Title: [244075] trunk
2019-04-09 07:20:12 -0700 (Tue, 09 Apr 2019)

Log Message

Loads using loadHTMLString() cause flashing when process-swapping

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


Our logic to decide if we should construct a SuspendedPageProxy on process-swap was assuming
a SuspendedPageProxy is only useful for PageCache and would therefore not create one if PageCache
is disabled or if there is no associated WebBackForwardListItem. However, constructing a
SuspendedPageProxy is also useful to prevent flashing when process-swapping as we need to keep
displaying the layer of the previous process until there is something meaningful to show in the
new process.

This patch makes it so that we now construct a SuspendedPageProxy on process-swap, even if
PageCache is disabled or if there is no associated WebBackForwardListItem. The process in
question will not be useful for PageCache but it will avoid flashing. The SuspendedPageProxy's
process may also get used for future navigations to the same site (as demonstrated by the
API test) which is beneficial for performance.

* UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.cpp:
* UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.h:
* UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
* UIProcess/WebProcessPool.cpp:


Add API test coverage.

* TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog (244074 => 244075)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog	2019-04-09 10:21:03 UTC (rev 244074)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog	2019-04-09 14:20:12 UTC (rev 244075)
@@ -1,3 +1,32 @@
+2019-04-09  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
+        Loads using loadHTMLString() cause flashing when process-swapping
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=196714
+        <rdar://problem/49637354>
+        Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
+        Our logic to decide if we should construct a SuspendedPageProxy on process-swap was assuming
+        a SuspendedPageProxy is only useful for PageCache and would therefore not create one if PageCache
+        is disabled or if there is no associated WebBackForwardListItem. However, constructing a
+        SuspendedPageProxy is also useful to prevent flashing when process-swapping as we need to keep
+        displaying the layer of the previous process until there is something meaningful to show in the
+        new process.
+        This patch makes it so that we now construct a SuspendedPageProxy on process-swap, even if
+        PageCache is disabled or if there is no associated WebBackForwardListItem. The process in
+        question will not be useful for PageCache but it will avoid flashing. The SuspendedPageProxy's
+        process may also get used for future navigations to the same site (as demonstrated by the
+        API test) which is beneficial for performance.
+        * UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.cpp:
+        (WebKit::SuspendedPageProxy::SuspendedPageProxy):
+        * UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.h:
+        * UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
+        (WebKit::WebPageProxy::suspendCurrentPageIfPossible):
+        * UIProcess/WebProcessPool.cpp:
+        (WebKit::WebProcessPool::findReusableSuspendedPageProcess):
 2019-04-08  Don Olmstead  <don.olmst...@sony.com>
         [CMake][WinCairo] Separate copied headers into different directories

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.cpp (244074 => 244075)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.cpp	2019-04-09 10:21:03 UTC (rev 244074)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.cpp	2019-04-09 14:20:12 UTC (rev 244075)
@@ -78,17 +78,15 @@
-SuspendedPageProxy::SuspendedPageProxy(WebPageProxy& page, Ref<WebProcessProxy>&& process, WebBackForwardListItem& item, uint64_t mainFrameID)
+SuspendedPageProxy::SuspendedPageProxy(WebPageProxy& page, Ref<WebProcessProxy>&& process, uint64_t mainFrameID)
     : m_page(page)
     , m_process(WTFMove(process))
     , m_mainFrameID(mainFrameID)
-    , m_registrableDomain(URL(URL(), item.url()))
     , m_suspensionTimeoutTimer(RunLoop::main(), this, &SuspendedPageProxy::suspensionTimedOut)
     , m_suspensionToken(m_process->throttler().backgroundActivityToken())
-    item.setSuspendedPage(this);
     m_process->addMessageReceiver(Messages::WebPageProxy::messageReceiverName(), m_page.pageID(), *this);

