Everything worked fine until I did the upgrade.

I guess something has changed in the way XTypes are handled?

*This is the code I use in extensions.py:*

#    Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Tom Keffer <tkef...@gmail.com>
#    See the file LICENSE.txt for your full rights.

"""User extensions module

This module is imported from the main executable, so anything put here will 
executed before anything else happens. This makes it a good place to put 

import locale
# This will use the locale specified by the environment variable 'LANG'
# Other options are possible. See:
# http://docs.python.org/2/library/locale.html#locale.setlocale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

import user.lowest_temperature
import weewx.xtypes


*This is the code in lowest_temperature.py:*

import weewx.units
import weewx.xtypes
from weewx.units import ValueTuple

class LowestTemperature(weewx.xtypes.XType):

  def get_scalar(self, obs_type, record, dbmanager):
    """Determine which sensor has lowest temperature."""
    if obs_type != 'lowTemperature':
      raise weewx.UnknownType
      record_us = weewx.units.to_US(record)
      if record_us['outTemp'] == None or record_us['extraTemp1'] == None:
      # if record_us['outTemp'] < 100 or record_us['extraTemp1'] < 100:
        raise TypeError("Temperature(s) equal to None")
      if record_us['outTemp'] <= record_us['extraTemp1']:
        lowTemperature = record_us['outTemp']
        lowTemperature = record_us['extraTemp1']
      return ValueTuple(lowTemperature, "degree_F", "group_temperature")
    except KeyError:
      # Don't have everything we need. Raise an exception.
      raise weewx.CannotCalculate(obs_type)
  def get_series(self, obs_type, timespan, db_manager, aggregate_type=None, 
    if obs_type != 'lowTemperature':
      raise weewx.UnknownType
    start_vec = list()
    stop_vec = list()
    data_vec = list()
    if aggregate_type:
      raise weewx.UnknownAggregation(aggregate_type)
    for record in db_manager.genSql("SELECT `dateTime`, `interval`, 
`usUnits`, `outTemp`, `extraTemp1` FROM `archive` WHERE `dateTime` > 
%(start)s AND `dateTime` <= %(stop)s;" % {'start': timespan[0], 'stop': 
      if (record[2] != 1):
        raise weewx.CannotCalculate("units are not US")
      if record[3] == None or record[4] == None:
      # if record[3] < 100 or record[4] < 100:
        raise TypeError("Temperature(s) equal to None") 
      start_vec.append(record[0] - record[1] * 60)
      if record[3] <= record[4]:
    return (ValueTuple(start_vec, 'unix_epoch', 'group_time'), 
ValueTuple(stop_vec, 'unix_epoch', 'group_time'), ValueTuple(data_vec, 
"degree_F", "group_temperature"))

Do I need to rewrite all code?

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