Title: [257900] trunk/Source
2020-03-04 21:26:14 -0800 (Wed, 04 Mar 2020)

Log Message

Lay initial groundwork for new PDF loading model

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


First piece of adopting some new platform PDF APIs.
Disabled by default even on platforms that support it.
No behavior change for shipping configs.

* WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.h:
* WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.mm:


* wtf/PlatformHave.h:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Source/WTF/ChangeLog (257899 => 257900)

--- trunk/Source/WTF/ChangeLog	2020-03-05 03:46:21 UTC (rev 257899)
+++ trunk/Source/WTF/ChangeLog	2020-03-05 05:26:14 UTC (rev 257900)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2020-03-04  Brady Eidson  <beid...@apple.com>
+        Lay initial groundwork for new PDF loading model
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208599
+        Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
+        * wtf/PlatformHave.h:
 2020-03-04  Wenson Hsieh  <wenson_hs...@apple.com>
         Add system trace points around display list replay

Modified: trunk/Source/WTF/wtf/PlatformHave.h (257899 => 257900)

--- trunk/Source/WTF/wtf/PlatformHave.h	2020-03-05 03:46:21 UTC (rev 257899)
+++ trunk/Source/WTF/wtf/PlatformHave.h	2020-03-05 05:26:14 UTC (rev 257900)
@@ -601,3 +601,7 @@
 #define HAVE_WEBP 1

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog (257899 => 257900)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog	2020-03-05 03:46:21 UTC (rev 257899)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/ChangeLog	2020-03-05 05:26:14 UTC (rev 257900)
@@ -1,3 +1,35 @@
+2020-03-04  Brady Eidson  <beid...@apple.com>
+        Lay initial groundwork for new PDF loading model
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208599
+        Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
+        First piece of adopting some new platform PDF APIs.
+        Disabled by default even on platforms that support it.
+        No behavior change for shipping configs.
+        * WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.h:
+        * WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.mm:
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::PDFPlugin):
+        (WebKit::dataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback):
+        (WebKit::dataProviderGetByteRangesCallback):
+        (WebKit::dataProviderReleaseInfoCallback):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::threadEntry):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::unconditionalCompleteRangeRequest):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::getResourceBytesAtPosition):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::adoptBackgroundThreadDocument):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::pdfDocumentDidLoad):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::installPDFDocument):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::manualStreamDidReceiveData):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::attemptToUnlockPDF):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::calculateSizes):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::handleMouseEvent):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::saveToPDF):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::openWithNativeApplication):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::countFindMatches):
+        (WebKit::PDFPlugin::nextMatchForString):
 2020-03-04  Chris Dumez  <cdu...@apple.com>
         Construct fewer unnecessary temporary WebProcessPool objects in WebsiteDataStore implementation

