Title: [237117] trunk/Source/WebCore
2018-10-15 09:12:37 -0700 (Mon, 15 Oct 2018)

Log Message

RenderLayer tree-related cleanup

Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

Move code around so that functions related to parent/child and z-order tree structure
are near the top of RenderLayer.cpp, since this is one of the primary functions of layers.

Attempts to use inheritance or composition to separate out tree structure resulted in
unwieldy code and/or performance regressions.

The only behavior change is to store a bit for m_isStackingContext so that we don't have
to consult the old style to know if it changed.

* rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderLayer::shouldBeNormalFlowOnly const):
(WebCore::RenderLayer::shouldBeStackingContext const):
(WebCore::RenderLayer::isDescendantOf const):
(WebCore::RenderLayer::calculateClipRects const):
(WebCore::compareZIndex): Deleted.
* rendering/RenderLayer.h:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog (237116 => 237117)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2018-10-15 16:02:35 UTC (rev 237116)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog	2018-10-15 16:12:37 UTC (rev 237117)
@@ -1,3 +1,45 @@
+2018-10-15  Simon Fraser  <simon.fra...@apple.com>
+        RenderLayer tree-related cleanup
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=190572
+        Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.
+        Move code around so that functions related to parent/child and z-order tree structure
+        are near the top of RenderLayer.cpp, since this is one of the primary functions of layers.
+        Attempts to use inheritance or composition to separate out tree structure resulted in
+        unwieldy code and/or performance regressions.
+        The only behavior change is to store a bit for m_isStackingContext so that we don't have
+        to consult the old style to know if it changed.
+        * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::RenderLayer):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::addChild):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::removeChild):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::insertOnlyThisLayer):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::removeOnlyThisLayer):
+        (WebCore::canCreateStackingContext):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::shouldBeNormalFlowOnly const):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::shouldBeStackingContext const):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::setIsNormalFlowOnly):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::setIsStackingContext):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::setParent):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::dirtyZOrderLists):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::dirtyNormalFlowList):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateNormalFlowList):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::rebuildZOrderLists):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::collectLayers):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerListsIfNeeded):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::beginTransparencyLayers):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::willBeDestroyed):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::isDescendantOf const):
+        (WebCore::RenderLayer::calculateClipRects const):
+        (WebCore::compareZIndex): Deleted.
+        * rendering/RenderLayer.h:
 2018-10-15  Antti Koivisto  <an...@apple.com>
         [PSON] Prewarm system fallback fonts

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp (237116 => 237117)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp	2018-10-15 16:02:35 UTC (rev 237116)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.cpp	2018-10-15 16:12:37 UTC (rev 237117)
@@ -271,9 +271,10 @@
 RenderLayer::RenderLayer(RenderLayerModelObject& rendererLayerModelObject)
     : m_isRenderViewLayer(rendererLayerModelObject.isRenderView())
     , m_forcedStackingContext(rendererLayerModelObject.isMedia())
+    , m_zOrderListsDirty(false)
+    , m_normalFlowListDirty(true)
     , m_inResizeMode(false)
     , m_scrollDimensionsDirty(true)
-    , m_normalFlowListDirty(true)
     , m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant(false)
     , m_hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantDirty(false)
     , m_usedTransparency(false)
@@ -315,13 +316,11 @@
     , m_renderer(rendererLayerModelObject)
-    m_isNormalFlowOnly = shouldBeNormalFlowOnly();
+    setIsNormalFlowOnly(shouldBeNormalFlowOnly());
+    setIsStackingContext(shouldBeStackingContext());
     m_isSelfPaintingLayer = shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer();
-    // Non-stacking containers should have empty z-order lists. As this is already the case,
-    // there is no need to dirty / recompute these lists.
-    m_zOrderListsDirty = isStackingContext();
     if (!renderer().firstChild()) {
         m_visibleContentStatusDirty = false;
         m_hasVisibleContent = renderer().style().visibility() == Visibility::Visible;
@@ -376,6 +375,350 @@
     RELEASE_ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed() || !m_first);
+void RenderLayer::addChild(RenderLayer* child, RenderLayer* beforeChild)
+    RenderLayer* prevSibling = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : lastChild();
+    if (prevSibling) {
+        child->setPreviousSibling(prevSibling);
+        prevSibling->setNextSibling(child);
+        ASSERT(prevSibling != child);
+    } else
+        setFirstChild(child);
+    if (beforeChild) {
+        beforeChild->setPreviousSibling(child);
+        child->setNextSibling(beforeChild);
+        ASSERT(beforeChild != child);
+    } else
+        setLastChild(child);
+    child->setParent(this);
+    if (child->isNormalFlowOnly())
+        dirtyNormalFlowList();
+    if (!child->isNormalFlowOnly() || child->firstChild()) {
+        // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained. The stackingContext() can be null in the
+        // case where we're building up generated content layers. This is ok, since the lists will start
+        // off dirty in that case anyway.
+        child->dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
+    }
+    child->updateDescendantDependentFlags();
+    if (child->m_hasVisibleContent || child->m_hasVisibleDescendant)
+        setAncestorChainHasVisibleDescendant();
+    if (child->isSelfPaintingLayer() || child->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
+        setAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant();
+    if (child->hasBlendMode() || (child->hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants() && !child->isolatesBlending()))
+        updateAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
+    compositor().layerWasAdded(*this, *child);
+RenderLayer* RenderLayer::removeChild(RenderLayer* oldChild)
+    if (!renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
+        compositor().layerWillBeRemoved(*this, *oldChild);
+    // remove the child
+    if (oldChild->previousSibling())
+        oldChild->previousSibling()->setNextSibling(oldChild->nextSibling());
+    if (oldChild->nextSibling())
+        oldChild->nextSibling()->setPreviousSibling(oldChild->previousSibling());
+    if (m_first == oldChild)
+        m_first = oldChild->nextSibling();
+    if (m_last == oldChild)
+        m_last = oldChild->previousSibling();
+    if (oldChild->isNormalFlowOnly())
+        dirtyNormalFlowList();
+    if (!oldChild->isNormalFlowOnly() || oldChild->firstChild()) {
+        // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained. When called via the
+        // reattachment process in removeOnlyThisLayer, the layer may already be disconnected
+        // from the main layer tree, so we need to null-check the |stackingContext| value.
