Branch: refs/heads/main
  Commit: b8cacf190ad60d1d602a3b40509bb52d9ec4b5fb
  Author: Wenson Hsieh <>
  Date:   2024-03-13 (Wed, 13 Mar 2024)

  Changed paths:
    M Source/WebCore/editing/VisibleUnits.cpp
    M Source/WebKit/WebProcess/WebPage/ios/
    M Tools/TestRunnerShared/spi/UIKitSPIForTesting.h
    M Tools/TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/

  Log Message:
  [iOS 17.4] 21+ layout tests assert under 

Reviewed by Abrar Rahman Protyasha.

As a part of BrowserEngineKit adoption in iOS 17.4, UIKit began issuing 
document editing context
requests to grab 2 sentences worth of context before and after the selection 
while the keyboard is
shown. This triggers a frequent debug assertion when running tests on iOS 17.4, 
due to the fact that
the current implementation of `nextSentenceBoundaryInDirection` frequently 
returns a position that
ends up being upstream of the initial `vp` when the `direction` is downstream, 
or downstream of the
`vp` when the given `direction` is upstream. For instance, this can happen when 
we're trying to find
the next downstream sentence boundary when the `vp` is anchored to a cell in a 
table; we end up
first moving to the end of the table with `nextSentencePosition`, but then 
`startOfSentence` takes
us back up to before the table, leaving us at a position before the initial 
`vp` (despite the fact
that we wanted to go downstream). To fix this, we make 
`nextSentenceBoundaryInDirection` more
robust with some minor adjustments:

1.  When moving downstream, if the start of the next sentence is before `vp`, 
then move to the end
    of the next sentence instead (and vice versa when moving upstream).

2.  Repeat the process of moving to the next `startOfSentence` or 
`endOfSentence` until the `result`
    is in the requested `direction` relative to the initial `vp`.

This ensures that we'll find the closest visible position that satisfies the 
following constraints:

1.  It is the result of either `startOfSentence` or `endOfSentence`.
2.  It is downstream of the initial `vp` when the `direction` is downstream, 
and vice versa when the
    `direction` is upstream.

* Source/WebCore/editing/VisibleUnits.cpp:
* Source/WebKit/WebProcess/WebPage/ios/

Also, remove an unnecessary assertion here. This assertion can fire in the case 
where the given
`position` already denotes the end of the last (if moving downstream) or the 
start of the first (if
moving upstream) sentence in the document or editable root, in which case
`positionOfNextBoundaryOfGranularity` will just return the null position. This 
scenario is already
handled gracefully.

* Tools/TestRunnerShared/spi/UIKitSPIForTesting.h:
* Tools/TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/

Remove staging for `UITextDocumentRequest` / `UITextDocumentContext`, since the 
rename from
`UIWKDocument*` to `UITextDocument*` never ended up happening (and we 
alternatively went with
introducing these objects in BrowserEngineKit, as `BETextDocument*`).

(-[TestWKWebView synchronouslyRequestDocumentContext:]):
(-[UITextDocumentContext markedTextRects]): Deleted.
(-[UITextDocumentContext contextBeforeLength]): Deleted.
(-[UITextDocumentContext markedTextLength]): Deleted.
(-[UITextDocumentContext markedTextRange]): Deleted.
(-[UITextDocumentContext textRects]): Deleted.
(-[UITextDocumentContext boundingRectForCharacterRange:]): Deleted.

Also fix these failing API tests on iOS 17.4 (which currently expect 
`UIWKDocumentContext` instead
of a `BETextDocumentContext`, and therefore throw ObjC exceptions at runtime 
when attempting to
access `contextBefore` and other methods).

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