Yes, it's possible. 
2024-01-19 18:27:35 weewxd[5855] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 seconds
2024-01-19 18:27:35 weewxd[5855] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 seconds
LOOP:   2024-01-19 18:27:35 CET (1705685255) 'altimeter': 
'1023.2565915245989', 'appTemp': '-4.6378894597484965', 'barometer': 
'1026.3446847507096', 'cloudbase': '972.4294835518078', 'dateTime': 
'1705685255', 'daymaxwind': '2.1', 'dayRain': '4.7', 'dewpoint': 
'-6.267050581532717', 'ET': 'None', 'extraHumid6': '62', 'extraHumid7': 
'61', 'extraHumid8': '58', 'extraTemp6': '14.8', 'extraTemp7': '19.9', 
'extraTemp8': '20.6', 'heatindex': '-1.9000000000000008', 'humidex': 
'-1.9', 'inDewpoint': '12.462345522375951', 'inHumidity': '60', 'inTemp': 
'20.5', 'lightning_distance': 'None', 'lightning_last_det_time': 
'1705345360', 'lightning_strike_count': '0', 'lightningcount': '0', 
'luminosity': '0.0', 'maxSolarRad': '0.0', 'monthRain': '50.4', 
'outHumidity': '72', 'outTemp': '-1.9', 'p_dayRain': '0.0', 'p_monthRain': 
'26.5', 'p_rain': '0.0', 'p_rainRate': '0.0', 'p_stormRain': '0.0', 
'p_weekRain': '11.8', 'p_yearRain': '26.5', 'pressure': '971.0', 
'radiation': '0.0', 'rain': '0.0', 'rainRate': '0.0', 'relbarometer': 
'1023.8', 'stormRain': '0.0', 'usUnits': '17', 'UV': '0', 'uvradiation': 
'0.0', 'weekRain': '15.2', 'wh31_ch6_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch6_sig': '4', 
'wh31_ch7_batt': '0', 'wh31_ch7_sig': '4', 'wh31_ch8_batt': '0', 
'wh31_ch8_sig': '4', 'wh32_batt': '0', 'wh32_sig': '4', 'wh40_batt': 
'1.45', 'wh40_sig': '4', 'wh57_batt': '5', 'wh57_sig': '4', 'windchill': 
'-1.9000000000000008', 'windDir': 'None', 'windGust': '1.3', 'windrun': 
'None', 'windSpeed': '0.0', 'ws90_batt': '3.28', 'ws90_sig': '4', 
'yearRain': '50.4'

But why would anybody want to do this? I have two GW2000 devices and want 
to store and show data of as many of my sensor possible in a single weewx 
instance. Yet configuring the driver both, as driver and a service at the 
same time, seems to work as I hoped at least foor LOOP: two device queries, 
on LOOP data.

The question now: is it possible to configure the driver/service in a way, 
they uses their own ip_address and is it possible to map the Wind/Dir/Gust 
of the WS90 bound to the one GW2000, to e.g. 
us_windSpeed/us_windDir/us_windGust (us for ultrasonic) just like p_rain 
for the haptic array?

Or isn't this possible and do I have to combine the Interceptor driver with 
the Ecowitt Gateway Driver, one as a service, the other as a Driver to 
achieve this? If yes, how could this be possible, I tried it with 
Interceptor as a driver and Ecowitt Gateway Driver as a Service and get not 
device data:
2024-01-19 18:46:59 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
2024-01-19 18:47:07 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
2024-01-19 18:47:09 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
2024-01-19 18:47:16 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
2024-01-19 18:47:19 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
2024-01-19 18:47:25 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
2024-01-19 18:47:29 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
2024-01-19 18:47:34 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
2024-01-19 18:47:39 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue
2024-01-19 18:47:43 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.gw1000: Next update in 9 
2024-01-19 18:47:49 weewxd[13771] DEBUG user.interceptor: empty queue

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