+        oldChild->dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
+    }
+    oldChild->setPreviousSibling(nullptr);
+    oldChild->setNextSibling(nullptr);
+    oldChild->setParent(nullptr);
+    oldChild->updateDescendantDependentFlags();
+    if (oldChild->m_hasVisibleContent || oldChild->m_hasVisibleDescendant)
+        dirtyAncestorChainVisibleDescendantStatus();
+    if (oldChild->isSelfPaintingLayer() || oldChild->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
+        dirtyAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantStatus();
+    if (oldChild->hasBlendMode() || (oldChild->hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants() && !oldChild->isolatesBlending()))
+        dirtyAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
+    return oldChild;
+void RenderLayer::insertOnlyThisLayer()
+    if (!m_parent && renderer().parent()) {
+        // We need to connect ourselves when our renderer() has a parent.
+        // Find our enclosingLayer and add ourselves.
+        RenderLayer* parentLayer = renderer().parent()->enclosingLayer();
+        ASSERT(parentLayer);
+        RenderLayer* beforeChild = parentLayer->reflectionLayer() != this ? renderer().parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, &renderer()) : nullptr;
+        parentLayer->addChild(this, beforeChild);
+    }
+    // Remove all descendant layers from the hierarchy and add them to the new position.
+    for (auto& child : childrenOfType<RenderElement>(renderer()))
+        child.moveLayers(m_parent, this);
+    // Clear out all the clip rects.
+    clearClipRectsIncludingDescendants();
+void RenderLayer::removeOnlyThisLayer()
+    if (!m_parent)
+        return;
+    // Mark that we are about to lose our layer. This makes render tree
+    // walks ignore this layer while we're removing it.
+    renderer().setHasLayer(false);
+    compositor().layerWillBeRemoved(*m_parent, *this);
+    // Dirty the clip rects.
+    clearClipRectsIncludingDescendants();
+    RenderLayer* nextSib = nextSibling();
+    // Remove the child reflection layer before moving other child layers.
+    // The reflection layer should not be moved to the parent.
+    if (reflection())
+        removeChild(reflectionLayer());
+    // Now walk our kids and reattach them to our parent.
+    RenderLayer* current = m_first;
+    while (current) {
+        RenderLayer* next = current->nextSibling();
+        removeChild(current);
+        m_parent->addChild(current, nextSib);
+        current->setRepaintStatus(NeedsFullRepaint);
+        current = next;
+    }
+    // Remove us from the parent.
+    m_parent->removeChild(this);
+    renderer().destroyLayer();
+static bool canCreateStackingContext(const RenderLayer& layer)
+    auto& renderer = layer.renderer();
+    return renderer.hasTransformRelatedProperty()
+        || renderer.hasClipPath()
+        || renderer.hasFilter()
+        || renderer.hasMask()
+        || renderer.hasBackdropFilter()
+        || renderer.hasBlendMode()
+        || renderer.isTransparent()
+        || renderer.isPositioned() // Note that this only creates stacking context in conjunction with explicit z-index.
+        || renderer.hasReflection()
+        || renderer.style().hasIsolation()
+        || layer.canUseAcceleratedTouchScrolling()
+        || (renderer.style().willChange() && renderer.style().willChange()->canCreateStackingContext());
+bool RenderLayer::shouldBeNormalFlowOnly() const
+    if (canCreateStackingContext(*this))
+        return false;
+    return renderer().hasOverflowClip()
+        || renderer().isCanvas()
+        || renderer().isVideo()
+        || renderer().isEmbeddedObject()
+        || renderer().isRenderIFrame()
+        || (renderer().style().specifiesColumns() && !isRenderViewLayer())
+        || renderer().isInFlowRenderFragmentedFlow();
+bool RenderLayer::shouldBeStackingContext() const
+    // Non-auto z-index always implies stacking context here, because StyleResolver::adjustRenderStyle already adjusts z-index
+    // based on positioning and other criteria.
+    return !renderer().style().hasAutoZIndex() || isRenderViewLayer() || isForcedStackingContext();
+bool RenderLayer::setIsNormalFlowOnly(bool isNormalFlowOnly)
+    if (isNormalFlowOnly == m_isNormalFlowOnly)
+        return false;
+    m_isNormalFlowOnly = isNormalFlowOnly;
+    if (auto* p = parent())
+        p->dirtyNormalFlowList();
+    dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
+    return true;
+bool RenderLayer::setIsStackingContext(bool isStackingContext)
+    if (isStackingContext == m_isStackingContext)
+        return false;
+    m_isStackingContext = isStackingContext;
+    dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
+    if (isStackingContext)
+        dirtyZOrderLists();
+    else
+        clearZOrderLists();
+    return true;
+void RenderLayer::setParent(RenderLayer* parent)
+    if (parent == m_parent)
+        return;
+    if (m_parent && !renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
+        compositor().layerWillBeRemoved(*m_parent, *this);
+    m_parent = parent;
+    if (m_parent && !renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
+        compositor().layerWasAdded(*m_parent, *this);
+void RenderLayer::dirtyZOrderLists()
+    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
+    ASSERT(isStackingContext());
+    if (m_posZOrderList)
+        m_posZOrderList->clear();
+    if (m_negZOrderList)
+        m_negZOrderList->clear();
+    m_zOrderListsDirty = true;
+    if (!renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
+        compositor().setCompositingLayersNeedRebuild();
+void RenderLayer::dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists()
+    if (auto* sc = stackingContext())
+        sc->dirtyZOrderLists();
+void RenderLayer::dirtyNormalFlowList()
+    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
+    if (m_normalFlowList)
+        m_normalFlowList->clear();
+    m_normalFlowListDirty = true;
+    if (!renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
+        compositor().setCompositingLayersNeedRebuild();
+void RenderLayer::updateNormalFlowList()
+    if (!m_normalFlowListDirty)
+        return;
+    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
+    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
+        // Ignore non-overflow layers and reflections.