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.h (257899 => 257900)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.h	2020-03-05 03:46:21 UTC (rev 257899)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.h	2020-03-05 05:26:14 UTC (rev 257900)
@@ -36,7 +36,14 @@
 #include <WebCore/FindOptions.h>
 #include <WebCore/ScrollableArea.h>
 #include <wtf/RetainPtr.h>
+#include <wtf/Threading.h>
+// For now, disable new PDF APIs by default even on platforms where otherwise enabled.
+// FIXME: Enable this when ready.
 typedef const struct OpaqueJSContext* JSContextRef;
 typedef struct OpaqueJSValue* JSObjectRef;
 typedef const struct OpaqueJSValue* JSValueRef;
@@ -116,6 +123,10 @@
     PDFPluginAnnotation* activeAnnotation() const { return m_activeAnnotation.get(); }
     WebCore::AXObjectCache* axObjectCache() const;
+    void getResourceBytesAtPosition(size_t count, off_t position, CompletionHandler<void(const uint8_t*, size_t count)>&&);
     explicit PDFPlugin(WebFrame&);
@@ -225,6 +236,7 @@
     Ref<WebCore::Scrollbar> createScrollbar(WebCore::ScrollbarOrientation);
     void destroyScrollbar(WebCore::ScrollbarOrientation);
     void pdfDocumentDidLoad();
+    void installPDFDocument();
     void addArchiveResource();
     void calculateSizes();
     void runScriptsInPDFDocument();
@@ -241,9 +253,6 @@
     void createPasswordEntryForm();
-    RetainPtr<PDFDocument> pdfDocument() const { return m_pdfDocument; }
-    void setPDFDocument(RetainPtr<PDFDocument> document) { m_pdfDocument = document; }
     WebCore::IntSize pdfDocumentSize() const { return m_pdfDocumentSize; }
     void setPDFDocumentSize(WebCore::IntSize size) { m_pdfDocumentSize = size; }
@@ -302,11 +311,30 @@
     RetainPtr<CFMutableDataRef> m_data;
     RetainPtr<PDFDocument> m_pdfDocument;
+    bool m_documentFinishedLoading { false };
     unsigned m_firstPageHeight { 0 };
     WebCore::IntSize m_pdfDocumentSize; // All pages, including gaps.
     RefPtr<WebCore::Scrollbar> m_horizontalScrollbar;
     RefPtr<WebCore::Scrollbar> m_verticalScrollbar;
+    void threadEntry(Ref<PDFPlugin>&&);
+    void adoptBackgroundThreadDocument();
+    struct ByteRangeRequest {
+        off_t position { 0 };
+        size_t count { 0 };
+        CompletionHandler<void(const uint8_t*, size_t count)> completionHandler;
+    };
+    void unconditionalCompleteRangeRequest(ByteRangeRequest&);
+    void unconditionalCompleteOutstandingRangeRequests();
+    RetainPtr<PDFDocument> m_backgroundThreadDocument;
+    RefPtr<Thread> m_pdfThread;
+    Vector<ByteRangeRequest> m_outstandingByteRangeRequests;
 } // namespace WebKit

Modified: trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.mm (257899 => 257900)

--- trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.mm	2020-03-05 03:46:21 UTC (rev 257899)
+++ trunk/Source/WebKit/WebProcess/Plugins/PDF/PDFPlugin.mm	2020-03-05 05:26:14 UTC (rev 257900)
@@ -87,7 +87,14 @@
 #import <pal/spi/cg/CoreGraphicsSPI.h>
 #import <pal/spi/mac/NSMenuSPI.h>
 #import <wtf/UUID.h>
+#import <wtf/WTFSemaphore.h>
+@interface PDFDocument ()
+-(instancetype) initWithProvider:(CGDataProviderRef)dataProvider;
 // Set overflow: hidden on the annotation container so <input> elements scrolled out of view don't show
 // scrollbars on the body. We can't add annotations directly to the body, because overflow: hidden on the body
 // will break rubber-banding.
@@ -574,6 +581,9 @@
     , m_scrollCornerLayer(adoptNS([[WKPDFPluginScrollbarLayer alloc] initWithPDFPlugin:this]))
     , m_pdfLayerController(adoptNS([[pdfLayerControllerClass() alloc] init]))
     , m_pdfLayerControllerDelegate(adoptNS([[WKPDFLayerControllerDelegate alloc] initWithPDFPlugin:this]))
+    , m_pdfThread(Thread::create("PDF document thread", [protectedThis = makeRef(*this), this] () mutable { threadEntry(WTFMove(protectedThis)); }))
     m_pdfLayerController.get().delegate = m_pdfLayerControllerDelegate.get();
     m_pdfLayerController.get().parentLayer = m_contentLayer.get();
@@ -608,6 +618,145 @@
+static size_t dataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback(void* info, void* buffer, off_t position, size_t count)
+    ASSERT(!isMainThread());
+    Ref<PDFPlugin> plugin = *((PDFPlugin*)info);
+    WTF::Semaphore dataSemaphore { 0 };
+    size_t bytesProvided = 0;
+    RunLoop::main().dispatch([plugin = WTFMove(plugin), position, count, buffer, &dataSemaphore, &bytesProvided] {
+        plugin->getResourceBytesAtPosition(count, position, [count, buffer, &dataSemaphore, &bytesProvided](const uint8_t* bytes, size_t bytesCount) {
+            ASSERT_UNUSED(count, bytesCount <= count);
+            memcpy(buffer, bytes, bytesCount);
+            bytesProvided = bytesCount;
+            dataSemaphore.signal();
+        });
+    });
+    dataSemaphore.wait();
+    return bytesProvided;
+static void dataProviderGetByteRangesCallback(void* info, CFMutableArrayRef buffers, const CFRange* ranges, size_t count)
+    ASSERT(!isMainThread());
+    Ref<PDFPlugin> plugin = *((PDFPlugin*)info);
+    WTF::Semaphore dataSemaphore { 0 };
+    Vector<RetainPtr<CFDataRef>> dataResults(count);
+    // FIXME: Once we support range requests, make a single request for all ranges instead of <count> individual requests.
+    RunLoop::main().dispatch([plugin = WTFMove(plugin), &dataResults, ranges, count, &dataSemaphore] {
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+            plugin->getResourceBytesAtPosition(ranges[i].length, ranges[i].location, [i, &dataResults, &dataSemaphore](const uint8_t* bytes, size_t bytesCount) {
+                dataResults[i] = adoptCF(CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, bytes, bytesCount));
+                dataSemaphore.signal();
+            });
+        }
+    });
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+        dataSemaphore.wait();
+    for (auto& result : dataResults) {
+        if (!result)
+            result = adoptCF(CFDataCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, 0));
+        CFArrayAppendValue(buffers, result.get());
+    }
+static void dataProviderReleaseInfoCallback(void* info)
+    ASSERT(!isMainThread());
+    adoptRef((PDFPlugin*)info);
+void PDFPlugin::threadEntry(Ref<PDFPlugin>&& protectedPlugin)
+    CGDataProviderDirectAccessRangesCallbacks dataProviderCallbacks {
+        0,
+        dataProviderGetBytesAtPositionCallback,
+        dataProviderGetByteRangesCallback,
+        dataProviderReleaseInfoCallback,
+    };
+    // Balanced by a deref inside of the dataProviderReleaseInfoCallback
+    ref();
+    RetainPtr<CGDataProviderRef> dataProvider = adoptCF(CGDataProviderCreateMultiRangeDirectAccess(this, kCGDataProviderIndeterminateSize, &dataProviderCallbacks));
+    CGDataProviderSetProperty(dataProvider.get(), kCGDataProviderHasHighLatency, kCFBooleanTrue);
