Hi all,

A while ago I wrote a script that nicely installs all the parts of a WOApp. It's been working fine for a while now so I thought I share it.

The script
- creates the log directory (but you still need to configure the woapplication to write logs to that directory.),
- makes a backup of any previous installed version of the woapplication,
- installs the application into /Library/WebObjects/Applications,
- installs the web components from within the woapplication to / Library/WebServer/Documents/WebObjects, and
- sets permissions and owner

http://web.mac.com/kib/iWeb/Site/TechBlog/83CF91ED-41D7-4429- B910-4248B1272AE2.html

Let me know what you think.


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”
- Winston Churchill
Klaus Berkling
Systems Administrator
DynEd International, Inc.
www.dyned.com | web.mac.com/kib

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