pid)
-        except OSError as e:
-            if e.errno != errno.ECHILD:
-                raise
-            # This happens if SIGCLD is set to be ignored or waiting
-            # for child processes has otherwise been disabled for our
-            # process.  This child is dead, we can't get the status.
-            status = 0
+        self._stop_timeout(timeout)
+        del test_context["child-pid"]
+        del test_context["did-timeout"]
+        del test_context["current_test"]
-        return return_code_from_exit_status(status)
+        self._waitpid(pid)
+        return test_context
-    def _run_test_glib(self, test_program):
-        tester_command = ['gtester', '-k']
-        if self._options.verbose:
-            tester_command.append('--verbose')
-        for test_case in self._test_cases_to_skip(test_program):
-            tester_command.extend(['-s', test_case])
-        tester_command.append(test_program)
-        # This timeout is supposed to be per test case, but in the case of GLib tests it affects all the tests cases of
-        # the same test program. Some test programs like TestLoaderClient, that have a lot of test cases, often time out
-        # in the bots because the timeout is not enough to run all the tests cases. So, we use a longer timeout for GLib
-        # tests (timeout * 2).
-        timeout = self._options.timeout * 2
-        test = os.path.join(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(test_program)), os.path.basename(test_program))
-        if test in TestRunner.SLOW:
-            timeout *= 5
-        return self._run_test_command(tester_command, timeout)
     def _get_tests_from_google_test_suite(self, test_program):
             output = subprocess.check_output([test_program, '--gtest_list_tests'], env=self._test_env)
@@ -374,23 +402,41 @@
         return tests
     def _run_google_test(self, test_program, subtest):
-        test_command = [test_program, '--gtest_filter=%s' % (subtest)]
+        command = [test_program, '--gtest_filter=%s' % (subtest)]
         timeout = self._options.timeout
         if subtest in TestRunner.SLOW:
             timeout *= 5
-        status = self._run_test_command(test_command, timeout)
+        pid, fd = os.forkpty()
+        if pid == 0:
+            os.execvpe(command[0], command, self._test_env)
+            sys.exit(0)
+        self._start_timeout(timeout)
+        try:
+            common.parse_output_lines(fd, sys.stdout.write)
+            status = self._waitpid(pid)
+        except TestTimeout:
+            self._kill_process(pid)
+            return { subtest : "TIMEOUT" }
+        self._stop_timeout(timeout)
         if status == -SIGSEGV:
             sys.stdout.write("**CRASH** %s\n" % subtest)
-        return status
+            return { subtest : "CRASH" }
+        if status != 0:
+            return { subtest : "FAIL" }
+        return { }
     def _run_google_test_suite(self, test_program):
-        retcode = 0
+        result = { }
         for subtest in self._get_tests_from_google_test_suite(test_program):
-            if self._run_google_test(test_program, subtest):
-                retcode = 1
-        return retcode
+            result.update(self._run_google_test(test_program, subtest))
+        return result
     def _run_test(self, test_program):
         basedir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(test_program))
@@ -415,49 +461,46 @@
         # some tests might be skipped while setting up the test environment.
         self._tests = [test for test in self._tests if self._should_run_test_program(test)]
-        crashed_tests = []
-        failed_tests = []
-        timed_out_tests = []
+        crashed_tests = {}
+        failed_tests = {}
+        timed_out_tests = {}
             for test in self._tests:
-                exit_status_code = 0
-                try:
-                    exit_status_code = self._run_test(test)
-                except TestTimeout:
-                    sys.stdout.write("TEST: %s: TIMEOUT\n" % test)
-                    sys.stdout.flush()
-                    timed_out_tests.append(test)
-                if exit_status_code == -SIGSEGV:
-                    sys.stdout.write("TEST: %s: CRASHED\n" % test)
-                    sys.stdout.flush()
-                    crashed_tests.append(test)
-                elif exit_status_code != 0:
-                    failed_tests.append(test)
+                results = self._run_test(test)
+                for test_case, result in results.iteritems():
+                    if result == "FAIL":
+                        failed_tests.setdefault(test, []).append(test_case)
+                    elif result == "TIMEOUT":
+                        timed_out_tests.setdefault(test, []).append(test_case)
+                    elif result == "CRASH":
+                        crashed_tests.setdefault(test, []).append(test_case)
         if failed_tests:
-            names = [test.replace(self._test_programs_base_dir(), '', 1) for test in failed_tests]
-            sys.stdout.write("Tests failed (%d): %s\n" % (len(names), ", ".join(names)))
+            sys.stdout.write("\nUnexpected failures (%d)\n" % (sum(len(value) for value in failed_tests.itervalues())))
+            for test in failed_tests:
+                sys.stdout.write("    %s\n" % (test.replace(self._test_programs_base_dir(), '', 1)))
+                for test_case in failed_tests[test]:
+                    sys.stdout.write("        %s\n" % (test_case))
         if crashed_tests:
-            names = [test.replace(self._test_programs_base_dir(), '', 1) for test in crashed_tests]
-            sys.stdout.write("Tests that crashed (%d): %s\n" % (len(names), ", ".join(names)))
+            sys.stdout.write("\nUnexpected crashes (%d)\n" % (sum(len(value) for value in crashed_tests.itervalues())))
+            for test in crashed_tests:
+                sys.stdout.write("    %s\n" % (test.replace(self._test_programs_base_dir(), '', 1)))
+                for test_case in crashed_tests[test]:
+                    sys.stdout.write("        %s\n" % (test_case))
         if timed_out_tests:
-            names = [test.replace(self._test_programs_base_dir(), '', 1) for test in timed_out_tests]
-            sys.stdout.write("Tests that timed out (%d): %s\n" % (len(names), ", ".join(names)))
+            sys.stdout.write("\nUnexpected timeouts (%d)\n" % (sum(len(value) for value in timed_out_tests.itervalues())))
+            for test in timed_out_tests:
+                sys.stdout.write("    %s\n" % (test.replace(self._test_programs_base_dir(), '', 1)))
+                for test_case in timed_out_tests[test]:
+                    sys.stdout.write("        %s\n" % (test_case))
-        if self._skipped_tests and self._options.skipped_action == 'skip':
-            sys.stdout.write("Tests skipped (%d):\n%s\n" %
-                             (len(self._skipped_tests),
-                              "\n".join([str(skipped) for skipped in self._skipped_tests])))
-            sys.stdout.flush()
         return len(failed_tests) + len(timed_out_tests)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
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