Assuming that is round-robined to a bunch
of machines, but I only want to use some of them and not others
(e.g. because some are close to me or fast and others not), it
would be very useful to have an option to overide the results
of gethostbyname and define the IP-addresses to be used. Like
wget --use-ips

Root can do that by messing up /etc/hosts, but non-root users
can't. And using 'wget <IP-address>/' doesn't work with virtual
servers because they expect a particular fqdn in the request.
For some round-robined world-wide-mirrored sites, like some
distibution mirrors, 'wget fqdn' can get you downloading stuff
from the other end of the world while there is a fast mirror
next door to you.

Thus, RFE.


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