Title: [227292] trunk/Source
2018-01-22 06:23:07 -0800 (Mon, 22 Jan 2018)

Log Message

[Cairo] Refactor PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() into a Cairo operation

Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.


Move the PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() code into the
Cairo namespace as an operation, renaming it to drawSurface(). Mirroring
other operations, the PlatformContextCairo object is now passed through
a reference as the first argument to the function, and cairo_t context
object is retrieved from that.

Call sites of the PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() method
are adjusted to now call Cairo::drawSurface() and properly pass the
PlatformContextCairo object to the function.

No new tests -- no change in functionality.

* platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.cpp:
(WebCore::Cairo::prepareForStroking): Make this static.
* platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.h:
* platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.cpp:
(WebCore::drawPatternToCairoContext): Deleted.
(WebCore::PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext): Deleted.
* platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.h:
* platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.cpp:


Call sites of the PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() method
are adjusted to now call Cairo::drawSurface() and properly pass the
PlatformContextCairo object to the function.

* Shared/cairo/ShareableBitmapCairo.cpp:
* WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/gtk/WebDragClientGtk.cpp:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+2018-01-22  Zan Dobersek  <zdober...@igalia.com>
+        [Cairo] Refactor PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() into a Cairo operation
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=181930
+        Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.
+        Move the PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() code into the
+        Cairo namespace as an operation, renaming it to drawSurface(). Mirroring
+        other operations, the PlatformContextCairo object is now passed through
+        a reference as the first argument to the function, and cairo_t context
+        object is retrieved from that.
+        Call sites of the PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() method
+        are adjusted to now call Cairo::drawSurface() and properly pass the
+        PlatformContextCairo object to the function.
+        No new tests -- no change in functionality.
+        * platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.cpp:
+        (WebCore::Cairo::prepareForStroking): Make this static.
+        (WebCore::Cairo::drawPatternToCairoContext):
+        (WebCore::Cairo::drawNativeImage):
+        (WebCore::Cairo::drawSurface):
+        * platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.h:
+        * platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.cpp:
+        (WebCore::drawPatternToCairoContext): Deleted.
+        (WebCore::PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext): Deleted.
+        * platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.h:
+        * platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.cpp:
+        (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation::Direct3DPresenter::paintCurrentFrame):
 2018-01-22  Manuel Rego Casasnovas  <r...@igalia.com>
         [css-grid] Spanning Grid item has too much space at the bottom / is too high

