The calculator example does work.  The source code is cleverly hidden at
/ADC Reference

Try that, see if it doesn't help.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Thomas B Winans
Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 7:12 PM
Subject: Calculator Web Service example - log4j/commons-logging discovery

Greetings -

I am new to Apple OS X WebObjects web services, so I will apologize  
in advance for the remedial nature of my comments.

Attached to this email please find a compressed pdf form of a stack  
trace I consistently got when attempting to invoke the simple  
Calculator Web Service. The trace indicates there is some problem  
with either log4j or commons-logging. I suspected the WebObjects  
installation and ensured I had the latest version of both log4j and  
commons-logging. Alas, the problem persisted and I continued to  
search until I determined that the problem was mine ... I found a  
rogue commons-logging.jar in my own ~/Library/java/extensions folder  
that was used when launching the WebObjects server. It was my  
impression that the script used to start the WebObjects server would  
somehow prefer the /Library/WebObjects/extensions folder over  
mine ... but it did not.

I searched through various message threads in this mail list to  
determine whether or not anyone else had determined a root cause for  
Calculator example failure. I saw lots of questions but no answers  
clear enough (in my perhaps audacious view) to help a novice, so I  
will register mine here for the record and hope it will save someone  
some time going forward.

I also see that folks have had difficulty finding source code for the  
calculator and related client. I simply cut and pasted from Apple  
documentation for the calculator and built a very simple client. I've  
attached them for your convenience here - XCode 2.2 project files.

Tom Winans

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