
I encountered a problem on Win XP when I want to use -m option with wget.
The command looks like this : wget -m -nH -nv -o wget.log --cut-dirs=1 --progress=bar http://IP_ADDRESS:8014/VIRTUAL_DIR

Directory structure on server looks something like this and inside every directory there is one or more files:
|- DIR1
| |-DIR12
| |-DIR123
| |-DIR1234
| |-DIR12345
|- DIR2

When I call command for the first time, wget creates all directories and I get all the files that are inside those directories.
If I add or change a file in directory DIR12 for example, the command retrieves new/changed file.
BUT if I change or add a file in DIR12345, the file is not copied from server. And in the log file there is no record of wget trying to access that directory.
Last scanned directory is DIR1234.

If I run that same command on linux machine it works well.
I even tried to run it on XP under cygwin and it works.

I tried to change command to use -l option and it still doesn't work.

If someone could give me any idea what is going on I would be very grateful.


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