I set up a WeatherFlow station per their instructions, and it is feeding 
correct data to their app. I installed the weatherflowudp extension (using 
a Pi3), and wee_extension --list shows Version 1.03 as installed. There is 
a file weatherflowudp.py in /usr/share/wewx/user. I edited the 
/etc/weewx/weewx.conf as so:

# Set to type of station hardware. There must be a corresponding stanza
    # in this file with a 'driver' parameter indicating the driver to be 
    # station_type = Simulator
    station_type = WeatherFlowUDP

    driver = user.weatherflowudp
    log_raw_packets = False
    udp_address = <broadcast>
    # udp_address =
    # udp_address =
    udp_port = 50222
    udp_timeout = 90
    share_socket = False
        outTemp = air_temperature.AR-00004444.obs_air
        outHumidity = relative_humidity.AR-00004444.obs_air
        pressure = station_pressure.AR-00004444.obs_air
        # lightning_strikes =  lightning_strike_count.AR-00004444.obs_air
        # avg_distance =  lightning_strike_avg_distance.AR-00004444.obs_air
        outTempBatteryStatus = battery.AR-00004444.obs_air
        windSpeed = wind_speed.SK-00001234.rapid_wind
        windDir = wind_direction.SK-00001234.rapid_wind
        # lux = illuminance.SK-00001234.obs_sky
        UV = uv.SK-00001234.obs_sky
        rain = rain_accumulated.SK-00001234.obs_sky
        windBatteryStatus = battery.SK-00001234.obs_sky
        radiation = solar_radiation.SK-00001234.obs_sky
# lightningYYY = distance.AR-00004444.evt_strike
# lightningZZZ = energy.AR-00004444.evt_strike

Yet when I start weewx, it still shows the simulator. The page is available 
at millennialhouse.mynetgear.com/weewx/ for viewing.
The file at /var/log/syslog shows the weewx in listening for UDP at 
<broadcast> on port 50222, but times out.
What have I neglected to do? Thanks for help.

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