Re: [webkit-dev] ARM JIT for WinCE

2010-01-08 Thread Zoltan Herczeg

the dateProtoFuncGetTimezoneOffset does not use the argList argument,
while functionPrint does. Perhaps passing this argument is still not yet
WinCE compatible. ArgList contains a pointer to the arguments (JSValue
pointers), and the length of the arguments. This structure is 8 bytes on
32 bit machines (1 pointer, 1 int), and allocated on the stack, because
the function got a reference (pointer) to it.

Could you try the following JS code: print(a, 1, true)
The length should be 3.



 I did some further investigation today.

 I did a quick hack in the privateCompileCTIMachineTrampolines to get the
 maybe correct register values like without OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_CALL.

  move(callFrameRegister, regT0);

 +move(ARMRegisters::r2, ARMRegisters::r3);
 +move(ARMRegisters::r1, ARMRegisters::r2);
 +move(ARMRegisters::r0, ARMRegisters::r1);
 -move(stackPointerRegister, ARMRegisters::r3);
 +move(stackPointerRegister, ARMRegisters::r0);
 -call(Address(regT1, OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSFunction, m_data)));
 +call(Address(regT2, OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSFunction, m_data)));

  addPtr(Imm32(sizeof(ArgList)), stackPointerRegister);

 Now it produces the following code:

 003E01B0  mulsr0, r3, r0
 003E01B4  subsr1, r1, r0
 003E01B8  str r1, [sp]
 003E01BC  ldr r2, [r1, #-4]
 003E01C0  ldr r1, [r4, #-8]
 003E01C4  mov r0, r4
 003E01C8  mov r3, r2
 003E01CC  mov r2, r1
 003E01D0  mov r1, r0
 003E01D4  mov r0, sp
 003E01D8  mov lr, pc
 003E01DC  ldr pc, [r2, #0x1C]
 003E01E0  addssp, sp, #8
 003E01E4  ldr r3, [pc, #0x80]
 003E01E8  ldr r2, [r3]
 003E01EC  bicsr3, r2, #0
 003E01F0  bne 003E0204

 The arguments seam to be sane now in the call to
 dateProtoFuncGetTimezoneOffset, but it crashes afterwards.
 When i step through it with the debugger i get the following register
 the function finished and it jumps to 0x000139d8 instead of 0x003e01e0:
 (lr = 0x003e01e0 when i enter the function!)

 R0 = 0x182af984 R1 = 0x003f8054 R2 = 0x00601500 R3 = 0x0060
 R4 = 0x003f8054 R5 = 0x0200 R6 = 0x182af984 R7 = 0x003f8054
 R8 = 0x R9 = 0x182afbfc R10 = 0x R11 = 0x002b0370
 R12 = 0x182af8f0 Sp = 0x182af95c Lr = 0x003e01e0
 Pc = 0x000139d8 Psr = 0x201f

 I then tried to return jsNaN(exec) always. So R4 won't be used and
 prolog/epilog changed:

 00071600  mov r12, sp
 00071604  stmdb   sp!, {r0 - r3}
 00071608  stmdb   sp!, {r4, r12, lr}
 0007160C  sub sp, sp, #0x1C
 00071700  ldr r0, [sp, #8]
 00071704  add sp, sp, #0x1C
 00071708  ldmia   sp, {r4, sp, pc}

 changed to

 000734EC  mov r12, sp
 000734F0  stmdb   sp!, {r0 - r3}
 000734F4  stmdb   sp!, {r12, lr}
 000734F8  sub sp, sp, #0x1C
 000735A4  ldr r0, [sp, #8]
 000735A8  add sp, sp, #0x1C
 000735AC  ldmia   sp, {sp, pc}

 I now get following registers and it jumps to the correct address
 (0x003e01e0), but it crashes then in functionPrint.

 R0 = 0x182af984 R1 = 0x182af8f8 R2 = 0x R3 = 0x182af984
 R4 = 0x003f8080 R5 = 0x0200 R6 = 0x0060 R7 = 0x003e07c8
 R8 = 0x R9 = 0x182afbfc R10 = 0x R11 = 0x002b0370
 R12 = 0x03fc2c50 Sp = 0x182af984 Lr = 0x0001bc18
 Pc = 0x003e01e0 Psr = 0x601f

 I tried jsc.exe with the following javascript file:
 function getTimeZoneDiff() {
 return (new Date(2000, 1, 1)).getTimezoneOffset();

 This doesn't make many sense to me in the moment.