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.cpp (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.cpp	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.cpp	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
-void prepareForStroking(cairo_t* cr, const Cairo::StrokeSource& strokeSource, AlphaPreservation alphaPreservation)
+static void prepareForStroking(cairo_t* cr, const Cairo::StrokeSource& strokeSource, AlphaPreservation alphaPreservation)
     bool preserveAlpha = alphaPreservation == PreserveAlpha;
@@ -144,6 +144,19 @@
         strokeSource.color, preserveAlpha ? strokeSource.globalAlpha : 1);
+static void drawPatternToCairoContext(cairo_t* cr, cairo_pattern_t* pattern, const FloatRect& destRect, float alpha)
+    cairo_translate(cr, destRect.x(), destRect.y());
+    cairo_set_source(cr, pattern);
+    cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, destRect.width(), destRect.height());
+    if (alpha < 1) {
+        cairo_clip(cr);
+        cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, alpha);
+    } else
+        cairo_fill(cr);
 static inline void fillRectWithColor(cairo_t* cr, const FloatRect& rect, const Color& color)
     if (!color.isVisible() && cairo_get_operator(cr) == CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER)
@@ -790,7 +803,7 @@
-    platformContext.drawSurfaceToContext(surface, dst, srcRect, imageInterpolationQuality, globalAlpha, shadowState, targetContext);
+    drawSurface(platformContext, surface, dst, srcRect, imageInterpolationQuality, globalAlpha, shadowState, targetContext);
@@ -800,6 +813,80 @@
     drawPatternToCairoContext(platformContext.cr(), surface, size, tileRect, patternTransform, phase, toCairoOperator(compositeOperator, blendMode), destRect);
+void drawSurface(PlatformContextCairo& platformContext, cairo_surface_t* surface, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatRect& originalSrcRect, InterpolationQuality imageInterpolationQuality, float globalAlpha, const ShadowState& shadowState, GraphicsContext& context)
+    // Avoid invalid cairo matrix with small values.
+    if (std::fabs(destRect.width()) < 0.5f || std::fabs(destRect.height()) < 0.5f)
+        return;
+    FloatRect srcRect = originalSrcRect;
+    // We need to account for negative source dimensions by flipping the rectangle.
+    if (originalSrcRect.width() < 0) {
+        srcRect.setX(originalSrcRect.x() + originalSrcRect.width());
+        srcRect.setWidth(std::fabs(originalSrcRect.width()));
+    }
+    if (originalSrcRect.height() < 0) {
+        srcRect.setY(originalSrcRect.y() + originalSrcRect.height());
+        srcRect.setHeight(std::fabs(originalSrcRect.height()));
+    }
+    RefPtr<cairo_surface_t> patternSurface = surface;
+    float leftPadding = 0;
+    float topPadding = 0;
+    if (srcRect.x() || srcRect.y() || srcRect.size() != cairoSurfaceSize(surface)) {
+        // Cairo subsurfaces don't support floating point boundaries well, so we expand the rectangle.
+        IntRect expandedSrcRect(enclosingIntRect(srcRect));
+        // We use a subsurface here so that we don't end up sampling outside the originalSrcRect rectangle.
+        // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58309
+        patternSurface = adoptRef(cairo_surface_create_for_rectangle(surface, expandedSrcRect.x(),
+            expandedSrcRect.y(), expandedSrcRect.width(), expandedSrcRect.height()));
+        leftPadding = static_cast<float>(expandedSrcRect.x()) - floorf(srcRect.x());
+        topPadding = static_cast<float>(expandedSrcRect.y()) - floorf(srcRect.y());
+    }
+    RefPtr<cairo_pattern_t> pattern = adoptRef(cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(patternSurface.get()));
+    switch (imageInterpolationQuality) {
+    case InterpolationNone:
+    case InterpolationLow:
+        cairo_pattern_set_filter(pattern.get(), CAIRO_FILTER_FAST);
+        break;
+    case InterpolationMedium:
+    case InterpolationDefault:
+        cairo_pattern_set_filter(pattern.get(), CAIRO_FILTER_GOOD);
+        break;
+    case InterpolationHigh:
+        cairo_pattern_set_filter(pattern.get(), CAIRO_FILTER_BEST);
+        break;
+    }
+    cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern.get(), CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD);
+    // The pattern transformation properly scales the pattern for when the source rectangle is a
+    // different size than the destination rectangle. We also account for any offset we introduced
+    // by expanding floating point source rectangle sizes. It's important to take the absolute value
+    // of the scale since the original width and height might be negative.
+    float scaleX = std::fabs(srcRect.width() / destRect.width());
+    float scaleY = std::fabs(srcRect.height() / destRect.height());
+    cairo_matrix_t matrix = { scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, leftPadding, topPadding };
+    cairo_pattern_set_matrix(pattern.get(), &matrix);
+    ShadowBlur shadow({ shadowState.blur, shadowState.blur }, shadowState.offset, shadowState.color, shadowState.ignoreTransforms);
+    if (shadow.type() != ShadowBlur::NoShadow) {
+        if (GraphicsContext* shadowContext = shadow.beginShadowLayer(context, destRect)) {
+            drawPatternToCairoContext(shadowContext->platformContext()->cr(), pattern.get(), destRect, 1);
+            shadow.endShadowLayer(context);
+        }
+    }
+    auto* cr = platformContext.cr();
+    cairo_save(cr);
+    drawPatternToCairoContext(cr, pattern.get(), destRect, globalAlpha);
+    cairo_restore(cr);
 void drawRect(PlatformContextCairo& platformContext, const FloatRect& rect, float borderThickness, const Color& fillColor, StrokeStyle strokeStyle, const Color& strokeColor)
     // FIXME: how should borderThickness be used?

