
1. guilhem
2. Brett
3. cloph


   + Upgraded GrimoireLab dashboard (native deployment onto a brand new Debian 9
     VM, started at LibOCon, finalized last week)
   + Based on Elastic Stack 6.1 (branch the kibiter soft-fork currently
     applies to)
     - TODO: Upgrade Pootle's Elasticsearch instance from 5.x to 6.x as well,
       to avoid supporting multiple branches simultaneously
       . cloph: not aware of incompatibilities, try on vm183
     - WARN: ← 5.6.x will be EOL'ed on
       2019-03-11; 6.1.x on 2019-06-13
   + New metrics:
     - “Git Demographics”: attraction/retention of new developers
     - “Git Areas of Code”: which part of the project is the most often
       modified, what it is (filetype), where (directory), etc.
     - “Community Structure” analysis: “onion model” analysis of
       core/regular/casual contributors, cf. Bitergia's blogpost
     - Mediawiki (pages in the default namespace only); email addresses aren't
       accessible from the API so contributors' identities are currently not
       merged with the ones from git/gerrit/bugzilla (in principle we could
       use the information from SSO to link identities)
 * gerrit:
   + Replace gitweb with gitiles?  (Less buggy, better integration with gerrit.)
       then become${REPOSITORY}/+/${COMMIT_ID}
       (can easily add rewrite rules in the reverse proxy)
     - Would also need to adapt the target for ,
       cf. rdm#2200
     - Note that gitweb and gitiles can coexist alongside
       . AI guilhem: deploy gitiles to the prod instance and post to the dev
         list, so people can object if they want to keep gitweb
   + [rdm#2090] Keep support for git:// (port 9418/tcp) but stop advertising
     git:// URLs (advertise https:// URLs instead)
     - should update lode and the wiki pages accordingly, anything else?
       . cloph: possibly also used by Jenkins
       . cloph: changing the remote scheme in lode won't affect existing
     - AI guilhem: advertise https:// in the mail to the dev list
     - FYI: proxy_{read,send}_timeout set to 2h when the User-Agent request
       header matches /^git\//, might need to update the regexp and/or the
 * System upgrades:
   + Question: status of (last Ubuntu — 14.04.5 LTS —
     box, would like to align on our current — Debian 9.4 — baseline instead)
     - cloph: it's a tinderbox, so better install CentOS and not Debian
     - TODO: get contact info and sync with someone there to deploy a new
       installation media
   + Question: decommission and shutdown (recycle?) vm169?  isn't pootle's
     stage instance on vm183?
     - cloph: OK to decommission (shutdown and remove from salt), but keep the
       disk image and don't recycle the IP
   + Since the last call: vm145 (CI) upgraded to Stretch; vm167 (dashboard)
     decommissioned and replaced with vm213
   + 30 boxes still on Debian Jessie (22 prod boxes incl. 3 hypervisors), need
     to be updated before the end of year ideally
 * Use Matomo's server-side API to collect metrics on the update check (and
   also downloads?)
   + cloph: can map system info (platform, version, etc.) to virtual page
     hierarchy as piwik deals with that natively; can update two counters to
     break down the tree structure
   + alternatively, can use the "custom dimensions" plugin
   + need to put some thought about visualization and report creation
   + Guilhem: would be nice to have that in place before the end of the year 
(or at least before FOSDEM)
   + AI guilhem: grant Brett access to the update check box and Piwik
 * [rdm#2555] "replace Google Custom Search by another un-branded search"
 * Next call: Tuesday November 20 2018 at 18:30 Berlin time (17:30 UTC).
   ↑ Note, next month Berlin time is CET not CEST!


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