+        if (child->isNormalFlowOnly() && (!m_reflection || reflectionLayer() != child)) {
+            if (!m_normalFlowList)
+                m_normalFlowList = std::make_unique<Vector<RenderLayer*>>();
+            m_normalFlowList->append(child);
+        }
+    }
+    m_normalFlowListDirty = false;
+void RenderLayer::rebuildZOrderLists()
+    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
+    ASSERT(isDirtyStackingContext());
+    rebuildZOrderLists(m_posZOrderList, m_negZOrderList);
+    m_zOrderListsDirty = false;
+void RenderLayer::rebuildZOrderLists(std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& posZOrderList, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& negZOrderList)
+    bool includeHiddenLayers = compositor().inCompositingMode();
+    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
+        if (!m_reflection || reflectionLayer() != child)
+            child->collectLayers(includeHiddenLayers, posZOrderList, negZOrderList);
+    }
+    auto compareZIndex = [] (const RenderLayer* first, const RenderLayer* second) -> bool {
+        return first->zIndex() < second->zIndex();
+    };
+    // Sort the two lists.
+    if (posZOrderList)
+        std::stable_sort(posZOrderList->begin(), posZOrderList->end(), compareZIndex);
+    if (negZOrderList)
+        std::stable_sort(negZOrderList->begin(), negZOrderList->end(), compareZIndex);
+void RenderLayer::collectLayers(bool includeHiddenLayers, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& positiveZOrderList, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& negativeZOrderList)
+    updateDescendantDependentFlags();
+    bool isStacking = isStackingContext();
+    // Overflow layers are just painted by their enclosing layers, so they don't get put in zorder lists.
+    bool includeHiddenLayer = includeHiddenLayers || (m_hasVisibleContent || (m_hasVisibleDescendant && isStacking));
+    if (includeHiddenLayer && !isNormalFlowOnly()) {
+        auto& layerList = (zIndex() >= 0) ? positiveZOrderList : negativeZOrderList;
+        if (!layerList)
+            layerList = std::make_unique<Vector<RenderLayer*>>();
+        layerList->append(this);
+    }
+    // Recur into our children to collect more layers, but only if we don't establish
+    // a stacking context/container.
+    if ((includeHiddenLayers || m_hasVisibleDescendant) && !isStacking) {
+        for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
+            // Ignore reflections.
+            if (!m_reflection || reflectionLayer() != child)
+                child->collectLayers(includeHiddenLayers, positiveZOrderList, negativeZOrderList);
+        }
+    }
+void RenderLayer::updateLayerListsIfNeeded()
+    updateZOrderLists();
+    updateNormalFlowList();
+    if (RenderLayer* reflectionLayer = this->reflectionLayer()) {
+        reflectionLayer->updateZOrderLists();
+        reflectionLayer->updateNormalFlowList();
+    }
 String RenderLayer::name() const
     StringBuilder name;
@@ -1631,149 +1974,6 @@
     return false;
-void RenderLayer::addChild(RenderLayer* child, RenderLayer* beforeChild)
-    RenderLayer* prevSibling = beforeChild ? beforeChild->previousSibling() : lastChild();
-    if (prevSibling) {
-        child->setPreviousSibling(prevSibling);
-        prevSibling->setNextSibling(child);
-        ASSERT(prevSibling != child);
-    } else
-        setFirstChild(child);
-    if (beforeChild) {
-        beforeChild->setPreviousSibling(child);
-        child->setNextSibling(beforeChild);
-        ASSERT(beforeChild != child);
-    } else
-        setLastChild(child);
-    child->setParent(this);
-    if (child->isNormalFlowOnly())
-        dirtyNormalFlowList();
-    if (!child->isNormalFlowOnly() || child->firstChild()) {
-        // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained. The stackingContext() can be null in the
-        // case where we're building up generated content layers. This is ok, since the lists will start
-        // off dirty in that case anyway.
-        child->dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
-    }
-    child->updateDescendantDependentFlags();
-    if (child->m_hasVisibleContent || child->m_hasVisibleDescendant)
-        setAncestorChainHasVisibleDescendant();
-    if (child->isSelfPaintingLayer() || child->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
-        setAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant();
-    if (child->hasBlendMode() || (child->hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants() && !child->isolatesBlending()))
-        updateAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
-    compositor().layerWasAdded(*this, *child);
-RenderLayer* RenderLayer::removeChild(RenderLayer* oldChild)
-    if (!renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
-        compositor().layerWillBeRemoved(*this, *oldChild);
-    // remove the child
-    if (oldChild->previousSibling())
-        oldChild->previousSibling()->setNextSibling(oldChild->nextSibling());
-    if (oldChild->nextSibling())
-        oldChild->nextSibling()->setPreviousSibling(oldChild->previousSibling());
-    if (m_first == oldChild)
-        m_first = oldChild->nextSibling();
-    if (m_last == oldChild)
-        m_last = oldChild->previousSibling();
-    if (oldChild->isNormalFlowOnly())
-        dirtyNormalFlowList();
-    if (!oldChild->isNormalFlowOnly() || oldChild->firstChild()) { 
-        // Dirty the z-order list in which we are contained.  When called via the
-        // reattachment process in removeOnlyThisLayer, the layer may already be disconnected
-        // from the main layer tree, so we need to null-check the |stackingContext| value.
