I am coming back to your first message of this discussion since  it seems 
that you are trying to use the weewx Vantage driver to connect to a 
Weatherlink Live.
The communication protocol of the Weatherlink Live is completely different 
of the one used by VP2 or Vantage Vue + datalogger., and the built-in 
Vantage driver will not work with a Weatherlink Live.

If you want weewx to capture data from the Weatherlink Live, you will have 
to use one of the available third-party weewx driver specifically written 
for the Weatherlink Live . See https://github.com/weewx/weewx/wiki/#drivers
Le dimanche 21 janvier 2024 à 22:13:44 UTC+1, Ed Surowiec a écrit :

> I am having trouble getting weewx to connect to my WeatherLink Live 
> ethernet box.  I am able to connect to the WeatherLink Live using a browser 
> and also using netcat to port 22222 from the raspberry pi I have weewx 
> installed on.  Here is the error.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Jan 21 13:51:26 rpi-blue weewxd[12964]: INFO weewx.engine: Loading station 
> type Vantage (weewx.drivers.vantage)
> Jan 21 13:51:26 rpi-blue weewxd[12964]: ERROR weewx.drivers.vantage: 
> Socket error while opening port 22222 to ethernet host
> Jan 21 13:51:26 rpi-blue weewxd[12964]: ERROR weewx.engine: Import of 
> driver failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused (<class 'weewx.WeeWxIOError'>)
> I am able to connect to weatherlink live box using the link 
> and see data in my browser.
> I can also connect to the weatherlink live with netcat from the raspberry 
> pi that I have weewx installed on.
> *pi@rpi-blue*:*~ $* nc -nvulp 22222
> Bound on 22222
> Connection received on 43539
> {"did":"001D0A712868","ts":1705869635,"conditions":[{"lsid":326721,"data_structure_type":1,"txid":1,"wind_speed_last":4.00,"wind_dir_last":207,"rain_size":1,"rain_rate_last":0,"rain_15_min":0,"rain_60_min":0,"rain_24_hr":28,"rain_storm":28,"rain_storm_start_at":1705832820,"rainfall_daily":28,"rainfall_monthly":54,"rainfall_year":54,"wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":10.00,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":244}]}^C
> My weewx.config contains the following:
> ##############################################################################
> [Vantage]
>     # This section is for the Davis Vantage series of weather stations.
>     # Connection type: serial or ethernet 
>     #  serial (the classic VantagePro)
>     #  ethernet (the WeatherLinkIP or Serial-Ethernet bridge)
>        type = ethernet
>     # If the connection type is serial, a port must be specified:
>     #   Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, and SuSE:
>     #     /dev/ttyUSB0 is a common USB port name
>     #     /dev/ttyS0   is a common serial port name
>     #   BSD:
>     #     /dev/cuaU0   is a common serial port name
>     port = /dev/ttyUSB0
>     # If the connection type is ethernet, an IP Address/hostname is 
> required:
>        host =
>     ######################################################
>     # The rest of this section rarely needs any attention. 
>     # You can safely leave it "as is."
>     ######################################################
>     # Serial baud rate (usually 19200)
>     baudrate = 19200
>     # TCP port (when using the WeatherLinkIP)
>     tcp_port = 22222
>     # TCP send delay (when using the WeatherLinkIP):
>     tcp_send_delay = 0.5
>     # The type of LOOP packet to request: 1 = LOOP1; 2 = LOOP2; 3 = both
>     loop_request = 1
>     # The id of your ISS station (usually 1). If you use a wind meter 
> connected
>     # to a anemometer transmitter kit, use its id
>     iss_id = 1
>     # How long to wait for a response from the station before giving up (in
>     # seconds; must be greater than 2)
>     timeout = 4
>     # How long to wait before trying again (in seconds)
>     wait_before_retry = 1.2
>     # How many times to try before giving up:
>     max_tries = 4
>     # Vantage model Type: 1 = Vantage Pro; 2 = Vantage Pro2
>     model_type = 2
>     # The driver to use:
>     driver = weewx.drivers.vantage
> ##############################################################################

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