+    m_backgroundThreadDocument = adoptNS([[pdfDocumentClass() alloc] initWithProvider:dataProvider.get()]);
+    // The main thread dispatch below removes the last reference to the PDF thread.
+    // It must be the last code executed in this function.
+    callOnMainThread([this, protectedPlugin = WTFMove(protectedPlugin)] {
+        adoptBackgroundThreadDocument();
+    });
+void PDFPlugin::unconditionalCompleteOutstandingRangeRequests()
+    for (auto& request : m_outstandingByteRangeRequests)
+        unconditionalCompleteRangeRequest(request);
+    m_outstandingByteRangeRequests.clear();
+void PDFPlugin::unconditionalCompleteRangeRequest(ByteRangeRequest& request)
+    uint64_t fullSize = m_data ? static_cast<uint64_t>(CFDataGetLength(m_data.get())) : 0;
+    if (static_cast<uint64_t>(request.position) >= fullSize) {
+        request.completionHandler(nullptr, 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    auto count = request.position + request.count > fullSize ? fullSize - request.position : request.count;
+    request.completionHandler(CFDataGetBytePtr(m_data.get()) + request.position, count);
+void PDFPlugin::getResourceBytesAtPosition(size_t count, off_t position, CompletionHandler<void(const uint8_t*, size_t)>&& completionHandler)
+    ASSERT(isMainThread());
+    uint64_t dataLength = m_data ? static_cast<uint64_t>(CFDataGetLength(m_data.get())) : 0;
+    if (m_data && dataLength >= position + count) {
+        completionHandler(CFDataGetBytePtr(m_data.get()) + position, count);
+        return;
+    }
+    ByteRangeRequest request = { position, count, WTFMove(completionHandler) };
+    if (m_documentFinishedLoading) {
+        unconditionalCompleteRangeRequest(request);
+        return;
+    }
+    m_outstandingByteRangeRequests.append(WTFMove(request));
+void PDFPlugin::adoptBackgroundThreadDocument()
+    ASSERT(!m_pdfDocument);
+    ASSERT(m_backgroundThreadDocument);
+    ASSERT(isMainThread());
+    m_pdfDocument = WTFMove(m_backgroundThreadDocument);
+    // If the plugin was manually destroyed, the m_pdfThread might already be gone.
+    if (m_pdfThread) {
+        m_pdfThread->waitForCompletion();
+        m_pdfThread = nullptr;
+    }
+    // If the plugin is being destroyed, no point in doing any more PDF work
+    if (m_isBeingDestroyed)
+        return;
+    installPDFDocument();
 PluginInfo PDFPlugin::pluginInfo()
     PluginInfo info;
@@ -944,15 +1093,27 @@
 void PDFPlugin::pdfDocumentDidLoad()
-    RetainPtr<PDFDocument> document = adoptNS([[pdfDocumentClass() alloc] initWithData:rawData()]);
-    setPDFDocument(document);
+    m_documentFinishedLoading = true;
+    // At this point we know all data for the document, and therefore we know how to answer any outstanding range requests.
+    unconditionalCompleteOutstandingRangeRequests();
+    m_pdfDocument = adoptNS([[pdfDocumentClass() alloc] initWithData:rawData()]);
+    installPDFDocument();
+void PDFPlugin::installPDFDocument()
+    ASSERT(m_pdfDocument);
+    ASSERT(isMainThread());
     [m_pdfLayerController setFrameSize:size()];
-    m_pdfLayerController.get().document = document.get();
+    m_pdfLayerController.get().document = m_pdfDocument.get();
     if (handlesPageScaleFactor())
         pluginView()->setPageScaleFactor([m_pdfLayerController contentScaleFactor], IntPoint());
@@ -964,7 +1125,7 @@
-    if ([document isLocked])
+    if ([m_pdfDocument isLocked])
     if ([m_pdfLayerController respondsToSelector:@selector(setURLFragment:)]) {
@@ -1033,6 +1194,19 @@
         m_data = adoptCF(CFDataCreateMutable(0, 0));
     CFDataAppendBytes(m_data.get(), reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(bytes), length);
+    size_t index = 0;
+    while (index < m_outstandingByteRangeRequests.size()) {
+        auto& request = m_outstandingByteRangeRequests[index];
+        if (static_cast<uint64_t>(CFDataGetLength(m_data.get())) >= request.position + request.count) {
+            request.completionHandler(CFDataGetBytePtr(m_data.get()) + request.position, request.count);
+            m_outstandingByteRangeRequests.remove(index);
+            continue;
+        }
+        ++index;
+    }
 void PDFPlugin::manualStreamDidFinishLoading()
