Hello WebKit Contributors,

You are invited to participate in a virtual WebKit Contributors Meeting hosted 
online via WebEx on Monday, September 27th from 1 PM to around 6 PM Pacific and 
Tuesday, September 28th from 8 AM to around noon Pacific.

To attend you must be an active contributor to the WebKit open-source project. 
The meeting will be free of charge, and registration will open soon.

The event will feature presentation-led discussions of 10-40 minutes long, 
followed by queue-moderated discussion. If you have a topic to present for 
discussion, please email me, or message me on WebKit Slack. There will also be 
a lightning talk segment if you have a topic you can present in less than 10 

Feel free to reach out to me with ideas or questions on this year’s online 

Thank you,
Jon Davis
webkit-dev mailing list

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