 - Patrick

webkit-dev mailing list

Re: [webkit-dev] ARM JIT for WinCE

2010-01-07 Thread Zoltan Herczeg
Hi Patrick,

hm, I feel I found something. Please have a look at
JavaScriptCore/jit/JITOpcodes.cpp : privateCompileCTIMachineTrampolines.
The second one, when JSVALUE32_64 is disabled. If JIT_OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_CALL
is enabled, a specialized code is generated to call native builtin
functions (like Date.toString). This code for arm is around line 1733.
Perhaps WinCE ABI wants the arguments in a different way than GCC. The
faulting address according to your call stack is 0x003e01d4, which is the
call(Address(regT1, OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSFunction, m_data))); macro
assembler instruction in line 1768. (Thank you for sending the instruction
dump). Please try to fix this code according to WinCE ABI, since I am not
sure JIT_OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_CALL can be disabled.


 Hi Gabor,

 Thanks for your prompt reply.

 Make sure your assembler does not break ctiVMThrowTrampoline
 and ctiOpThrowNotCaught functions. This approach requires that the
 ctiVMThrowTrampoline fall-backs to ctiOpThrowNotCaught
 after 'bl cti_vm_throw' call. Or you can simply copy the body of
 ctiOpThrowNotCaught into ctiVMThrowTrampoline after the
 I've copied it, but I think it's unnecessary (see disassembly)

 Did you do anything with DEFINE_STUB_FUNCTION macro?
 I've done it like for the RVCT compiler. (e.g. see cti_op_end in

 When I run jsc.exe tests\mozilla\ecma_2\shell.js it crashes with the
 following callstack:
 jsc.EXE!JSC::JSCell::inherits(JSC::ClassInfo* info = 0x00189818) Line:
 Byte Offsets: 0x2c
 jsc.EXE!JSC::JSValue::inherits(JSC::ClassInfo* classInfo = 0x00189818)
 345, Byte Offsets: 0x40
 jsc.EXE!JSC::dateProtoFuncGetTimezoneOffset(JSC::ExecState* exec =
 JSC::JSObject* __formal = 0x00601b40, JSC::JSValue thisValue = {...},
 JSC::ArgList __formal = {...}) Line: 764, Byte Offsets: 0x1c

 Is there a better javascript file to start with? When I enter a simple
 into the interactive jsc.exe it prints the correct result.

 Here are some parts of the disassembly:

 // Execute the code!
 inline JSValue execute(RegisterFile* registerFile, CallFrame*
 callFrame, JSGlobalData* globalData, JSValue* exception)
 000A7868  mov r12, sp
 000A786C  stmdb   sp!, {r0 - r3}
 000A7870  stmdb   sp!, {r12, lr}
 000A7874  sub sp, sp, #0x20
 callFrame, exception, Profiler::enabledProfilerReference(), globalData));
 000A7878  bl  |JSC::Profiler::enabledProfilerReference ( 1b2e0h )|
 000A787C  str r0, [sp, #0x14]
 000A7880  ldr r0, this
 000A7884  bl  |WTF::RefPtrJSC::Profile::operator- ( d2e3ch )|
 000A7888  str r0, [sp, #0x18]
 000A788C  ldr r3, globalData
 000A7890  str r3, [sp, #4]
 000A7894  ldr r3, [sp, #0x14]
 000A7898  str r3, [sp]
 000A789C  ldr r3, exception
 000A78A0  ldr r2, callFrame
 000A78A4  ldr r1, registerFile
 000A78A8  ldr r0, [sp, #0x18]
 000A78AC  bl  0014A000
 000A78B0  str r0, [sp, #0x1C]
 000A78B4  ldr r1, [sp, #0x1C]
 000A78B8  ldr r0, [sp, #0x2C]
 000A78BC  bl  |JSC::JSValue::decode ( 1b94ch )|
 000A78C0  ldr r3, [sp, #0x2C]
 000A78C4  str r3, [sp, #0x10]
 000A78C8  ldr r0, [sp, #0x10]
 000A78CC  add sp, sp, #0x20
 000A78D0  ldmia   sp, {sp, pc}