@@ -1043,7 +1217,10 @@
 void PDFPlugin::manualStreamDidFail(bool)
-    m_data.clear();
+    m_data = nullptr;
+    unconditionalCompleteOutstandingRangeRequests();
 void PDFPlugin::runScriptsInPDFDocument()
@@ -1074,7 +1251,7 @@
     [m_pdfLayerController attemptToUnlockWithPassword:password];
-    if (![pdfDocument() isLocked]) {
+    if (![m_pdfDocument isLocked]) {
         m_passwordField = nullptr;
@@ -1099,7 +1276,7 @@
 void PDFPlugin::calculateSizes()
-    if ([pdfDocument() isLocked]) {
+    if ([m_pdfDocument isLocked]) {
         m_firstPageHeight = 0;
         setPDFDocumentSize(IntSize(0, 0));
@@ -1129,6 +1306,18 @@
 void PDFPlugin::destroy()
+    m_documentFinishedLoading = true;
+    // By clearing out the resource data and handling all outstanding range requests,
+    // we can force the PDFThread to complete quickly
+    if (m_pdfThread) {
+        m_data = nullptr;
+        unconditionalCompleteOutstandingRangeRequests();
+        m_pdfThread->waitForCompletion();
+    }
     m_pdfLayerController.get().delegate = 0;
     if (webFrame()) {
@@ -1418,7 +1607,7 @@
     if (m_scrollCornerLayer && IntRect(m_scrollCornerLayer.get().frame).contains(mousePosition))
         return false;
-    if ([pdfDocument() isLocked])
+    if ([m_pdfDocument isLocked])
         return false;
     // Right-clicks and Control-clicks always call handleContextMenuEvent as well.
@@ -1713,7 +1902,7 @@
     // FIXME: We should probably notify the user that they can't save before the document is finished loading.
     // PDFViewController does an NSBeep(), but that seems insufficient.
-    if (!pdfDocument())
+    if (!m_documentFinishedLoading)
     NSData *data = ""
@@ -1725,7 +1914,7 @@
     if (!m_temporaryPDFUUID) {
         // FIXME: We should probably notify the user that they can't save before the document is finished loading.
         // PDFViewController does an NSBeep(), but that seems insufficient.
-        if (!pdfDocument())
+        if (!m_documentFinishedLoading)
         NSData *data = ""
@@ -1810,7 +1999,7 @@
         return 0;
     NSStringCompareOptions nsOptions = options.contains(WebCore::CaseInsensitive) ? NSCaseInsensitiveSearch : 0;
-    return [[pdfDocument() findString:target withOptions:nsOptions] count];
+    return [[m_pdfDocument findString:target withOptions:nsOptions] count];
 PDFSelection *PDFPlugin::nextMatchForString(const String& target, BOOL searchForward, BOOL caseSensitive, BOOL wrapSearch, PDFSelection *initialSelection, BOOL startInSelection)
@@ -1824,8 +2013,6 @@
     if (!caseSensitive)
         options |= NSCaseInsensitiveSearch;
-    PDFDocument *document = pdfDocument().get();
     RetainPtr<PDFSelection> selectionForInitialSearch = adoptNS([initialSelection copy]);
     if (startInSelection) {
         // Initially we want to include the selected text in the search. So we must modify the starting search
@@ -1841,15 +2028,15 @@
-    PDFSelection *foundSelection = [document findString:target fromSelection:selectionForInitialSearch.get() withOptions:options];
+    PDFSelection *foundSelection = [m_pdfDocument findString:target fromSelection:selectionForInitialSearch.get() withOptions:options];
     // If we first searched in the selection, and we found the selection, search again from just past the selection.
     if (startInSelection && [foundSelection isEqual:initialSelection])
-        foundSelection = [document findString:target fromSelection:initialSelection withOptions:options];
+        foundSelection = [m_pdfDocument findString:target fromSelection:initialSelection withOptions:options];
     if (!foundSelection && wrapSearch) {
-        auto emptySelection = adoptNS([[pdfSelectionClass() alloc] initWithDocument:document]);
-        foundSelection = [document findString:target fromSelection:emptySelection.get() withOptions:options];
+        auto emptySelection = adoptNS([[pdfSelectionClass() alloc] initWithDocument:m_pdfDocument.get()]);
+        foundSelection = [m_pdfDocument findString:target fromSelection:emptySelection.get() withOptions:options];
     return foundSelection;
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