Title: [95159] trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org
2011-09-14 21:08:41 -0700 (Wed, 14 Sep 2011)

Log Message

PrettyPatch should handle "delta" patch mechanism in git binary patches

Git patches are encoded using two mechanisms - "literal" and "delta".
For details of these mechanisms, see the function emit_binary_diff_body
in the git source file diff.c (https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/diff.c).

When determining if a binary file patch is an image or not we should accept
both literal and delta patch encodings.

When reconstructing the images from the patches, if we have a delta patch
we may download the previous revision from svn.webkit.org to get the image data.

Patch by Ben Wells <benwe...@chromium.org> on 2011-09-14
Reviewed by Adam Roben.

* PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch.rb:
* PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch_test.rb:

Modified Paths


Modified: trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/ChangeLog (95158 => 95159)

--- trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/ChangeLog	2011-09-15 04:06:49 UTC (rev 95158)
+++ trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/ChangeLog	2011-09-15 04:08:41 UTC (rev 95159)
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+2011-09-14  Ben Wells  <benwe...@chromium.org>
+        PrettyPatch should handle "delta" patch mechanism in git binary patches
+        https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67628
+        Git patches are encoded using two mechanisms - "literal" and "delta".
+        For details of these mechanisms, see the function emit_binary_diff_body
+        in the git source file diff.c (https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/diff.c).
+        When determining if a binary file patch is an image or not we should accept
+        both literal and delta patch encodings.
+        When reconstructing the images from the patches, if we have a delta patch
+        we may download the previous revision from svn.webkit.org to get the image data.
+        Reviewed by Adam Roben.
+        * PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch.rb:
+        * PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch_test.rb:
 2011-09-06  Sheriff Bot  <webkit.review....@gmail.com>
         Unreviewed, rolling out r94554.

Modified: trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch.rb (95158 => 95159)

--- trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch.rb	2011-09-15 04:06:49 UTC (rev 95158)
+++ trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch.rb	2011-09-15 04:08:41 UTC (rev 95159)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 require 'cgi'
 require 'diff'
 require 'open3'
+require 'open-uri'
 require 'pp'
 require 'set'
 require 'tempfile'
@@ -13,22 +14,24 @@
     def self.prettify(string)
         $last_prettify_file_count = -1
-        $last_prettify_part_count = { "remove" => 0, "add" => 0, "shared" => 0 }
+        $last_prettify_part_count = { "remove" => 0, "add" => 0, "shared" => 0, "binary" => 0, "extract-error" => 0 }
         string = normalize_line_ending(string)
-        fileDiffs = FileDiff.parse(string)
         str = HEADER + "\n"
         # Just look at the first line to see if it is an SVN revision number as added
         # by webkit-patch for git checkouts.
+        $svn_revision = 0
         string.each_line do |line|
             match = /^Subversion\ Revision: (\d*)$/.match(line)
             unless match.nil?
-              str += "<span class='revision'>" + match[1] + "</span>\n"
+                str += "<span class='revision'>" + match[1] + "</span>\n"
+                $svn_revision = match[1].to_i;
+        fileDiffs = FileDiff.parse(string)
         $last_prettify_file_count = fileDiffs.length
         str += fileDiffs.collect{ |diff| diff.to_html }.join
@@ -65,8 +68,12 @@
     GIT_BINARY_FILE_MARKER_FORMAT = /^GIT binary patch$/
+    GIT_BINARY_PATCH_FORMAT = /^(literal|delta) \d+$/
     GIT_LITERAL_FORMAT = /^literal \d+$/
+    GIT_DELTA_FORMAT = /^delta \d+$/
     START_OF_BINARY_DATA_FORMAT = /^[0-9a-zA-Z\+\/=]{20,}/ # Assume 20 chars without a space is base64 binary data.
     START_OF_SECTION_FORMAT = /^@@ -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? @@\s*(.*)/
@@ -508,7 +515,7 @@
                     @git_indexes = [$1, $2]
                 when GIT_BINARY_FILE_MARKER_FORMAT
                     @binary = true
-                    if (GIT_LITERAL_FORMAT.match(lines[i + 1]) and PrettyPatch.has_image_suffix(@filename)) then
+                    if (GIT_BINARY_PATCH_FORMAT.match(lines[i + 1]) and PrettyPatch.has_image_suffix(@filename)) then
                         @git_image = true
                         startOfSections = i + 1
@@ -534,14 +541,20 @@
                     raise "no binary chunks" unless chunks
-                    binary_contents = chunks.zip(@git_indexes).collect do |chunk, git_index|
-                        FileDiff.extract_contents_from_git_binary_chunk(chunk, git_index)
-                    end
+                    from_filepath = FileDiff.extract_contents_of_from_revision(@filename, chunks[0], @git_indexes[0])
+                    to_filepath = FileDiff.extract_contents_of_to_revision(@filename, chunks[1], @git_indexes[1], from_filepath, @git_indexes[0])
+                    filepaths = from_filepath, to_filepath
-                    @image_urls = binary_contents.collect { |content| content ? "data:image/png;base64," + [content].pack("m") : nil }
+                    binary_contents = filepaths.collect { |filepath| File.exists?(filepath) ? File.read(filepath) : nil }
+                    @image_urls = binary_contents.collect { |content| (content and not content.empty?) ? "data:image/png;base64," + [content].pack("m") : nil }
                     @image_checksums = binary_contents.collect { |content| FileDiff.read_checksum_from_png(content) }
+                    $last_prettify_part_count["extract-error"] += 1
                     @image_error = "Exception raised during decoding git binary patch:<pre>#{CGI.escapeHTML($!.to_s + "\n" + $!.backtrace.join("\n"))}</pre>"
+                ensure
+                    File.unlink(from_filepath) if (from_filepath and File.exists?(from_filepath))
+                    File.unlink(to_filepath) if (to_filepath and File.exists?(to_filepath))
@@ -585,6 +598,7 @@
             elsif @binary then
+                $last_prettify_part_count["binary"] += 1
                 str += "<span class='text'>Binary file, nothing to see here</span>"
                 str += @sections.collect{ |section| section.to_html }.join("<br>\n") unless @sections.nil?
@@ -631,38 +645,97 @@
-        def self.extract_contents_from_git_binary_chunk(encoded_chunk, git_index)
-            # We use Tempfile we need a unique file among processes.
+        def self.git_changed_file_binary_patch(to_filename, from_filename, encoded_chunk, to_git_index, from_git_index)
+            return <<END
+diff --git a/#{from_filename} b/#{to_filename}
+copy from #{from_filename}
++++ b/#{to_filename}
+index #{from_git_index}..#{to_git_index}
+GIT binary patch
+#{encoded_chunk.join("")}literal 0
+        end
+        def self.get_svn_uri(repository_path)
+            "http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/!svn/bc/" + $svn_revision.to_s + "/trunk/" + (repository_path)
+        end
+        def self.get_new_temp_filepath_and_name
             tempfile = Tempfile.new("PrettyPatch")
-            # We need a filename which doesn't exist to apply a patch
-            # which creates a new file. Append a suffix so filename
-            # doesn't exist.
             filepath = tempfile.path + '.bin'
             filename = File.basename(filepath)
+            return filepath, filename
+        end
-            patch = FileDiff.git_new_file_binary_patch(filename, encoded_chunk, git_index)
+        def self.download_from_revision_from_svn(repository_path)
+            filepath, filename = get_new_temp_filepath_and_name
+            svn_uri = get_svn_uri(repository_path)
+            open(filepath, 'wb') do |to_file|
+                to_file << open(svn_uri) { |from_file| from_file.read }
+            end
+            return filepath
+        end
+        def self.run_git_apply_on_patch(output_filepath, patch)
             # Apply the git binary patch using git-apply.
-            cmd = GIT_PATH + " apply --directory=" + File.dirname(filepath)
+            cmd = GIT_PATH + " apply --directory=" + File.dirname(output_filepath)
             stdin, stdout, stderr = *Open3.popen3(cmd)
                 error = stderr.read
+                if error != ""
+                    error = "Error running " + cmd + "\n" + "with patch:\n" + patch[0..500] + "...\n" + error
+                end
                 raise error if error != ""
-                contents = File.read(filepath)
                 stdin.close unless stdin.closed?
-                File.unlink(filename) if File.exists?(filename)
+        end
-            return nil if contents.empty?
-            return contents
+        def self.extract_contents_from_git_binary_literal_chunk(encoded_chunk, git_index)
+            filepath, filename = get_new_temp_filepath_and_name
+            patch = FileDiff.git_new_file_binary_patch(filename, encoded_chunk, git_index)
+            run_git_apply_on_patch(filepath, patch)
+            return filepath
+        def self.extract_contents_from_git_binary_delta_chunk(from_filepath, from_git_index, encoded_chunk, to_git_index)
+            to_filepath, to_filename = get_new_temp_filepath_and_name
+            from_filename = File.basename(from_filepath)
+            patch = FileDiff.git_changed_file_binary_patch(to_filename, from_filename, encoded_chunk, to_git_index, from_git_index)
+            run_git_apply_on_patch(to_filepath, patch)
+            return to_filepath
+        end
+        def self.extract_contents_of_from_revision(repository_path, encoded_chunk, git_index)
+            # For literal encoded, simply reconstruct.
+            if GIT_LITERAL_FORMAT.match(encoded_chunk[0])
+                return extract_contents_from_git_binary_literal_chunk(encoded_chunk, git_index)
+            end
+            #  For delta encoded, download from svn.
+            if GIT_DELTA_FORMAT.match(encoded_chunk[0])
+                return download_from_revision_from_svn(repository_path)
+            end
+            raise "Error: unknown git patch encoding"
+        end
+        def self.extract_contents_of_to_revision(repository_path, encoded_chunk, git_index, from_filepath, from_git_index)
+            # For literal encoded, simply reconstruct.
+            if GIT_LITERAL_FORMAT.match(encoded_chunk[0])
+                return extract_contents_from_git_binary_literal_chunk(encoded_chunk, git_index)
+            end
+            # For delta encoded, reconstruct using delta and previously constructed 'from' revision.
+            if GIT_DELTA_FORMAT.match(encoded_chunk[0])
+                return extract_contents_from_git_binary_delta_chunk(from_filepath, from_git_index, encoded_chunk, git_index)
+            end
+            raise "Error: unknown git patch encoding"
+        end
     class DiffBlock
@@ -804,7 +877,7 @@
             str += @blocks.collect{ |block| block.to_html }.join
             str += "</div>\n"
         def self.parse(lines)
             linesForSections = lines.inject([[]]) do |sections, line|
                 sections << [] if line =~ /^@@/

