On Tue, 29 Sep, 2015 at 16:40:53 GMT, Brent Fulgham wrote:
> We are using native CMake from the Windows command line, though I =
> believe the Cygwin version should work.
> I have a longer-term goal of being able to do development without =
> requiring Cygwin, though we are a long way from achieving that just yet.
>> On Sep 29, 2015, at 12:36 AM, youenn fablet <youe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Quick question: is CMake used from cygwin?

Just an FYI, Cygwin's CMake is intended to build Cygwin binaries, not
"native" Windows binaries. They are considered completely different
platforms (e.g., I think on Cygwin, WIN32 is not defined).

>> Also, is there a current/future Windows build efficiency benefit?

Use Ninja[1]. Be happier because now your build times areā€¦much smaller.
Or sadder if you used that time for coffee breaks ;) .


[1]Pass "-G Ninja" to CMake and use ninja[2] to build. You must run
ninja (and CMake) from a Visual Studio shell for the target compiler
though (or use vsvarsall.bat). That restriction is well worth the
performance improvement though. And if you thought moving from make ->
ninja was great, VS -> ninja is *way* better :D .

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