-        oldChild->dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
-    }
-    oldChild->setPreviousSibling(nullptr);
-    oldChild->setNextSibling(nullptr);
-    oldChild->setParent(nullptr);
-    oldChild->updateDescendantDependentFlags();
-    if (oldChild->m_hasVisibleContent || oldChild->m_hasVisibleDescendant)
-        dirtyAncestorChainVisibleDescendantStatus();
-    if (oldChild->isSelfPaintingLayer() || oldChild->hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant())
-        dirtyAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantStatus();
-    if (oldChild->hasBlendMode() || (oldChild->hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants() && !oldChild->isolatesBlending()))
-        dirtyAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
-    return oldChild;
-void RenderLayer::removeOnlyThisLayer()
-    if (!m_parent)
-        return;
-    // Mark that we are about to lose our layer. This makes render tree
-    // walks ignore this layer while we're removing it.
-    renderer().setHasLayer(false);
-    compositor().layerWillBeRemoved(*m_parent, *this);
-    // Dirty the clip rects.
-    clearClipRectsIncludingDescendants();
-    RenderLayer* nextSib = nextSibling();
-    // Remove the child reflection layer before moving other child layers.
-    // The reflection layer should not be moved to the parent.
-    if (reflection())
-        removeChild(reflectionLayer());
-    // Now walk our kids and reattach them to our parent.
-    RenderLayer* current = m_first;
-    while (current) {
-        RenderLayer* next = current->nextSibling();
-        removeChild(current);
-        m_parent->addChild(current, nextSib);
-        current->setRepaintStatus(NeedsFullRepaint);
-        current = next;
-    }
-    // Remove us from the parent.
-    m_parent->removeChild(this);
-    renderer().destroyLayer();
-void RenderLayer::insertOnlyThisLayer()
-    if (!m_parent && renderer().parent()) {
-        // We need to connect ourselves when our renderer() has a parent.
-        // Find our enclosingLayer and add ourselves.
-        RenderLayer* parentLayer = renderer().parent()->enclosingLayer();
-        ASSERT(parentLayer);
-        RenderLayer* beforeChild = parentLayer->reflectionLayer() != this ? renderer().parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, &renderer()) : nullptr;
-        parentLayer->addChild(this, beforeChild);
-    }
-    // Remove all descendant layers from the hierarchy and add them to the new position.
-    for (auto& child : childrenOfType<RenderElement>(renderer()))
-        child.moveLayers(m_parent, this);
-    // Clear out all the clip rects.
-    clearClipRectsIncludingDescendants();
 void RenderLayer::convertToPixelSnappedLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, IntPoint& roundedLocation, ColumnOffsetAdjustment adjustForColumns) const
     LayoutPoint location = convertToLayerCoords(ancestorLayer, roundedLocation, adjustForColumns);
@@ -3976,12 +4176,6 @@
     restoreClip(originalContext, paintingInfo, backgroundRect);
-// Helper for the sorting of layers by z-index.
-static inline bool compareZIndex(RenderLayer* first, RenderLayer* second)
-    return first->zIndex() < second->zIndex();
 void RenderLayer::paintLayerContents(GraphicsContext& context, const LayerPaintingInfo& paintingInfo, OptionSet<PaintLayerFlag> paintFlags)
     ASSERT(isSelfPaintingLayer() || hasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant());
@@ -5810,137 +6004,6 @@
     return false;
-void RenderLayer::setParent(RenderLayer* parent)
-    if (parent == m_parent)
-        return;
-    if (m_parent && !renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
-        compositor().layerWillBeRemoved(*m_parent, *this);
-    m_parent = parent;
-    if (m_parent && !renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
-        compositor().layerWasAdded(*m_parent, *this);
-void RenderLayer::dirtyZOrderLists()
-    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
-    ASSERT(isStackingContext());
-    if (m_posZOrderList)
-        m_posZOrderList->clear();
-    if (m_negZOrderList)
-        m_negZOrderList->clear();
-    m_zOrderListsDirty = true;
-    if (!renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
-        compositor().setCompositingLayersNeedRebuild();
-void RenderLayer::dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists()
-    RenderLayer* sc = stackingContext();
-    if (sc)
-        sc->dirtyZOrderLists();
-void RenderLayer::dirtyNormalFlowList()
-    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
-    if (m_normalFlowList)
-        m_normalFlowList->clear();
-    m_normalFlowListDirty = true;
-    if (!renderer().renderTreeBeingDestroyed())
-        compositor().setCompositingLayersNeedRebuild();
-void RenderLayer::rebuildZOrderLists()
-    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
-    ASSERT(isDirtyStackingContext());
-    rebuildZOrderLists(m_posZOrderList, m_negZOrderList);
-    m_zOrderListsDirty = false;
-void RenderLayer::rebuildZOrderLists(std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& posZOrderList, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& negZOrderList)
-    bool includeHiddenLayers = compositor().inCompositingMode();
-    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
-        if (!m_reflection || reflectionLayer() != child)
-            child->collectLayers(includeHiddenLayers, posZOrderList, negZOrderList);
-    // Sort the two lists.
