
I'm looking at linking against WebKit in my application, which is linked
against the MultiThreadedDLL CRT (i.e. dynamically linked); however WebKit
is linked against the MultiThreaded CRT (i.e. statically linked). I've
linked against previous builds with this configuration "without problems".

I've found bug https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157067 which
describe removing the /nodefaultlib for the libcmt (the MultiThreaded
static libary), but in the comments they mention an eventual transition to
the MultiThreaded CRT.

Is that time now? :-)

I've been making local changes to do this and have noticed in the cmake
files that a few of them will swap out the Debug versions of the CRT for
the release ones, is there a specific reason for that?

Additionally, relating to the /nodefaultlib directives that are present in
several build files; my understanding is that if all of the projects were
compiled against the same CRT these can be removed? From my reading of bug
157067, I believe that the nodefaultlib directives have hidden bugs in the
past, is that correct?

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