Hello Brothers and sisters, I will try to  very brief.
While bother Obetia may be rightly worried about the name thing......?
If I remeber correctly, Fr. Rufino raised the question of "who are we".
Correct me if I am wrong.
The question arose out of how do we present the
ideas/suggestions/recommendations we have been raising in regards to:
a) Poor performance in schools
b) Closing of school in Koboko
c) Barifa Issue
d) Poverty and High unemployement

The challenge we have is:
i) who should receive the points we have raised?
ii) what authority do we have to raise these issues? who are we anyway?
iii) If we do not have any kind of authority, will these ideas be accepted
by the respective authorities in the region?

I remember one of the team  membes had suggested disseminating the summary
points to radio stations. The consus was we should hold off until we are
better organized.

>From this point,Mr Andema proposed a name " West Nile Global Forum..........

For our disccusion I posted the topic "Who we are? orbetter " Who are we?

If we have difficulty in coming to a conclusion, why  don;t we form an AD
HOC COMMITTE to look into this?

I have no doubts that WestNile Net is an excellent medium of communication
for all of us. By no means should anyone attempt to pull people away for
his/her self interest. This is "a micro parliament" where we should cherish
our intellectual wealth,wisdom and diversity of ideas.

John J Avudria
WestNileNet mailing list
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