-    if (posZOrderList)
-        std::stable_sort(posZOrderList->begin(), posZOrderList->end(), compareZIndex);
-    if (negZOrderList)
-        std::stable_sort(negZOrderList->begin(), negZOrderList->end(), compareZIndex);
-void RenderLayer::updateNormalFlowList()
-    if (!m_normalFlowListDirty)
-        return;
-    ASSERT(m_layerListMutationAllowed);
-    for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
-        // Ignore non-overflow layers and reflections.
-        if (child->isNormalFlowOnly() && (!m_reflection || reflectionLayer() != child)) {
-            if (!m_normalFlowList)
-                m_normalFlowList = std::make_unique<Vector<RenderLayer*>>();
-            m_normalFlowList->append(child);
-        }
-    }
-    m_normalFlowListDirty = false;
-void RenderLayer::collectLayers(bool includeHiddenLayers, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& posBuffer, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& negBuffer)
-    updateDescendantDependentFlags();
-    bool isStacking = isStackingContext();
-    // Overflow layers are just painted by their enclosing layers, so they don't get put in zorder lists.
-    bool includeHiddenLayer = includeHiddenLayers || (m_hasVisibleContent || (m_hasVisibleDescendant && isStacking));
-    if (includeHiddenLayer && !isNormalFlowOnly()) {
-        // Determine which buffer the child should be in.
-        std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>& buffer = (zIndex() >= 0) ? posBuffer : negBuffer;
-        // Create the buffer if it doesn't exist yet.
-        if (!buffer)
-            buffer = std::make_unique<Vector<RenderLayer*>>();
-        // Append ourselves at the end of the appropriate buffer.
-        buffer->append(this);
-    }
-    // Recur into our children to collect more layers, but only if we don't establish
-    // a stacking context/container.
-    if ((includeHiddenLayers || m_hasVisibleDescendant) && !isStacking) {
-        for (RenderLayer* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
-            // Ignore reflections.
-            if (!m_reflection || reflectionLayer() != child)
-                child->collectLayers(includeHiddenLayers, posBuffer, negBuffer);
-        }
-    }
-void RenderLayer::updateLayerListsIfNeeded()
-    updateZOrderLists();
-    updateNormalFlowList();
-    if (RenderLayer* reflectionLayer = this->reflectionLayer()) {
-        reflectionLayer->updateZOrderLists();
-        reflectionLayer->updateNormalFlowList();
-    }
 void RenderLayer::updateCompositingAndLayerListsIfNeeded()
     if (compositor().inCompositingMode()) {
@@ -5997,41 +6060,6 @@
-static bool createsStackingContext(const RenderLayer& layer)
-    auto& renderer = layer.renderer();
-    return renderer.hasTransformRelatedProperty()
-        || renderer.hasClipPath()
-        || renderer.hasFilter()
-        || renderer.hasMask()
-        || renderer.hasBackdropFilter()
-        || renderer.hasBlendMode()
-        || renderer.isTransparent()
-        || renderer.isPositioned()
-        || renderer.hasReflection()
-        || renderer.style().hasIsolation()
-        || layer.canUseAcceleratedTouchScrolling()
-        || (renderer.style().willChange() && renderer.style().willChange()->canCreateStackingContext());
-bool RenderLayer::shouldBeNormalFlowOnly() const
-    if (createsStackingContext(*this))
-        return false;
-    return renderer().hasOverflowClip()
-        || renderer().isCanvas()
-        || renderer().isVideo()
-        || renderer().isEmbeddedObject()
-        || renderer().isRenderIFrame()
-        || (renderer().style().specifiesColumns() && !isRenderViewLayer())
-        || renderer().isInFlowRenderFragmentedFlow();
 bool RenderLayer::shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer() const
     if (!isNormalFlowOnly())
@@ -6184,49 +6212,10 @@
     PaintedContentRequest localRequest;
     if (!request)
         request = &localRequest;
     return hasNonEmptyChildRenderers(*request);
-void RenderLayer::updateStackingContextsAfterStyleChange(const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
-    if (!oldStyle)
-        return;
-    bool wasStackingContext = isStackingContext(oldStyle);
-    bool isStackingContext = this->isStackingContext();
-    if (isStackingContext != wasStackingContext) {
-        dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
-        if (isStackingContext)
-            dirtyZOrderLists();
-        else
-            clearZOrderLists();
-        if (parent()) {
-            if (isStackingContext) {
-                if (!hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendantsStatusDirty() && hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants())
-                    parent()->dirtyAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
-            } else {
-                if (hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendantsStatusDirty())
-                    parent()->dirtyAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
-                else if (hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants())
-                    parent()->updateAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
-            }
-        }
-        return;
-    }
-    // FIXME: RenderLayer already handles visibility changes through our visiblity dirty bits. This logic could
-    // likely be folded along with the rest.
-    if (oldStyle->zIndex() != renderer().style().zIndex() || oldStyle->visibility() != renderer().style().visibility()) {
-        dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
-        if (isStackingContext)
-            dirtyZOrderLists();
-    }
 void RenderLayer::updateScrollbarsAfterStyleChange(const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
     // Overflow are a box concept.