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.h (244074 => 244075)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.h	2019-04-09 10:21:03 UTC (rev 244074)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.h	2019-04-09 14:20:12 UTC (rev 244075)
@@ -41,13 +41,12 @@
 class SuspendedPageProxy final: public IPC::MessageReceiver, public CanMakeWeakPtr<SuspendedPageProxy> {
-    SuspendedPageProxy(WebPageProxy&, Ref<WebProcessProxy>&&, WebBackForwardListItem&, uint64_t mainFrameID);
+    SuspendedPageProxy(WebPageProxy&, Ref<WebProcessProxy>&&, uint64_t mainFrameID);
     WebPageProxy& page() const { return m_page; }
     WebProcessProxy& process() { return m_process.get(); }
     uint64_t mainFrameID() const { return m_mainFrameID; }
-    const WebCore::RegistrableDomain& registrableDomain() const { return m_registrableDomain; }
     bool failedToSuspend() const { return m_suspensionState == SuspensionState::FailedToSuspend; }

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp (244074 => 244075)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp	2019-04-09 10:21:03 UTC (rev 244074)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp	2019-04-09 14:20:12 UTC (rev 244075)
@@ -741,11 +741,6 @@
     if (!mainFrameID)
         return false;
-    if (!m_preferences->usesPageCache()) {
-        RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED(ProcessSwapping, "suspendCurrentPageIfPossible: Not suspending current page for process pid %i because page cache is disabled", m_process->processIdentifier());
-        return false;
-    }
     // If the client forced a swap then it may not be Web-compatible to suspend the previous page because other windows may have an opener link to the page.
     if (processSwapRequestedByClient == ProcessSwapRequestedByClient::Yes) {
         RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED(ProcessSwapping, "suspendCurrentPageIfPossible: Not suspending current page for process pid %i because the swap was requested by the client", m_process->processIdentifier());
@@ -763,19 +758,15 @@
     auto* fromItem = navigation.fromItem();
-    if (!fromItem) {
-        RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED(ProcessSwapping, "suspendCurrentPageIfPossible: Not suspending current page for process pid %i because the navigation does not have a fromItem", m_process->processIdentifier());
-        return false;
-    }
     // If the source and the destination back / forward list items are the same, then this is a client-side redirect. In this case,
     // there is no need to suspend the previous page as there will be no way to get back to it.
-    if (fromItem == m_backForwardList->currentItem()) {
+    if (fromItem && fromItem == m_backForwardList->currentItem()) {
         RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED(ProcessSwapping, "suspendCurrentPageIfPossible: Not suspending current page for process pid %i because this is a client-side redirect", m_process->processIdentifier());
         return false;
-    if (fromItem->url() != pageLoadState().url()) {
+    if (fromItem && fromItem->url() != pageLoadState().url()) {
         RELEASE_LOG_ERROR_IF_ALLOWED(ProcessSwapping, "suspendCurrentPageIfPossible: Not suspending current page for process pid %i because fromItem's URL does not match the page URL.", m_process->processIdentifier());
         return false;
@@ -782,10 +773,13 @@
     RELEASE_LOG_IF_ALLOWED(ProcessSwapping, "suspendCurrentPageIfPossible: Suspending current page for process pid %i", m_process->processIdentifier());
-    auto suspendedPage = std::make_unique<SuspendedPageProxy>(*this, m_process.copyRef(), *fromItem, *mainFrameID);
+    auto suspendedPage = std::make_unique<SuspendedPageProxy>(*this, m_process.copyRef(), *mainFrameID);
-    LOG(ProcessSwapping, "WebPageProxy %" PRIu64 " created suspended page %s for process pid %i, back/forward item %s" PRIu64, pageID(), suspendedPage->loggingString(), m_process->processIdentifier(), fromItem->itemID().logString());
+    LOG(ProcessSwapping, "WebPageProxy %" PRIu64 " created suspended page %s for process pid %i, back/forward item %s" PRIu64, pageID(), suspendedPage->loggingString(), m_process->processIdentifier(), fromItem ? fromItem->itemID().logString() : 0);
+    if (fromItem && m_preferences->usesPageCache())
+        fromItem->setSuspendedPage(suspendedPage.get());
     return true;