Modified: trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch_test.rb (95158 => 95159)

--- trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch_test.rb	2011-09-15 04:06:49 UTC (rev 95158)
+++ trunk/Websites/bugs.webkit.org/PrettyPatch/PrettyPatch_test.rb	2011-09-15 04:08:41 UTC (rev 95159)
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
         80852 => ["Changes one line plus ChangeLog", 2, 2, 1, 4],
         83127 => ["Only add stuff", 2, 2, 0, 3],
         85071 => ["Adds and removes from a file plus git signature", 2, 5, 3, 9],
+        106368 => ["Images with git delta binary patch", 69, 8, 23, 10],
     def get_patch_uri(id)
@@ -57,6 +58,8 @@
         assert_equal(info[Info::ADD], $last_prettify_part_count["add"], "Wrong number of 'add' parts in " + description)
         assert_equal(info[Info::REMOVE], $last_prettify_part_count["remove"], "Wrong number of 'remove' parts in " + description)
         assert_equal(info[Info::SHARED], $last_prettify_part_count["shared"], "Wrong number of 'shared' parts in " + description)
+        assert_equal(0, $last_prettify_part_count["binary"], "Wrong number of 'binary' parts in " + description)
+        assert_equal(0, $last_prettify_part_count["extract-error"], "Wrong number of 'extract-error' parts in " + description)
     def test_patches
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