@@ -6261,26 +6250,42 @@
 void RenderLayer::styleChanged(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
-    bool isNormalFlowOnly = shouldBeNormalFlowOnly();
-    if (isNormalFlowOnly != m_isNormalFlowOnly) {
-        m_isNormalFlowOnly = isNormalFlowOnly;
-        RenderLayer* p = parent();
-        if (p)
-            p->dirtyNormalFlowList();
-        dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
+    setIsNormalFlowOnly(shouldBeNormalFlowOnly());
+    if (setIsStackingContext(shouldBeStackingContext())) {
+        if (parent()) {
+            if (isStackingContext()) {
+                if (!hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendantsStatusDirty() && hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants())
+                    parent()->dirtyAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
+            } else {
+                if (hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendantsStatusDirty())
+                    parent()->dirtyAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
+                else if (hasNotIsolatedBlendingDescendants())
+                    parent()->updateAncestorChainHasBlendingDescendants();
+            }
+        }
+    // FIXME: RenderLayer already handles visibility changes through our visiblity dirty bits. This logic could
+    // likely be folded along with the rest.
+    if (oldStyle) {
+        if (oldStyle->zIndex() != renderer().style().zIndex() || oldStyle->visibility() != renderer().style().visibility()) {
+            dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
+            if (isStackingContext())
+                dirtyZOrderLists();
+        }
+    }
     if (renderer().isHTMLMarquee() && renderer().style().marqueeBehavior() != MarqueeBehavior::None && renderer().isBox()) {
         if (!m_marquee)
             m_marquee = std::make_unique<RenderMarquee>(this);
-    }
-    else if (m_marquee) {
+    } else if (m_marquee)
         m_marquee = nullptr;
-    }
-    updateStackingContextsAfterStyleChange(oldStyle);
     // Overlay scrollbars can make this layer self-painting so we need
     // to recompute the bit once scrollbars have been updated.

Modified: trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.h (237116 => 237117)

--- trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.h	2018-10-15 16:02:35 UTC (rev 237116)
+++ trunk/Source/WebCore/rendering/RenderLayer.h	2018-10-15 16:12:37 UTC (rev 237117)
@@ -142,8 +142,10 @@
     String name() const;
+    Page& page() const { return renderer().page(); }
     RenderLayerModelObject& renderer() const { return m_renderer; }
     RenderBox* renderBox() const { return is<RenderBox>(renderer()) ? &downcast<RenderBox>(renderer()) : nullptr; }
     RenderLayer* parent() const { return m_parent; }
     RenderLayer* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
     RenderLayer* nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
@@ -151,14 +153,94 @@
     RenderLayer* lastChild() const { return m_last; }
     bool isDescendantOf(const RenderLayer&) const;
+    // This does an ancestor tree walk. Avoid it!
+    const RenderLayer* root() const
+    {
+        const RenderLayer* curr = this;
+        while (curr->parent())
+            curr = curr->parent();
+        return curr;
+    }
     void addChild(RenderLayer* newChild, RenderLayer* beforeChild = nullptr);
     RenderLayer* removeChild(RenderLayer*);
-    Page& page() const { return renderer().page(); }
+    void insertOnlyThisLayer();
     void removeOnlyThisLayer();
-    void insertOnlyThisLayer();
+    bool isNormalFlowOnly() const { return m_isNormalFlowOnly; }
+    bool isStackingContext() const { return m_isStackingContext; }
+    // Gets the enclosing stacking context for this layer, excluding this layer itself.
+    RenderLayer* stackingContext() const;
+    // Gets the enclosing stacking container for this layer, possibly the layer
+    // itself, if it is a stacking container.
+    RenderLayer* enclosingStackingContext() { return isStackingContext() ? this : stackingContext(); }
+    void dirtyNormalFlowList();
+    void dirtyZOrderLists();
+    void dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
+    class LayerList {
+        friend class RenderLayer;
+    public:
+        using iterator = RenderLayer**;
+        using const_iterator = RenderLayer * const *;
+        using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
+        using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
+        iterator begin() { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->begin() : nullptr; }
+        iterator end() { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->end() : nullptr; }
+        reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
+        reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
+        const_iterator begin() const { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->begin() : nullptr; }
+        const_iterator end() const { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->end() : nullptr; }
+        const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
+        const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
+        size_t size() const { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->size() : 0; }
+    private:
+        LayerList(Vector<RenderLayer*>* layerList)
+            : m_layerList(layerList)
+        {
+        }
+        Vector<RenderLayer*>* m_layerList;
+    };
+    LayerList normalFlowLayers() const
+    {
+        ASSERT(!m_normalFlowListDirty);
+        return LayerList(m_normalFlowList.get());
+    }
+    LayerList positiveZOrderLayers() const
+    {
+        ASSERT(!m_zOrderListsDirty);
+        ASSERT(isStackingContext() || !m_posZOrderList);
+        return LayerList(m_posZOrderList.get());
+    }
+    bool hasNegativeZOrderLayers() const
+    {
+        return m_negZOrderList && m_negZOrderList->size();
+    }
+    LayerList negativeZOrderLayers() const
+    {
+        ASSERT(!m_zOrderListsDirty);
+        ASSERT(isStackingContext() || !m_negZOrderList);
+        return LayerList(m_negZOrderList.get());
+    }
+    // Update our normal and z-index lists.