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.h (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.h	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.h	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
 void drawNativeImage(PlatformContextCairo&, cairo_surface_t*, const FloatRect&, const FloatRect&, CompositeOperator, BlendMode, ImageOrientation, InterpolationQuality, float, const ShadowState&, GraphicsContext&);
 void drawPattern(PlatformContextCairo&, cairo_surface_t*, const IntSize&, const FloatRect&, const FloatRect&, const AffineTransform&, const FloatPoint&, CompositeOperator, BlendMode);
+void drawSurface(PlatformContextCairo&, cairo_surface_t*, const FloatRect&, const FloatRect&, InterpolationQuality, float, const ShadowState&, GraphicsContext&);
 void drawRect(PlatformContextCairo&, const FloatRect&, float, const Color&, StrokeStyle, const Color&);
 void drawLine(PlatformContextCairo&, const FloatPoint&, const FloatPoint&, StrokeStyle, const Color&, float, bool);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.cpp (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.cpp	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.cpp	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -130,93 +130,6 @@
     cairo_translate(m_cr.get(), -rect.x(), -rect.y());
-static void drawPatternToCairoContext(cairo_t* cr, cairo_pattern_t* pattern, const FloatRect& destRect, float alpha)
-    cairo_translate(cr, destRect.x(), destRect.y());
-    cairo_set_source(cr, pattern);
-    cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, destRect.width(), destRect.height());
-    if (alpha < 1) {
-        cairo_clip(cr);
-        cairo_paint_with_alpha(cr, alpha);
-    } else
-        cairo_fill(cr);
-void PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext(cairo_surface_t* surface, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatRect& originalSrcRect, InterpolationQuality imageInterpolationQuality, float globalAlpha, const Cairo::ShadowState& shadowState, GraphicsContext& context)
-    // Avoid invalid cairo matrix with small values.
-    if (std::fabs(destRect.width()) < 0.5f || std::fabs(destRect.height()) < 0.5f)
-        return;
-    FloatRect srcRect = originalSrcRect;
-    // We need to account for negative source dimensions by flipping the rectangle.
-    if (originalSrcRect.width() < 0) {
-        srcRect.setX(originalSrcRect.x() + originalSrcRect.width());
-        srcRect.setWidth(std::fabs(originalSrcRect.width()));
-    }
-    if (originalSrcRect.height() < 0) {
-        srcRect.setY(originalSrcRect.y() + originalSrcRect.height());
-        srcRect.setHeight(std::fabs(originalSrcRect.height()));
-    }
-    RefPtr<cairo_surface_t> patternSurface = surface;
-    float leftPadding = 0;
-    float topPadding = 0;
-    if (srcRect.x() || srcRect.y() || srcRect.size() != cairoSurfaceSize(surface)) {
-        // Cairo subsurfaces don't support floating point boundaries well, so we expand the rectangle.
-        IntRect expandedSrcRect(enclosingIntRect(srcRect));
-        // We use a subsurface here so that we don't end up sampling outside the originalSrcRect rectangle.
-        // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58309
-        patternSurface = adoptRef(cairo_surface_create_for_rectangle(surface, expandedSrcRect.x(),
-            expandedSrcRect.y(), expandedSrcRect.width(), expandedSrcRect.height()));
-        leftPadding = static_cast<float>(expandedSrcRect.x()) - floorf(srcRect.x());
-        topPadding = static_cast<float>(expandedSrcRect.y()) - floorf(srcRect.y());
-    }
-    RefPtr<cairo_pattern_t> pattern = adoptRef(cairo_pattern_create_for_surface(patternSurface.get()));
-    ASSERT(m_state);
-    switch (imageInterpolationQuality) {
-    case InterpolationNone:
-    case InterpolationLow:
-        cairo_pattern_set_filter(pattern.get(), CAIRO_FILTER_FAST);
-        break;
-    case InterpolationMedium:
-    case InterpolationDefault:
-        cairo_pattern_set_filter(pattern.get(), CAIRO_FILTER_GOOD);
-        break;
-    case InterpolationHigh:
-        cairo_pattern_set_filter(pattern.get(), CAIRO_FILTER_BEST);
-        break;
-    }
-    cairo_pattern_set_extend(pattern.get(), CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD);
-    // The pattern transformation properly scales the pattern for when the source rectangle is a
-    // different size than the destination rectangle. We also account for any offset we introduced
-    // by expanding floating point source rectangle sizes. It's important to take the absolute value
-    // of the scale since the original width and height might be negative.
-    float scaleX = std::fabs(srcRect.width() / destRect.width());
-    float scaleY = std::fabs(srcRect.height() / destRect.height());
-    cairo_matrix_t matrix = { scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, leftPadding, topPadding };
-    cairo_pattern_set_matrix(pattern.get(), &matrix);
-    ShadowBlur shadow({ shadowState.blur, shadowState.blur }, shadowState.offset, shadowState.color, shadowState.ignoreTransforms);
-    if (shadow.type() != ShadowBlur::NoShadow) {
-        if (GraphicsContext* shadowContext = shadow.beginShadowLayer(context, destRect)) {
-            drawPatternToCairoContext(shadowContext->platformContext()->cr(), pattern.get(), destRect, 1);
-            shadow.endShadowLayer(context);
-        }
-    }
-    cairo_save(m_cr.get());
-    drawPatternToCairoContext(m_cr.get(), pattern.get(), destRect, globalAlpha);
-    cairo_restore(m_cr.get());
 } // namespace WebCore
 #endif // USE(CAIRO)

