On Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 11:10:20 PM UTC-5, Leon Lessing wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I got this working via rflink, I am using the .deb installation file. 
> (ubuntu 16.04)
> Couple of things I found.
> 1. Editing /etc/weewx/weewx.conf directly does not affect the 
> configuration, you have to use dpkg-reconfigure.
> 2. adding an extra device driver can be a challenge.

generally speaking it is easier to develop drivers or other weewx 
extensions with a setup.py installation, not a deb or rpm installation.  
that way you avoid the root ownership issues.

you can reconfigure weewx by using the wee_config and wee_extension 
commands.  dpkg-reconfigure is only necessary if you want to re-run the 
debian-ized options - those apply only to the drivers that are distributed 
with weewx.  weewx now supports so many different types of hardware that we 
have had to be selective about which drivers are in the core distribution.


> Link to the device
> http://www.misolie.net/misol-1-set-of-spare-part-outdoor-unit-for-professional-wireless-weather-station-p-495.html
> I created a new driver called DKW2012, specifically for interfacing to the 
> rflink proxy.
> This is what the string looks like from rflinkproxy
> 20;29;DKW2012;ID=0066;TEMP=00c2;HUM=44;WINSP=0018;WINGS=0025;RAIN=0066;WINDIR=0000;BAT=OK;
> I panelbeated the dpkg files so dpkg-reconfigure does work.
> I need to fix the usb/serial option to rflink
> I have 2 questions:
> Who can I send my python code to for a peer review?

create a project for your code, say 'weewx-dkw2012' in a place where others 
can review.  you can do this on github or any other code repository.

then make an announcement about it here.

once you get it to a point where you are happy with its stability, make an 
announcement in the weewx user group.

> I want to add the bmp280 pressure sensor to it for a raspberry pi 
> installation, do I do another driver or add this as an option to the 
> current driver?

the easiest thing to do is simply post the single .py file that contains 
your driver.

however, please consider packaging your driver as an extension. then anyone 
can easily install/remove it using the wee_extension command and configure 
it using the wee_config command.

for examples, see the wiki.  in particular, take a look at the weewx-twi or 
weewx-wxt5x0 drivers:



they are very simple and show the things you need to do to package a driver 
as a weewx extension.


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