On 9/25/14, 12:34 AM, Sergio Villar Senin wrote:
On 23/09/14 10:28, Benjamin Poulain wrote:
-Unprefix your favorite CSS property (easy to hard depending on the
What's the policy for unprefixing properties? I thought that they're
prefixed as long as the feature was experimental/under heavy
development. Has it changed? (I'm particularly interested in unprefixing
grid layout properties).
The policies have not changed.

From the data I have at the moment, I see a few reasons to keep the prefix on Grid Layout:
-It is a major feature.
-The spec is still a working draft, you are still helping the editor finishing the work. -As far as I know, nobody has shipped the unprefixed version yet, there is no urgency for compatibility.
-What IE ships is not the current spec.
-I have not seen much feedback from web developers, which is frustrating/annoying :(

Once we are fully matching the latest spec and we have outstanding test coverage, we should unprefix the feature.

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