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.h (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.h	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/PlatformContextCairo.h	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
     void restore();
     void pushImageMask(cairo_surface_t*, const FloatRect&);
-    WEBCORE_EXPORT void drawSurfaceToContext(cairo_surface_t*, const FloatRect& destRect, const FloatRect& srcRect, InterpolationQuality, float globalAlpha, const Cairo::ShadowState&, GraphicsContext&);
     RefPtr<cairo_t> m_cr;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.cpp (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.cpp	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.cpp	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -2973,9 +2973,9 @@
         FloatRect srcRect(0, 0, width, height);
         if (image) {
-            WebCore::PlatformContextCairo* ctxt = context.platformContext();
+            ASSERT(context.hasPlatformContext());
             auto& state = context.state();
-            ctxt->drawSurfaceToContext(image, destRect, srcRect, state.imageInterpolationQuality, state.alpha, Cairo::ShadowState(state), context);
+            Cairo::drawSurface(*context.platformContext(), image, destRect, srcRect, state.imageInterpolationQuality, state.alpha, Cairo::ShadowState(state), context);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -1,3 +1,19 @@
+2018-01-22  Zan Dobersek  <zdober...@igalia.com>
+        [Cairo] Refactor PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() into a Cairo operation
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=181930
+        Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.
+        Call sites of the PlatformContextCairo::drawSurfaceToContext() method
+        are adjusted to now call Cairo::drawSurface() and properly pass the
+        PlatformContextCairo object to the function.
+        * Shared/cairo/ShareableBitmapCairo.cpp:
+        (WebKit::ShareableBitmap::paint):
+        * WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/gtk/WebDragClientGtk.cpp:
+        (WebKit::convertCairoSurfaceToShareableBitmap):
 2018-01-21  Carlos Garcia Campos  <cgar...@igalia.com>
         Unreviewed. Fix compile warning.

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/Shared/cairo/ShareableBitmapCairo.cpp (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/Shared/cairo/ShareableBitmapCairo.cpp	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/Shared/cairo/ShareableBitmapCairo.cpp	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -75,8 +75,10 @@
     FloatRect destRect(dstPoint, srcRect.size());
     FloatRect srcRectScaled(srcRect);
+    ASSERT(context.hasPlatformContext());
     auto& state = context.state();
-    context.platformContext()->drawSurfaceToContext(surface.get(), destRect, srcRectScaled, state.imageInterpolationQuality, state.alpha, Cairo::ShadowState(state), context);
+    Cairo::drawSurface(*context.platformContext(), surface.get(), destRect, srcRectScaled, state.imageInterpolationQuality, state.alpha, Cairo::ShadowState(state), context);
 RefPtr<cairo_surface_t> ShareableBitmap::createCairoSurface()

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/gtk/WebDragClientGtk.cpp (227291 => 227292)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/gtk/WebDragClientGtk.cpp	2018-01-22 14:22:50 UTC (rev 227291)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/gtk/WebDragClientGtk.cpp	2018-01-22 14:23:07 UTC (rev 227292)
@@ -54,8 +54,9 @@
     RefPtr<ShareableBitmap> bitmap = ShareableBitmap::createShareable(imageSize, { });
     auto graphicsContext = bitmap->createGraphicsContext();
+    ASSERT(context.hasPlatformContext());
     auto& state = graphicsContext->state();
-    graphicsContext->platformContext()->drawSurfaceToContext(surface, IntRect(IntPoint(), imageSize), IntRect(IntPoint(), imageSize), state.imageInterpolationQuality, state.alpha, Cairo::ShadowState(state), *graphicsContext);
+    Cairo::drawSurface(*graphicsContext->platformContext(), surface, IntRect(IntPoint(), imageSize), IntRect(IntPoint(), imageSize), state.imageInterpolationQuality, state.alpha, Cairo::ShadowState(state), *graphicsContext);
     return bitmap;
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