On 18 Apr 2006, at 16:58, Derek Parnell wrote concerning:
Windows Title Bar

> I'd like to be able to exactly specify the title that appears on the 
> console title bar (Windows environment of course). Current the application 
> uses
> the URL that is being got but I'd like to specify it myself. Is there a way to
> do this now or does this have to be an enhancement?
> Something like ...
>   wget --title="News Server #1" http://www.etc.com/latest_news.html
> So that "News Server #1" appears as the console title rather than the URL 
> (or its possible redirect).

Doesn't work.
I also tried:

wget -e --title="test" url
wget -title="test" url
and a mess of other various syntax. Most of the error msgs are of the
"wget: unrecognized option......" form.

listed no titlebar options. Unfortunately, 
was pretty much a blank page, with no help files at all.


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