[webkit-dev] lib change questions

2009-05-24 Thread sitan2006
There're many 3rd and self libraries in default WebKit. Some of them may be replaced while building , but I think not all. nbsp; Here is a list, I wonder which of them could be replaced through building configuration , which of them are tightly coupled with webkit and could hardly be replaced.

Re: [webkit-dev] Proposal for a new way to handle porting #ifdefs

2009-05-24 Thread sitan2006
nbsp;Well , It seems we're on thenbsp;similar problem. I posted a question in lib change questions, for I found migrating webkit on other platformnbsp; or replacing some libs is very time-costing. nbsp; So, if all the work can be fixed through building, it must be a big

[webkit-dev] Is that a bug of source-file distribution?

2009-05-20 Thread sitan2006
nbsp;Hi, guys. nbsp; I noticed the jsc project will execute the following nbsp;post-build events: nbsp; === if exist $(WebKitOutputDir)\buildfailed del $(WebKitOutputDir)\buildfailed nbsp; mkdir 2NUL $(WebKitOutputDir)\bin if exist

Re: [webkit-dev] building errors about cmd.exe

2009-05-18 Thread sitan2006
if I run build-webkit again, I will get succeeded Strange! nbsp; y, I think it's strange too. I execute build-webkit, get Build: 15 succeeded, 3 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped and BUILD FAILED. Without doing anything, I execute build-webkit again, getBuild: 6 succeeded, 0 failed, 12

Re: [webkit-dev] building errors about cmd.exe

2009-05-18 Thread sitan2006
Hi, I found a new clue which I think is the answer. nbsp; In jscCommon.vsprops, some shell commands about VS' post-build event: nbsp; nbsp;Tool nbsp;nbsp;Name=VCPostBuildEventTool nbsp;nbsp;CommandLine=if exist quot;$(WebKitOutputDir)\buildfailedquot; del

[webkit-dev] building errors about cmd.exe

2009-05-17 Thread sitan2006
nbsp; nbsp;Hi, there's some errors when I built webkit on Windows following instructions on webkit.org. It seems to be something wrong with cmd.exe. I've read a lot of posts in this maillist, and found no solution for this kind of error. I post it again, hoping to move further. nbsp; Attached is