Hi all,

It's taken me some time to get there, but here are my notes on the
cobranging discussion during the summit.

The discussion covered two topics:

1. Co-branding and configurability
2. SIP abstraction

The people at the session all stated what they were hoping to cover in
the discussion and see happen afterwards - in no particular order:

* GUI customisation
 - Change title, logo, name, menus, translations
* Connect to any SIP provider
 - Want a place to specify SIP configuration
 - Want a config file per SIP platform for easy configuration
* Connect any SIP user from the Wengophone
* Skinning
* Make sure that any design allows someone to download the software and
get started easily with VoIP even if they don't have an account
* Ensure that OpenWengo gets credited in branded versions
* Avoid heavy branding if possible


1. A config file format for all of the SIP parameters to use with the
 - Externalisation of all the URLs in the interface
 - Change strings in the interface
 - Handle branding in translation (avoid using Wengo/OpenWengo in
translated strings)

If a platform config file is present, then connect automatically to the
specified platform

2. If no config file is present, pop up a dialog for the user to
 (a) create an account with a preferred provider
 (b) Register an existing SIP account -> Advanced config for the platform

Need to think about phishing
Combo with possible providers? Package config files for all known providers?

3. Even if the user has a preferred provider specified on install, he
must be able to specify a different account & provider

Handling SSO:

What do we do for SSO? Is there a way to abstract SSO and allow other
provider to provide their own?

URLs & translations:

* Identify all constant URLs in code, replace them with symbolic names &
move the URLs to a config file
* Identify all references to Wengo in translatable strings, and come up
with a strategy for changing them
* Think about username/email - possibility to have it specified by the
provider in a config file

Use cases

Telecoms vendor -> wants to ship clients software that they can fire &
forget - automatically connects to right server

OpenWengo user -> Download, sign up, make calls, message buddies

OpenWengo (existing SIP user) -> Download, configure SIP account,
connect to server

All users should be able to connect to any other SIP user. Figure out ow
to integrate presence & search across different platforms.

Overall, lots of good ideas came out of the session, and hopefully the
design of the SIP abstraction (which is in progress) will reflect the
priorities people expressed.


Dave Neary
OpenWengo Community Development Manager

Wengophone-devel mailing list

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