
There will be always one commit per author.

See docs for inromation how Weblate commits:


        Michal Čihař | https://cihar.com/ | https://weblate.org/

On Fri, 2018-04-06 at 16:44 +0000, bruno.darrig...@orange.com wrote:
> Ok thanks, Michal,
> Now it works, but it works too fine :-),  is there an option
> somewhere to merge several modifications in only one commit (only
> when we push to gitlab) ? (instead of 1 commit per update)
> Thks
> Bruno
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Weblate [mailto:weblate-bounces+bruno.darrigues=orange.com@lists
> .cihar.com] De la part de Michal Cihar
> Envoyé : vendredi 6 avril 2018 16:58
> À : weblate@lists.cihar.com
> Objet : Re: [Weblate] git push invalid auth
> Hello
> For https, the example with token should work, see https://docs.webla
> te.org/en/latest/vcs.html#https-repositories
> For git, you need to use keys, see our docs:
> https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/vcs.html#ssh-repositories
> The SOCIAL_AUTH_* fields are for authentication of users in Weblate.
> -- 
>       Michal Čihař | https://cihar.com/ | https://weblate.org/
> bruno.darrig...@orange.com píše v Út 27. 03. 2018 v 10:56 +0000:
> > Hi
> >  
> > I use weblate in an local docker service but i have an issue when
> > push 
> > updates to my github repo.
> > I already tried  différents url in push repo url :
> > https://user:pasw...@github.com/brusand/project.git
> > https://user:to...@github.com/brusand/project.git
> > git:user:pasw...@github.com/brusand/project.git
> > git:user:to...@github.com/brusand/project.git
> >  
> > May I missed something ? (I use git to push updates outside of
> > weblate 
> > and works fine) Have you some samples ?
> >  
> > Best regards
> > Bruno
> >  
> >  
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