Hi everyone,

Our build system is still using ant and relies on the .classpath entries. 

I have added a couple of frameworks to our Wonder fork:

* ERLog4j1Extensions
* ERLog4j2Extensions

If I want my apps in to use the old log4j 1.2 logging library then I simply put 
a classpathentry in the .classpath for the ERLog4j1Extensions framework like 

     <classpathentry kind=“con” path=“WOFramework/ERLog4j1Extensions“>

If I want to switch to the latest log4j2 then I replace the above with an entry 
for the ERLog4j2Extensions framework like this:

<classpathentry kind=“con” path=“WOFramework/ERLog4j2Extensions“>

The problem is that I have a lot of apps that need their .classpath updated. 
And switching back and forth during my testing is a lot of .classpath that I 
need to update. I could probably write a script but I’m hoping there is an 
easier way. 

Is there a trick to make the logging framework a variable that can be set 
externally somewhere else and all the .classpath files pick it up, e.g. 
${ERLoggingFrameworkName} and without breaking Eclipse? ;-D

Thanks for any ideas
Ricardo Parada

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