Hi, first time poster here...

I'm trying to integrate the values from my new Airthings Wave Plus air 
quality monitor.

Some background info: On an RPi 3+, I'm using rtl_433 to grab Acurite 
outdoor sensor values via RF and airthings-mqqt-ha to grab Airthings values 
via Bluetooth and send MQTT messages which are being caught by the 
MQTTSubscribe driver. I'm using the noewx-material skin to do the HTML 
generation.  I used to have a BME280 sensor on the GPIO bus to provide 
inside temperature, humidity and pressure and have successfully displaced 
that with the like values from the Airthings.

Now I want to integrate the other three sensor values: CO2, Radon and VOC.

I saw that Weeex has an appropriate co2 member with the right ppm 
unit/label and when I added the stanza to the MQTTSubcribe section and the 
neowx-material skin.conf values_order and chart_order strings I get the co2 
ppm value on the web page. [MQTTSubscribe didn't like 'units = ppm' but 
letting it default to float works OK.]

Now I want to do the same for Radon (unit Bq) and VOC (unit ppb). 

There aren't obvious specific places to pass through these values so how 
can I use some of the large number of unused sensor names to put these to 
values in and configure the neowx-material skin to get them onto the page 
with the right label and unit?


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