+    void updateLayerListsIfNeeded();
     void repaintIncludingDescendants();
     // Indicate that the layer contents need to be repainted. Only has an effect
@@ -173,7 +255,6 @@
     RenderMarquee* marquee() const { return m_marquee.get(); }
-    bool isNormalFlowOnly() const { return m_isNormalFlowOnly; }
     bool isSelfPaintingLayer() const { return m_isSelfPaintingLayer; }
     bool cannotBlitToWindow() const;
@@ -185,14 +266,6 @@
     RenderReplica* reflection() const { return m_reflection.get(); }
     RenderLayer* reflectionLayer() const;
-    const RenderLayer* root() const
-    {
-        const RenderLayer* curr = this;
-        while (curr->parent())
-            curr = curr->parent();
-        return curr;
-    }
     const LayoutPoint& location() const { return m_topLeft; }
     void setLocation(const LayoutPoint& p) { m_topLeft = p; }
@@ -294,6 +367,7 @@
     void setInResizeMode(bool b) { m_inResizeMode = b; }
     bool isRenderViewLayer() const { return m_isRenderViewLayer; }
+    bool isForcedStackingContext() const { return m_forcedStackingContext; }
     RenderLayerCompositor& compositor() const;
@@ -304,13 +378,13 @@
     bool canRender3DTransforms() const;
     enum UpdateLayerPositionsFlag {
-        CheckForRepaint = 1 << 0,
-        NeedsFullRepaintInBacking = 1 << 1,
-        IsCompositingUpdateRoot = 1 << 2,
-        UpdateCompositingLayers = 1 << 3,
-        UpdatePagination = 1 << 4,
-        SeenTransformedLayer = 1 << 5,
-        Seen3DTransformedLayer = 1 << 6
+        CheckForRepaint                 = 1 << 0,
+        NeedsFullRepaintInBacking       = 1 << 1,
+        IsCompositingUpdateRoot         = 1 << 2,
+        UpdateCompositingLayers         = 1 << 3,
+        UpdatePagination                = 1 << 4,
+        SeenTransformedLayer            = 1 << 5,
+        Seen3DTransformedLayer          = 1 << 6,
     static constexpr OptionSet<UpdateLayerPositionsFlag> updateLayerPositionsDefaultFlags() { return { CheckForRepaint, IsCompositingUpdateRoot, UpdateCompositingLayers }; }
@@ -343,80 +417,6 @@
     void clearBlockSelectionGapsBounds();
     void repaintBlockSelectionGaps();
-    // A stacking context is a layer that has a non-auto z-index.
-    bool isStackingContext() const { return isStackingContext(&renderer().style()); }
-    // Gets the enclosing stacking context for this layer, excluding this layer itself.
-    RenderLayer* stackingContext() const;
-    // Gets the enclosing stacking container for this layer, possibly the layer
-    // itself, if it is a stacking container.
-    RenderLayer* enclosingStackingContext() { return isStackingContext() ? this : stackingContext(); }
-    void dirtyNormalFlowList();
-    void dirtyZOrderLists();
-    void dirtyStackingContextZOrderLists();
-    class LayerList {
-        friend class RenderLayer;
-    public:
-        using iterator = RenderLayer**;
-        using const_iterator = RenderLayer * const *;
-        using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
-        using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
-        iterator begin() { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->begin() : nullptr; }
-        iterator end() { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->end() : nullptr; }
-        reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
-        reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
-        const_iterator begin() const { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->begin() : nullptr; }
-        const_iterator end() const { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->end() : nullptr; }
-        const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
-        const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); }
-        size_t size() const { return m_layerList ? m_layerList->size() : 0; }
-    private:
-        LayerList(Vector<RenderLayer*>* layerList)
-            : m_layerList(layerList)
-        {
-        }
-        Vector<RenderLayer*>* m_layerList;
-    };
-    LayerList normalFlowLayers() const
-    {
-        ASSERT(!m_normalFlowListDirty);
-        return LayerList(m_normalFlowList.get());
-    }
-    LayerList positiveZOrderLayers() const
-    {
-        ASSERT(!m_zOrderListsDirty);
-        ASSERT(isStackingContext() || !m_posZOrderList);
-        return LayerList(m_posZOrderList.get());
-    }
-    bool hasNegativeZOrderLayers() const
-    {
-        return m_negZOrderList && m_negZOrderList->size();
-    }
-    LayerList negativeZOrderLayers() const
-    {
-        ASSERT(!m_zOrderListsDirty);
-        ASSERT(isStackingContext() || !m_negZOrderList);
-        return LayerList(m_negZOrderList.get());
-    }
-    // Update our normal and z-index lists.
-    void updateLayerListsIfNeeded();
     // FIXME: We should ASSERT(!m_visibleContentStatusDirty) here, but see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71044
     // ditto for hasVisibleDescendant(), see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71277
     bool hasVisibleContent() const { return m_hasVisibleContent; }
@@ -738,6 +738,30 @@
     bool paintingFrequently() const { return m_paintFrequencyTracker.paintingFrequently(); }
+    void setNextSibling(RenderLayer* next) { m_next = next; }
+    void setPreviousSibling(RenderLayer* prev) { m_previous = prev; }
+    void setParent(RenderLayer*);
+    void setFirstChild(RenderLayer* first) { m_first = first; }
+    void setLastChild(RenderLayer* last) { m_last = last; }
+    bool shouldBeNormalFlowOnly() const;
+    bool shouldBeStackingContext() const;
+    // Return true if changed.
+    bool setIsNormalFlowOnly(bool);
+    bool setIsStackingContext(bool);
+    bool isDirtyStackingContext() const { return m_zOrderListsDirty && isStackingContext(); }
+    void updateZOrderLists();
+    void rebuildZOrderLists();
+    void rebuildZOrderLists(std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&);
+    void collectLayers(bool includeHiddenLayers, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&);
+    void clearZOrderLists();
+    void updateNormalFlowList();
     struct LayerPaintingInfo {
         LayerPaintingInfo(RenderLayer* inRootLayer, const LayoutRect& inDirtyRect, OptionSet<PaintBehavior> inPaintBehavior, const LayoutSize& inSubpixelOffset, RenderObject* inSubtreePaintRoot = nullptr, OverlapTestRequestMap* inOverlapTestRequests = nullptr, bool inRequireSecurityOriginAccessForWidgets = false)
             : rootLayer(inRootLayer)
@@ -766,20 +790,7 @@
     void calculateClipRects(const ClipRectsContext&, ClipRects&) const;
     ClipRects* clipRects(const ClipRectsContext&) const;
-    void updateZOrderLists();
-    void rebuildZOrderLists();
-    void rebuildZOrderLists(std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&);
-    void collectLayers(bool includeHiddenLayers, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&, std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>>&);
-    void clearZOrderLists();
-    void updateNormalFlowList();
-    // Non-auto z-index always implies stacking context here, because StyleResolver::adjustRenderStyle already adjusts z-index
-    // based on positioning and other criteria.