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/WebProcessPool.cpp (244074 => 244075)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/WebProcessPool.cpp	2019-04-09 10:21:03 UTC (rev 244074)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/UIProcess/WebProcessPool.cpp	2019-04-09 14:20:12 UTC (rev 244075)
@@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@
 RefPtr<WebProcessProxy> WebProcessPool::findReusableSuspendedPageProcess(const WebCore::RegistrableDomain& registrableDomain, WebPageProxy& page, WebsiteDataStore& dataStore)
     auto it = m_suspendedPages.findIf([&](auto& suspendedPage) {
-        return suspendedPage->registrableDomain() == registrableDomain && &suspendedPage->process().websiteDataStore() == &dataStore;
+        return suspendedPage->process().registrableDomain() == registrableDomain && &suspendedPage->process().websiteDataStore() == &dataStore;
     if (it == m_suspendedPages.end())
         return nullptr;

Modified: trunk/Tools/ChangeLog (244074 => 244075)

--- trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2019-04-09 10:21:03 UTC (rev 244074)
+++ trunk/Tools/ChangeLog	2019-04-09 14:20:12 UTC (rev 244075)
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+2019-04-09  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
+        Loads using loadHTMLString() cause flashing when process-swapping
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=196714
+        <rdar://problem/49637354>
+        Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
+        Add API test coverage.
+        * TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm:
 2019-04-09  Carlos Garcia Campos  <cgar...@igalia.com>
         Unreviewed. Fix ATK accessibility tests after r244059.

Modified: trunk/Tools/TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm (244074 => 244075)

--- trunk/Tools/TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm	2019-04-09 10:21:03 UTC (rev 244074)
+++ trunk/Tools/TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm	2019-04-09 14:20:12 UTC (rev 244075)
@@ -2346,6 +2346,7 @@
 TEST(ProcessSwap, ReuseSuspendedProcess)
     auto processPoolConfiguration = psonProcessPoolConfiguration();
+    processPoolConfiguration.get().usesWebProcessCache = NO;
     auto processPool = adoptNS([[WKProcessPool alloc] _initWithConfiguration:processPoolConfiguration.get()]);
     auto webViewConfiguration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]);
@@ -2394,6 +2395,55 @@
     EXPECT_EQ(applePID, [webView _webProcessIdentifier]);
+TEST(ProcessSwap, ReuseSuspendedProcessLoadHTMLString)
+    auto processPoolConfiguration = psonProcessPoolConfiguration();
+    processPoolConfiguration.get().usesWebProcessCache = NO;
+    auto processPool = adoptNS([[WKProcessPool alloc] _initWithConfiguration:processPoolConfiguration.get()]);
+    auto webViewConfiguration = adoptNS([[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init]);
+    [webViewConfiguration setProcessPool:processPool.get()];
+    auto handler = adoptNS([[PSONScheme alloc] init]);
+    [webViewConfiguration setURLSchemeHandler:handler.get() forURLScheme:@"PSON"];
+    auto webView = adoptNS([[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) configuration:webViewConfiguration.get()]);
+    auto delegate = adoptNS([[PSONNavigationDelegate alloc] init]);
+    [webView setNavigationDelegate:delegate.get()];
+    NSString *htmlString = @"<html><body>TEST</body></html>";
+    [webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"pson://www.webkit.org/main1.html"]];
+    TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done);
+    done = false;
+    auto webkitPID = [webView _webProcessIdentifier];
+    [webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"pson://www.apple.com/main1.html"]];
+    TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done);
+    done = false;
+    auto applePID = [webView _webProcessIdentifier];
+    EXPECT_NE(webkitPID, applePID);
+    [webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"pson://www.webkit.org/main2.html"]];
+    TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done);
+    done = false;
+    // We should have gone back to the webkit.org process for this load since we reuse SuspendedPages' process when possible.
+    EXPECT_EQ(webkitPID, [webView _webProcessIdentifier]);
+    [webView loadHTMLString:htmlString baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"pson://www.apple.com/main2.html"]];
+    TestWebKitAPI::Util::run(&done);
+    done = false;
+    // We should have gone back to the apple.com process for this load since we reuse SuspendedPages' process when possible.
+    EXPECT_EQ(applePID, [webView _webProcessIdentifier]);
 static const char* failsToEnterPageCacheTestBytes = R"PSONRESOURCE(
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