Robots = off directive

2004-02-16 Thread chatiman
Hello, I'm trying to download a robots.txt protexted directory and I'm having the following problem: - wget downloads the files but delete them after they are downloaded with the following :message (translated from french): Destroyed file because it must be rejected How can I prevent this ?

skip robots

2004-02-04 Thread chatiman
I onced used the skip robots directive in the wgetrc file. But I can't find it anymore in wget 1.9.1 documentation. Did it disapeared from the doc or from the program ? Please answer me, as I'm not subscribed to this list

Strange behavior

2004-02-04 Thread chatiman
I'm trying to download a directory recursively with wget -rL http://site/dir/script.php wget retrieves all the pages looking like http://site/dir/script.php?param1=value1 but not the following : http://site/dir/script.php?param1=value1page=pageno What's wrong ? Please reply me directly as I'm