-    bool isStackingContext(const RenderStyle* style) const { return !style->hasAutoZIndex() || isRenderViewLayer() || m_forcedStackingContext; }
-    bool isDirtyStackingContext() const { return m_zOrderListsDirty && isStackingContext(); }
     void setAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendant();
     void dirtyAncestorChainHasSelfPaintingLayerDescendantStatus();
@@ -795,7 +806,6 @@
     bool shouldRepaintAfterLayout() const;
     void updateSelfPaintingLayer();
-    void updateStackingContextsAfterStyleChange(const RenderStyle* oldStyle);
     void updateScrollbarsAfterStyleChange(const RenderStyle* oldStyle);
     void updateScrollbarsAfterLayout();
@@ -806,10 +816,10 @@
     void updateLayerPositions(RenderGeometryMap* = nullptr, OptionSet<UpdateLayerPositionsFlag> = updateLayerPositionsDefaultFlags());
     enum UpdateLayerPositionsAfterScrollFlag {
-        IsOverflowScroll = 1 << 0,
-        HasSeenViewportConstrainedAncestor = 1 << 1,
-        HasSeenAncestorWithOverflowClip = 1 << 2,
-        HasChangedAncestor = 1 << 3
+        IsOverflowScroll                        = 1 << 0,
+        HasSeenViewportConstrainedAncestor      = 1 << 1,
+        HasSeenAncestorWithOverflowClip         = 1 << 2,
+        HasChangedAncestor                      = 1 << 3,
     void updateLayerPositionsAfterScroll(RenderGeometryMap*, OptionSet<UpdateLayerPositionsAfterScrollFlag> = { });
@@ -817,12 +827,6 @@
     RenderLayer* enclosingPaginationLayerInSubtree(const RenderLayer* rootLayer, PaginationInclusionMode) const;
-    void setNextSibling(RenderLayer* next) { m_next = next; }
-    void setPreviousSibling(RenderLayer* prev) { m_previous = prev; }
-    void setParent(RenderLayer* parent);
-    void setFirstChild(RenderLayer* first) { m_first = first; }
-    void setLastChild(RenderLayer* last) { m_last = last; }
     LayoutPoint renderBoxLocation() const { return is<RenderBox>(renderer()) ? downcast<RenderBox>(renderer()).location() : LayoutPoint(); }
     void updateCompositingAndLayerListsIfNeeded();
@@ -893,7 +897,6 @@
     bool showsOverflowControls() const;
-    bool shouldBeNormalFlowOnly() const;
     bool shouldBeSelfPaintingLayer() const;
     int scrollOffset(ScrollbarOrientation) const override;
@@ -1032,14 +1035,16 @@
     const bool m_isRenderViewLayer : 1;
     const bool m_forcedStackingContext : 1;
+    bool m_isNormalFlowOnly : 1;
+    bool m_isStackingContext : 1;
+    bool m_zOrderListsDirty : 1;
+    bool m_normalFlowListDirty: 1;
     // Keeps track of whether the layer is currently resizing, so events can cause resizing to start and stop.
     bool m_inResizeMode : 1;
     bool m_scrollDimensionsDirty : 1;
-    bool m_zOrderListsDirty : 1;
-    bool m_normalFlowListDirty: 1;
-    bool m_isNormalFlowOnly : 1;
     bool m_isSelfPaintingLayer : 1;
     // If have no self-painting descendants, we don't have to walk our children during painting. This can lead to
@@ -1102,6 +1107,16 @@
     RenderLayer* m_first { nullptr };
     RenderLayer* m_last { nullptr };
+    // For layers that establish stacking contexts, m_posZOrderList holds a sorted list of all the
+    // descendant layers within the stacking context that have z-indices of 0 or greater
+    // (auto will count as 0). m_negZOrderList holds descendants within our stacking context with negative
+    // z-indices.
+    std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>> m_posZOrderList;
+    std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>> m_negZOrderList;
+    // This list contains child layers that cannot create stacking contexts and appear in normal flow order.
+    std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>> m_normalFlowList;
     // Our current relative position offset.
     LayoutSize m_offsetForInFlowPosition;
@@ -1121,17 +1136,6 @@
     RefPtr<Scrollbar> m_hBar;
     RefPtr<Scrollbar> m_vBar;
-    // For layers that establish stacking contexts, m_posZOrderList holds a sorted list of all the
-    // descendant layers within the stacking context that have z-indices of 0 or greater
-    // (auto will count as 0).  m_negZOrderList holds descendants within our stacking context with negative
-    // z-indices.
-    std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>> m_posZOrderList;
-    std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>> m_negZOrderList;
-    // This list contains child layers that cannot create stacking contexts.  For now it is just
-    // overflow layers, but that may change in the future.
-    std::unique_ptr<Vector<RenderLayer*>> m_normalFlowList;
     std::unique_ptr<ClipRectsCache> m_clipRectsCache;
     IntPoint m_cachedOverlayScrollbarOffset;
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