 0014A000  stmdb   sp!, {r1 - r3}
 0014A004  stmdb   sp!, {r4 - r8, lr}
 0014A008  sub sp, sp, #0x24
 0014A00C  mov r4, r2
 0014A010  mov r5, #2, 24
 0014A014  mov lr, pc
 0014A018  bx  r0// r0 = 0x003e0270
 0014A01C  add sp, sp, #0x24
 0014A020  ldmia   sp!, {r4 - r8, lr}
 0014A024  add sp, sp, #0xC
 0014A028  bx  lr
 0014A02C  mov r0, sp
 0014A030  bl  0014A6D4
 0014A034  add sp, sp, #0x24
 0014A038  ldmia   sp!, {r4 - r8, lr}
 0014A03C  add sp, sp, #0xC
 0014A040  bx  lr
 0014A044  add sp, sp, #0x24
 0014A048  ldmia   sp!, {r4 - r8, lr}
 0014A04C  add sp, sp, #0xC
 0014A050  bx  lr
 0014A054  str lr, [sp, #0x20]
 0014A058  bl  |JITStubThunked_op_convert_this ( ae718h )|
 0014A05C  ldr lr, [sp, #0x20]
 0014A060  bx  lr
 0014A064  str lr, [sp, #0x20]
 0014A068  bl  |JITStubThunked_op_end ( ae878h )|
 0014A06C  ldr lr, [sp, #0x20]
 0014A070  bx  lr


 003E017C  mov pc, r0
 003E0180  mov r0, lr
 003E0184  str r0, [r4, #-0x14]
 003E0188  ldr r1, [r4, 

Re: [webkit-dev] ARM JIT for WinCE

2010-01-07 Thread Patrick Roland Gansterer

many thanks! It works already when I disable OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_CALL (other 3 
OPTIMIZE are turned on). I think you're right with the ABI problem. Maybe you 
can help me with it too: Here are the instruction dumps with and without the 

== #define OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_CALL = 1 ==

003E0100  ldr r8, [r2, #8] 
003E0104  cmp r8, #0 
003E0108  bgt 003E012C 
003E010C  mov r7, lr 
003E0110  mov r0, sp 
003E0114  str r4, [sp, #0x40] 
003E0118  mov lr, pc 
003E011C  ldr pc, [pc, #0x128] 
003E0120  ldr r1, [sp, #0xC] 
003E0124  mov lr, r7 
003E0128  ldr r2, [r0, #0x18] 
003E012C  ldr r8, [r2, #8] 
003E0130  cmp r8, r1 
003E0134  beq 003E0160 
003E0138  mov r7, lr 
003E013C  str r7, [sp, #8] 
003E0140  mov r0, sp 
003E0144  str r4, [sp, #0x40] 
003E0148  mov lr, pc 
003E014C  ldr pc, [pc, #0x100] 
003E0150  mov r4, r1 
003E0154  ldr r1, [sp, #0xC] 
003E0158  mov lr, r7 
003E015C  ldr r2, [r0, #0x18] 
003E0160  str r1, [r4, #-0xC] 
003E0164  ldr r1, [r0, #0x1C] 
003E0168  ldr r8, [pc, #0xE8] 
003E016C  str r8, [r4, #-4] 
003E0170  str r0, [r4, #-8] 
003E0174  str r1, [r4, #-0x1C] 
003E0178  ldr r0, [r2, #0xC] 
003E017C  mov pc, r0 
003E0180  mov r0, lr 
003E0184  str r0, [r4, #-0x14] 
003E0188  ldr r1, [r4, #-0x18] 
003E018C  ldr r1, [r1, #-0x1C] 
003E0190  str r1, [r4, #-0x1C] 
003E0194  ldr r0, [r4, #-0xC] 
003E0198  subssp, sp, #8 
003E019C  subsr0, r0, #1 
003E01A0  str r0, [sp, #4] 
003E01A4  mov r1, r4 
003E01A8  subsr1, r1, #0x20 
003E01AC  mov r3, #4 
003E01B0  mulsr0, r3, r0 
003E01B4  subsr1, r1, r0 
003E01B8  str r1, [sp] 
003E01BC  ldr r2, [r1, #-4] 
003E01C0  ldr r1, [r4, #-8] 
003E01C4  mov r0, r4 
003E01C8  mov r3, sp 
003E01CC  mov lr, pc 
003E01D0  ldr pc, [r1, #0x1C] 
// R0 = 0x003f8080 R1 = 0x00601780 R2 = 0x00601760 R3 = 0x182af984
// R4 = 0x003f8080 R5 = 0x0200 R6 = 0x0060 R7 = 0x003e07b8
// R8 = 0x R9 = 0x182afbfc R10 = 0x R11 = 0x002b0370
// R12 = 0x182af8f0 Sp = 0x182af984 Lr = 0x003e01d4
// Pc = 0x00073468 Psr = 0x201f
003E01D4  addssp, sp, #8 
003E01D8  ldr r3, [pc, #0x7C] 
003E01DC  ldr r2, [r3] 
003E01E0  bicsr3, r2, #0 
003E01E4  bne 003E01F8 
003E01E8  ldr r1, [r4, #-0x14] 
003E01EC  ldr r4, [r4, #-0x18] 
003E01F0  mov lr, r1 
003E01F4  mov pc, lr 
003E01F8  ldr r1, [r4, #-0x14] 
003E01FC  ldr r2, [pc, #0x60] 
003E0200  str r1, [r2] 
003E0204  ldr r2, [pc, #0x5C] 
003E0208  ldr r4, [r4, #-0x18] 
003E020C  str r4, [sp, #0x40] 
003E0210  mov lr, r2 
003E0214  mov pc, lr 


JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL dateProtoFuncGetTimezoneOffset(ExecState* exec, 
JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList)
00073468  mov r12, sp 
0007346C  stmdb   sp!, {r0 - r3} 
00073470  stmdb   sp!, {r4, r12, lr} 
00073474  sub sp, sp, #0x1C 
if (!thisValue.inherits(DateInstance::info))
00073478  ldr r1, [pc, #0x100] 
// R0 = 0x003f8080 R1 = 0x00601780 R2 = 0x00601760 R3 = 0x182af984
// R4 = 0x003f8080 R5 = 0x0200 R6 = 0x0060 R7 = 0x003e07b8
// R8 = 0x R9 = 0x182afbfc R10 = 0x R11 = 0x002b0370
// R12 = 0x182af984 Sp = 0x182af94c Lr = 0x003e01d4 
// Pc = 0x00073478 Psr = 0x201f 
0007347C  add r0, sp, #0x34 
00073480  bl  |JSC::JSValue::inherits ( 6997ch )| 
00073484  strbr0, [sp, #0xC] 
00073488  ldrbr3, [sp, #0xC] 
0007348C  cmp r3, #0 
00073490  bne |JSC::dateProtoFuncGetTimezoneOffset + 0x54 ( 734bch )| 
return throwError(exec, TypeError);
00073494  mov r1, #5 
00073498  ldr r0, exec 
0007349C  bl  |JSC::throwError ( 5dd78h )| 
000734A0  str r0, [sp, #0x10] 
000734A4  ldr r1, [sp, #0x10] 
000734A8  ldr r0, [sp, #0x28] 
000734AC  bl  |
WTF::OwnArrayPtrJSC::Register::OwnArrayPtrJSC::Register ( 110e8h )| 
000734B0  ldr r3, [sp, #0x28] 
000734B4  str r3, [sp, #8] 
000734B8  b   |JSC::dateProtoFuncGetTimezoneOffset + 0x100 ( 73568h )| 

DateInstance* thisDateObj = asDateInstance(thisValue); 
000734BC  ldr r0, thisValue 
000734C0  bl  |JSC::asRegExpConstructor ( 697b8h )| 
000734C4  str r0, [sp, 

Re: [webkit-dev] ARM JIT for WinCE

2010-01-07 Thread Patrick Roland Gansterer

I did some further investigation today.

I did a quick hack in the privateCompileCTIMachineTrampolines to get the same 
maybe correct register values like without OPTIMIZE_NATIVE_CALL.

 move(callFrameRegister, regT0);

+move(ARMRegisters::r2, ARMRegisters::r3);
+move(ARMRegisters::r1, ARMRegisters::r2);
+move(ARMRegisters::r0, ARMRegisters::r1);
-move(stackPointerRegister, ARMRegisters::r3);
+move(stackPointerRegister, ARMRegisters::r0);
-call(Address(regT1, OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSFunction, m_data)));
+call(Address(regT2, OBJECT_OFFSETOF(JSFunction, m_data)));
 addPtr(Imm32(sizeof(ArgList)), stackPointerRegister);

Now it produces the following code:

003E01B0  mulsr0, r3, r0 
003E01B4  subsr1, r1, r0 
003E01B8  str r1, [sp] 
003E01BC  ldr r2, [r1, #-4] 
003E01C0  ldr r1, [r4, #-8] 
003E01C4  mov r0, r4 
003E01C8  mov r3, r2 
003E01CC  mov r2, r1 
003E01D0  mov r1, r0 
003E01D4  mov r0, sp 
003E01D8  mov lr, pc 
003E01DC  ldr pc, [r2, #0x1C] 
003E01E0  addssp, sp, #8 
003E01E4  ldr r3, [pc, #0x80] 
003E01E8  ldr r2, [r3] 
003E01EC  bicsr3, r2, #0 
003E01F0  bne 003E0204 

The arguments seam to be sane now in the call to 
dateProtoFuncGetTimezoneOffset, but it crashes afterwards.
When i step through it with the debugger i get the following register after 
the function finished and it jumps to 0x000139d8 instead of 0x003e01e0:
(lr = 0x003e01e0 when i enter the function!)

R0 = 0x182af984 R1 = 0x003f8054 R2 = 0x00601500 R3 = 0x0060
R4 = 0x003f8054 R5 = 0x0200 R6 = 0x182af984 R7 = 0x003f8054
R8 = 0x R9 = 0x182afbfc R10 = 0x R11 = 0x002b0370
R12 = 0x182af8f0 Sp = 0x182af95c Lr = 0x003e01e0 
Pc = 0x000139d8 Psr = 0x201f 

I then tried to return jsNaN(exec) always. So R4 won't be used and 
prolog/epilog changed:

00071600  mov r12, sp 
00071604  stmdb   sp!, {r0 - r3} 
00071608  stmdb   sp!, {r4, r12, lr} 
0007160C  sub sp, sp, #0x1C 

00071700  ldr r0, [sp, #8] 
00071704  add sp, sp, #0x1C 
00071708  ldmia   sp, {r4, sp, pc} 

changed to

000734EC  mov r12, sp 
000734F0  stmdb   sp!, {r0 - r3} 
000734F4  stmdb   sp!, {r12, lr} 
000734F8  sub sp, sp, #0x1C 

000735A4  ldr r0, [sp, #8] 
000735A8  add sp, sp, #0x1C 
000735AC  ldmia   sp, {sp, pc} 

I now get following registers and it jumps to the correct address 
(0x003e01e0), but it crashes then in functionPrint.

R0 = 0x182af984 R1 = 0x182af8f8 R2 = 0x R3 = 0x182af984
R4 = 0x003f8080 R5 = 0x0200 R6 = 0x0060 R7 = 0x003e07c8
R8 = 0x R9 = 0x182afbfc R10 = 0x R11 = 0x002b0370
R12 = 0x03fc2c50 Sp = 0x182af984 Lr = 0x0001bc18 
Pc = 0x003e01e0 Psr = 0x601f

I tried jsc.exe with the following javascript file:
function getTimeZoneDiff() { 
return (new Date(2000, 1, 1)).getTimezoneOffset();

This doesn't make many sense to me in the moment.

- Patrick
webkit-dev mailing list

[webkit-dev] ARM JIT for WinCE

2010-01-06 Thread Patrick Roland Gansterer

I'm trying to enable the JIT for CPU(ARM_TRADITIONAL)  OS(WINCE).
It already passes the RegExp-Tests with ENABLE_YARR_JIT. If i set all 
ENABLE_JIT_OPTIMIZE_* to 0 it won't compile.
MSVC supports inline assembler only for X86, so i had to provide a separate 
asm file (i copied the code from the GCC #ifdef with !JSVALUE32_64):
ctiTrampoline proc
stmdb sp!, {r1-r3}
stmdb sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
sub sp, sp, #36
mov r4, r2
mov r5, #512
mov lr, pc
mov pc, r0
add sp, sp, #36
ldmia sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
add sp, sp, #12
mov pc, lr

ctiVMThrowTrampoline proc
mov r0, sp
bl cti_vm_throw

ctiOpThrowNotCaught proc
add sp, sp, #36
ldmia sp!, {r4-r8, lr}
add sp, sp, #12
mov pc, lr

I can compile and link it without problems, but it crashes with a nullpointer 
at runtime and a strange callstack. When i use a debugger and step into 
ctiTrampoline it stops at the second stmdb because it can't find the 
sourcecode. :-/
I've done a #pragma pack(4) around the JITStackFrame.

Can somebody give me a hint where to search for the failure?

- Patrick
webkit-dev mailing list