My Rpi with weewx has been running very successfully for many 
years.....until we had a power failure recently. I can still get into my 
Rpi from my desktop and see that it is running....but nothing is been 
updating on my website. It is still stuck at the time the power came back 
on. I suppose it could be the battery on the external weather station but 
that was changed recently and it the signal strength on the last webpage is 
not showing any problem. When I look at the log, I get a stream of these. 

Apr 13 12:25:28 WeatherPi dhcpcd[349]: wlan0: Router Advertisement from 
Apr 13 12:25:28 WeatherPi dhcpcd[349]: wlan0: soliciting a DHCPv6 lease

Can somebody who knows more about these things than me, please tell me what 
is going on and how I can sort this out,

Thanks in anticipation.

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