On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 6:19 PM Patrick Griffis via webkit-dev
<webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
> I'd like a position on CORB and intend to implement it in the future.
> This is already part of the Fetch Standard[0] and should be relatively
> straightforward.
> It effectively blocks cross-origin requests for resources they don't
> make sense in their context. For example an `img` element should never
> get a response that contains HTML and in that case will not return the
> HTML data. This can prevent unintentional data leaks.
> This is implemented by Chromium for years now and I don't believe will
> be invasive.
> [0] https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#corb

I'd recommend against this, for these reasons:

1. Both Chromium and Gecko are working on
https://github.com/annevk/orb as initially discussed at
https://github.com/whatwg/fetch/issues/721. When done this would
replace CORB.
2. CORB as specified in Fetch is a subset of what Chromium implements.
Various aspects, such as sniffing, are not specified.
3. What Chromium implements has also changed over time and Fetch
hasn't been updated.
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